Meeting Minutes 2010
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Meeting Minutes January 13, 2010

Came to order at 6:30 pm.

Attendance: Beth C., Michele T., Joan W., Hilari F., Stacee C., Holly M., Madora D., Marlene Y.

Absent: Jacqueline L., Mary Anne C.

2010 Board of Directors

The 2010 BOD was established and is as follows:

Treasurers Report

Joan reported that the year end total for 2009 was (positive) $5,494.53. There were still some checks written for 2009 expenses that hadnt gone through yet. The good news was that we are more positive than we were last year and meets our goal of keeping a positive balance and cushion coming into the new year. All of the 2009 shows made money, even the Pumpkin Roll show that SNC hosted in 2009.

Annual Meeting

Stacee will be the SNC representative at the Annual Meeting this year and has put together the basket for the chapter with donations from Board and chapter members.

A/A Clinic

The 2010 A/A Clinic will be May 6th-9th in Santa Rosa. The clinician is Debbie McDonald. It was decided that an announcement about the clinic will go out to the group with names of interested SNC members being submitted to Hilari. At the February meeting, the names of interested amateur SNC members will be placed into a hat and the participant selected by drawing. The clinic fee is covered by the chapter, but the rider is responsible for transportation, lodging, meals and stabling of their horse.

2009 Show Facilities and discussion

April Show

The April show will be held at Meadowview. Stabling will be through Lynn Mullins. The dressage/show arena in the big MV arena and the smaller MV arena will be used for warm up. It was agreed that there should also be room for an "on deck" rider to be in the big arena warming up for their ride.

July Show

Currently no news about this show.

August Show

The August show will be at Fuji Park again this year.

Pumpkin Roll

Beth will contact Barbara Boatman to see if the Reno chapter has any plans to do the Pumpkin Roll in 2010. If not, SNC may host again this year.

It was unanimously agreed that class fees would increase by $3 across the board for 2009. There will be no increase in office fees.

Rachael Savaadra Clinic for 2010

Joan announced that the RS clinic for 2010 was a go. The clinic dates will be September 18th & 19th and will be at Sheridan Creek in Gardnerville. Holly will look into stabling costs. Clinic fees to riders will be around $125/45minute ride. This will be a "Through the Levels" clinic and all rides from Training Level through Second Level can be combined between 2 riders which the cost (about $150) being shared by those two riders.

Stacee will write up a scholoarship request to send to CDS for the clinic. There above fee amounts are ONLY ESTIMATES as there are still some details to be figured out.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm.


Meeting Minutes February 10th, 2010


Meeting Minutes March 10, 2010

Came to order at 6:30 pm.

Attendance: Beth C., Michele T., Joan W., Hilari F., Stacee C., Holly M., Madora D., Marsha, Jacqueline L., Mary Anne C.

Treasurer's Report

Joan reported we have $4,190.61 currently.

April Show

Other Show News



Jacqueline will be working on the newsletter which will go out in May. Susan Ward will be doing a book review for the newsletter. Hilari will do an article on helmet safety. Joan will do an article on her experience with the Debbie McDonald A/A clinic. It was agreed that the selection criteria for the Rachael S. clinic would also go out in this newsletter.


Stacee announced that ETC will be having 3 Jeff Ashton Moore clinics this year. Dates are:

Beth announced SNC hosting of the Pumpkin Roll was still up in the air. Connie will not be available to manage this show. If we host it, it will be October 31st again this year.

Next Chapter Meeting: April 14th, 2010 at Washoe Flats.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:45pm.


Meeting Minutes April 14,2010

Came to order at 6:30 pm.

Attendance: Beth C., Michele T., Joan W., Hilari F., Stacee C., Holly M., Madora D., Jacqueline L., Mary Anne C.

Treasurer's Report

Joan reported we have $4,071.61 currently.

April Show


Holly is all set to go to the A/A Clinic.

The Rachael S. Clinic was discussed. It was agreed that we will request memebers that are interested in being considered for selection into the clinic submit their name (and whatever criteria is decided upon ie: letter, video etc) by June 30th. Cost is $125/ride. Rides will be at Sheridan Creek and stabling is limited. A Friday night dinner was discussed. Stacee said that she would put out an announcement.


Jacqueline passed around a rough draft of the newsletter. Copies will be made and the newsletter will be mailed out in May.


Joan mentioned that a Scholarship was set up in honor of Bobby Keville and asked if the chapter would like to donate money to the scholarship. It was agreed that we'd send in $100.

Beth announced that the Reno Chapter has decided to do the Pumpkin Roll after all this year though it may be earlier than it has traditionally been in the past.

The 2011 spring show was discussed due to weather and location concerns. It was agreed that we would keep April as the month for the spring show next year but that we would look into using FTM as the location. This would alleviate the extra work of set up and tear down of the arena as well as the concerns over parking and clean up.

Next Chapter Meeting: May 12th, 2010 at 6:30pm at Washoe Flats.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:45pm.


Meeting Minutes May 12,2010

Came to order at 6:30 pm.

Attendance: Beth C., Michele T., Joan W., Hilari F., Stacee C., Holly M., Maria H., Jacqueline L.

Absent: Mary Anne C.

Treasurer's Report

Joan reported we have $3,100 currently. April show profit was ~ $615.00

2011 Spring Show

It was voted upon and decided that the Spring 2011 show will be held April 30th - May 1st next year.


Beth will send the CDS scholarship in.

The Rachael S. Clinic was discussed. More riders are needed and currently most of the interest is for rides at 2nd and 3rd level.


Newsletters were folded and stuffed in envelopes and will be sent out.

Next Chapter Meeting: June 9th, 2010 at 6:30pm at Washoe Flats.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:45pm.


Meeting Minutes June 9, 2010

Came to order at 6:30 pm.

Attendance: Beth C., Michele T., Hilari F., Stacee C., Holly M., Maryanne c., Jacqueline L., Donna Bulick

Absent: Joan W.


The Rachael S. Clinic was discussed. More riders are needed especially for I-1 and First Level. It was discussed that we should decide on a deadline sometime in August but no date was picked at this time.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:30pm.


Meeting Minutes July 14, 2010

Came to order at 6:30 pm.

Attendance: Madora D., Beth C., Joan W., Hilari F., Holly M., Stacee C., Michele T., Cyd C.

Absent: Maryanne C., Jacqueline L.

Treasurer's Report

$2,750.52 after paying for Fuji facility.

Dressage in the Sierra

DITS was discussed. The volunteer list reviewed. It was asked that all people volunteering at the show be reminded to sign releases in the show office during the show.


The R.S. Clinic was discussed. Beth announced that the scholarship monies SNC was awarded can only be used to descrease expenses the chapter pays. Fees will stay $125/ride. Stacee will submit the insurance request and stated she would like to do bios on each of the riders and horses. There will be a riders dinner Friday night at 7pm at Joan's house and a Saturday night dinner at 6pm. Auditors will be invited to attend the dinners.

2011 Show Season

The spring show dates are confirmed at April 30th and May 1st. We will need a manager for this show as Connie is already committed.


Madora will tabulate the mid-season award totals and send the results to Michele for posting to the website.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm. Next chapter meeting August 11th at the Chocolate Bar at the Summit Mall.


Meeting Minutes August 2010

Came to order at 6:30 pm.

Attendance: Madora D., Beth C., Joan W., Hilari F., Holly M., Stacee C., Michele T., Maryanne C., Jacqueline L., Susan W.

Show Updates

Scribes for the August show were discussed and arrangements made. Having a vendor at the show was also discussed and it was decided that even though we'd all very much like to have vendors, doing so was complicated and required further work to sort out.

Pumpkin Roll/Halloween Dressage Show

The SNC Halloween Dressage Show was set for October 31st at FTM. Several attempts have been made to contact the Reno Chapter and no one has heard back on whether or not they will host a Pumpkin Roll dressage show.


The RS Clinic dinners were discussed briefly and it was agreed upon that we would have a rider/BOD dinner on Friday night at 7pm and a pizza pot luck at Beth's house on Saturday night at 6:30pm.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm


Meeting Minutes September 2010

Came to order at 6:30 pm.

Attendance: Madora D., Kerin R., Amy R., Emilee A., Beth C., Cyd C., Joan W., Hilari F., Holly M., Stacee C., Michele T., Jacqueline L., Susan W., Maria H.,

Absent: Maryanne C.

Treasurer's Report:

Joan reported that the club had about $5,000. The Fuji show was a break even show with no profit made. The balance includes the CDS Scholarship money the chapter was awarded for the On The Levels clinic this month.


The On The Levels Clinic order of go will be as follows (edited 9/15/10)

9:00am Intro Level

9:45am Training Level

*10:30 Break*

10:45am First Level

11:30 am Second Level

*12:15pm Lunch*

1:00pm Third Level

1:45pm Fourth Level

2:30pm PSG/I1

*3:15pm Break*

3:45pm I2/GP

Rachael has asked to be able to observe participants riding on Friday 9/17/10 in the afternoon. Locations will be Meadow View, Beth Curle's home and Charlotte Jorsts' home. Scheduling arrangements will be made through Stacee. This will be observation only with no instruction. A Friday night dinner with participants and the Board will be held at 7pm at Murrieta's restaurant in Reno. This is a self pay event.

Saturday evening there will be a pizza potluck dinner with Rachael at Beth Curle's home. The club will by pizza for the event with chapter members bringing their own alcohol if they'd like and a dessert to share.

Beth stated that she would send out an invitation to the Yahoo group regarding the clinic. Auditing is free and members are encouraged to attend. Stacee is working on bios for all the riders. She will also be supplying snacks and lunch for Rachael during the clinic. Maria H. said she would work on the sound system for the clinic.

October Show

Beth stated that she will be the show secretary for the Halloween Show.

2011 Show Season


The fall newsletter was discussed.

2010 Championships

Purchase of a table at the 2010 Championships show was discussed. It was voted upon and passed that the chapter would purchase a table for $150 for the show.

2011 Slate

There will be several open positions on the 2011 slate. This was discussed round the table with several attendees stating that they would consider becoming board members for the 2011 year.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm. Next meeting October 13th at 6:30pm.


Meeting Minutes October 2010

Came to order at 6:30 pm.

Attendance: Madora D., Kerin R., Beth C., Cyd C., Joan W., Hilari F., Holly M., Michele T., Maryanne C.

Absent: Stacee C., Jacqueline L.

Treasurer's Report

Joan reported that we had $4891 in the bank.

Halloween Show

The Halloween show was discussed along with volunteer duties needing filled. MAC stated she would organize the volunteers. Michele will put an announcement out to the group about the potluck.

2011 Board

Currently, the following people have expressed an interest in being on the 2011 slate:

An announcement will be sent to the group asking that any other interested members please notify a current Board member by October 31st.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm. Next chapter meeting November 10th at 6:30pm.


Meeting Minutes November 2010

Attendance: Madora D., Beth C., Joan W., Hilari F., Holly M., Michele T., Emilee Anderson, Kristen Roberson, Amy Robinson, Susan W.

Fall/Winter 2010 Newsletters were put together for mailing at this meeting.

2011 Board

The 2011 Board "candidates" are as follows:

Ballots will be mailed out with the newsletter. It is recognized that CDS will only allow 7 officers to be elected. The eighth person can serve in an appointed position.

Beth announced that USEF has some new rules coming out that could affect members but nothing had been published as of yet.

It was announced that MAC had the 2011 contracts in the judges and TD's. Beth stated she would get the contracts in to FTM and to Paulette for the 2011 shows.

Treasurer's Report

Joan announced that there was $6100 in the bank after the Halloween show. Year end awards, storage payment and a few other fees would still be coming out of that total.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm.


Meeting Minutes December 2010