Meeting Minutes 2008
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Meeting Minutes January 14, 2008

Came to order at 6:40 pm.

Attendance: Beth Coffey-Curle, Vicki Cliff, Cindy Hoonhout, Michele Ting, Mary Anne Christiansen. Absent: Joan Wright & Victoria Myer.

2008 Board
There was much discussion about the 2008 BOD and Board positions. A tentative Board was established but it was agreed that the final Board needed to be agreed upon by all Board members and therefore nothing would be posted yet.

There was also discussion about increasing member participation. It was agreed that we would create "assistant" positions to allow new potential Board members the opportunity to shadow current members.

February Meeting
The February BOD meeting will be held at L'uva Bella Wine Gallery on February 12th at 6:30pm. This will be a Board only meeting. It was agreed by all that the club would purchase a gift of wine for Ken Cliff for all of his help with the chapter.

SNC Show Season
Cindy stated she would like to be the manager of both of the 3-star SNC shows.

TD training was discussed as well as the idea of SNC covering a portion of the TD training for SNC members. Details were not discussed at this time. TD's are set for the 2008 SNC shows.


It was agreed by all present that the 2008 newsletter would be a quarterly newsletter rather than monthly.

Treasurer Report:
Cindy presented treasury figures. The Silent auction proceeds were around $1500.

Adult Amateur Clinic:
The clinician is Rachael Saavedra. The organizer is Bobby Keville. Interested SNC members must submit their name to the chapter chair and names will be drawn from a hat. Selection criteria will be the same as 2007.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm.


Meeting Minutes February 12th, 2008

Attendance: Joan Wright, Beth Coffey-Curle, Vicki Cliff, Cindy Hoonhout, Michele Ting, Holly McGee, Hillary Flemming, Stacee Collier, Tish Hickstead. Absent: Mary Anne Christiansen & Victoria Myer .

Beth discussed the transition to getting new Board members involved via "appointed positions".

Election of Board of Directors:

2008 Shows

The judge and volunteers are pretty well set for the April show. Awards still need to be addressed. Everyone agreed that we would send back the ribbons we have (labelled DITS) for SNC ribbons so that we could use up the ribbons we have. Next year we will purchase a higher quality ribbon that we will use for all shows.

Cindy, Stacee, and Vicki will look into purchasing prizes for the 2008 shows. We currently have 1-whip, 6-sunglasses, 11-watches, 1-set coffee canisters, and 2-wine glasses. Mugs and wine glasses were suggested as award ideas.

Rather than awarding high point ribbon yokes this year we agreed that we would like to purchase one very nice high point yoke and the high point winners would be photographed by Donna with the yoke in place. The print would be a 5x7 print and this would be the award. Beth stated that she would talk to Donna to see if this was a possiblity.

The April Show entry forms and Prize list will be posted soon. Entries open March 1st and close April 17th.

The April show will have 6 high point awards.


The show will be at Franktown and the clinic will be the at Meadowview the Monday following the show. The clinic is tentatively full.

August Show

The show will be at Meadowview and the clinic will be at Equest Training Center the Monday following the show. The clinic is tentatively full.

Amatuer Clinic

The Amateur clinic will be from May 1st through May 4th at Rachael Saavedra's facility. We will post an announcement to the group for interested members. Names must be submitted to Beth and will be pulled from a hat at the next meeting. Members must be SNC members and the member who went the previous year will not be eligible to go this year.

Junior Education Funds

Troy will be using the funds he received last year for the Conrad Shumaker clinic, this year. He was unable to attend last year. Cindy mentioned that this should be presented to the club as well so that members knew the funds were available and how they were disbursed.

UNR Equestrian Team Fundraiser

Joan suggested the SNC chapter donated $100 to the UNR Equestrian Team. This was agreed upon by everyone.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00pm.


Meeting Minutes March 11th, 2008

Attendance: Beth, Tish, Vicki, Cindy, Joan, Stacee, Holly, Hilary, Mary Anne

Missing: Michele & Victoria

AA Clinic Selection:

Joan Wright's name was pulled from the top hat; Charlotte Jorst is the runner-up rider should Joan not be able to fulfill her riding duties at the AA clinic May 1-4, 2008.

SNC Awards Committee Report:

This has been tabled until April. Cindy and Stacee will email the SNC board with what they find this month as possible awards and will give us their recommendations.

High Point Awards at SNC shows: (carry over from the Feb meeting...seeking clarification) The decision is that we will purchase one very fancy high point neck yoke and use it for the photos. Donna Bulick will be contracted to take the high point photo at each show.

Sierra Feed will sponsor the Junior Ribbons. It was suggested that Sierra Feed's name be on the ribbon as the program sponsor.

April Show:

Junior Champs $$ Request.

We agreed to send CDS $1 per current SNC member for the Jr Champs sponsorship fund. It was $103.

Treasurer's Report:

We have $5751.43 in the account. We netted approximately $300 last year which means all of our activities paid for themselves which is always our goal.

May Show:

UNR is hosting a *CDS show on Saturday, May 17th. David Schmutz (sp?) "R" is the judge. He is clinicing on Sunday, May 18th. All interested parties should contact Linda V. at the UNR stables for more information. We believe UNR will pay the $75 non-profit show fee to have times and results posted on the website.

SNC Policy Change:

The SNC Award Program has been modified to read: "...# scores at a minimum of 2 SNC shows and other local shows within 50 miles of Carson City zip code 89702 at a level from 2 different judges..."

Local non-SNC Recogniction Show fee:

Local shows are asking to be recognized by SNC for the Annual SNC Awards program. A $75 recognition fee will need to be paid by any local show interested in being recognized as part of the SNC Award program.

The show must submit all results electronically within 10 days from the date of the show to SNC in order for the show to be recognized. Beth will write a letter to all of the local show venues inviting them to be recognized within the SNC Award program.

Update email addresses for the SNC Board email group:

Stacee Collier should be:

Joan Wright should have 2 emails, her work email and her personal email. Her personal email is:

Next meeting:

April 9th, 6:30 Wednesday, at Holly McGee's.

Ammended Minutes March 18th, 2008

In order to clarify the SNC awards rule changes there was a vote by the Board via email to change the SNC awards policy. Non-SNC CDS or CDS, USEF, USDF recognized shows residing within a 50 mile radius of Carson City zip code 89702 may pay a $75 recognition fee and the show results will count towards the SNC annual award program. The competitor still must participate in a minimum of two SNC recognized shows and receive scores from 2 different judges.


Meeting Minutes April 9, 2008

Attendance: Beth, Michele, Vicki, Cindy, Stacee, Holly, Hilary, Mary Anne, Victoria

Missing: Tish & Joan

April Show

Avalon has asked to borrow the arena for their shows. The usual non profit fee for arena rental is $75 and for profit $300. A motion was made and seconded that this rule be ammended to say that use of the dressage arena by an active Board member will be $75 and the year following their term will be $75 as well. This was a unanimous vote by all. Avalon's fee will be $75.

Beth announced that FTM wants SNC recognition at their June show. They have sent in a check for $75.


August Show

Awards will be from Chasima Ridge. Ideas were discussed briefly and a catalog was passed around.

Education Committee and funds

Needs: Criteria to qualify for money and rules for spending. Money is for Open, A/A and Jr's. Mac, Cindy, Vicki, Hilary and Holly will work on this project and have something to present by June.

CDS Plaques

Plaques were passed out to those present. Plaques will also be at the April show for pick up.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm




Meeting Minutes June 12, 2008

Attendance: Beth, Michele, Cindy, Stacee, Holly, Hilary, Mary Anne, Joan

Missing: Tish & Vicki

Change to Board

Victoria announced her resignation from the Education post of the SNC Board on May 22nd, 2008 due to time constraints. She has agreed to continue to handle the sponsorships for DITS this year.

Membership Educational Opportunity Fund

Dressage in the Sierra

Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm


Meeting Minutes July 9, 2008

Attendance: Michele, Joan, Vicki, Cindy, Stacee, Holly, Hilary, Mary Anne.

Missing: Tish & Beth

This meeting was a wrap up for Dressage in the Sierra. Show details were discussed and ironed out.

Sierra Feed and Equest Training Center again offered to sponsor the hospitality tent in the am as well as the wine tasting event Saturday afternoon.

Skagen has once again provided prizes as have Cindy Hoonhout and Sierra Feed.

Volunteer jobs were discussed and organized.

The meeting adjourned at 1930.


The August meeting was a group clean out of the SNC storage facility on Zollezi. All board members attended.


September 10, 2008

Attendance: Beth, Michele, Joan, Cindy, Stacee, Jennifer, Jacqueline, and Madora.

Missing: Tish, Vicki, Mac, Hilary, Holly

2009 Calendar Review

Beth announced that all CDS Chapters were looking at ways to make shows more affordable.

Expenses include:

Possible ways to cut expenses were discussed.

2009 Show details

All 2009 shows will be 3-star shows. Beth announced that we need new Td's and that Bobby Keville would be asked to Td.

It was decided that we would like to continue to have Connie manage our show scheduling next year.

Education Review

Beth announced that both the Donna Richardson and Lilo Fore clinics were well received. Faith Fesseden has offered to do a breed clinic for 2009 and everyone thought this was a great idea. It was announced that Hilary has volunteered to be in charge of Education for 2009.

2009 Board of Directors ~ Slate

Cindy will work on including a ballot in tne newsletter.

Holiday Party 2008

It was decided that we would put out an annoucement asking if a member would like to host their home or barn for the holiday party this year. The host can pick the date. Year end awards would be announced at the party.

Treasurers Report was discussed including our current financial standings. We are going into 2009 in the black.

Meeting adjourned at 830pm.




Attendance: Beth, Michele, Joan, Cindy, Stacee, Holly, Hilary, Jacqueline, and Madora.

Missing: Tish, Vicki, Mac

Beth announced that she had looked into using Maplewood for the Aug. dressage show. Maplewood typically has very high facility use fees. Beth spoke with Maggie and discussed with her that the club is only willing to pay what we have been paying to other facilities for day use fees. We are waiting to hear back from Maggie as to whether or not this would be agreeable.

It was announced that we have Td's for both the April and July shows. We are still needing someone for the August show and Mac is working on this.

New for 2009: Intro tests will be on the prize lists for all our shows in 2009. We will also have "Young Horse" classes and an Equitation class.

The SNC awards have been figured and it was agreed that we would use Sierra Feed gift certificates as awards this year.

The meeting adjourned at 7:30pm