6:30 pm January 12th, 2011
In Attendance: Amy Robinson, Holy McGee, Kerin Rowe, Hilari Fleming , Madora Daniel, Emilee Anderson, Lesley Grove, Joan Wright
Absent: Kristin Roberson
Call to Order 6:45
Quorum Present
Board Positions were nominated and decided as follows:
- Chair Hilari Fleming
- Treasurer Madora Daniel
- Secretary Lesley Grove
- Show Committee Emilee Anderson, Kerin Rowe
- Volunteers - Kristin Roberson
- Education Holy McGee, Amy Robinson
The first newsletter will be prepared by Joan Wright in May. A volunteer is requested to produce our second annual newsletter.
A judge is needed for DIS due to a scheduling conflict for our previous judge. A list of judges possible judges will be contacted to determine availability. Availability for 2012 will also be discussed.
Discussion occurred regarding the possibility of changing the October show from 1 to 3 stars. At this time the show will remain 1 star.
The current awards in storage were inventoried by Madora and Hilary. It was determined we have enough ribbons and awards for the April show. After the show we can determine if it is necessary to purchase additional supplies. Only having 3 tests in each level is likely to change the distribution of ribbons needed.
The new Treasurer presented a report of the current financial position indicating cash at bank is $3932. All financial records are up to date and in the hands of the new treasurer. We are in a similar financial position to this time last year and have less planned expenditures due to not needing to purchase a full supply of ribbons as was necessary last year.
Expenditures for the Omnibus next year will try to be kept below the free threshold.
Options are being considered for a new method of storage of the chapters assets potentially saving the chapter up to $1200 per year. More information of available options will be known by the February meeting.
Options include a smaller storage unit, utilizing storage at Franktown Meadows or storing the assets in a secured horse trailer that can be towed to the events as needed.
Discussion of possible clinicians and clinic formats for 2011 was held. The education committee has been tasked with reporting options for the 2011 clinic at the February meeting.
Discussion of a possible change in format of the chapters year end awards for 2012 occurred. This will continue to be discussed as new ideas are brought forward.
Rule changes at the USEF level are still in motion. The chapter will continue to monitor them and implement them as necessary at our shows. These include helmet rules and USEF membership requirements. These may affect the prize list for the April show. This prize list shall be published by March 1st.
Discussion of CDS regulation changes occurred and how they affect us locally.
Other new business includes hosting fund raising event such as a chapter tack sale.
An educational event to discuss the new 2011 tests is in planning for March 2011.
CA State Championships will be at Rancho Murrieta this year. Good Luck to all who plan to qualify and attend.
Thank you to Ken of Sierra Feed for supplying wine to our meeting attendees!
Please attend your chapter meetings and bring ideas to help shape the future of your chapter. Meetings are fun and informative.
Next meeting: February 9th, 6:30 pm Summit Mall .end at 7:30pm.
6:30pm February 9, 2011
Present: Amy Robinson, Emillee Anderson, Kerin Rowe, Madora Daniel, Hilari Fleming, Staci Collier, Lesley Grove
Accepted: Minutes of Prior Meeting
Storage unit had been cleared out. Temporary Storage being utilized
Received $25 refund Cash in bank reported at $3871.17. Treasurers report presented .
All Board Members to sign code of conduct.
Discussion of 2011 Shows occurred.
- Accommodation of judge for April is organized.
- DITS dates for 2012 are 7/21 /2012 and 7/22/2012. Judge will be Sue Curry.
- 2011 DITS Judge is Carol Hoffman.
- Recommendation made for farrier. Contracts to be organized.
- Ring set ups laminated and put SNC Show supplies.
- Prizes need to be checked to see if they state DITS or SNC and if they can be used.
- Prize list needs to be prepared. Changes need to be implemented.
- Check with Michele on show premiums and existing templates and updates to website.
- Volunteers need to be requested.
- Kristens status to be checked regarding organizing volunteers.
- Madora to check with Connie for show template updates.
Annual Meeting Report from Hilari
- 37 chapters, 4000 members, Rosters coming out late Feb
- CDS needs bank statements to be calendar month
- Debit cards allowed
- Motion: to get debit card Kerin, all in favor
- AA Clinic: Juniors will be excluded 2012
- Motion: Madora no juniors at AA, all in favor
- Rule that can not continually attend
- Riders not fit enough for the clinic. May be some criteria.
- Ok for clubs to have eligibility requirements.
- Discussion to reintroduce chapter bucks/incentive system. 12 months validity. Additional research needed. Bucks used Christmas raffle.
- Juniors Champs will be combined with open show.
- Rancho will have 4 covered arenas by the Championship show.
- Will accept credit cards for entries.
- Futurity entries were successful.
- Grand Prix at RAAC AA was decided not to be held but will be at Championships.
- All tests at training level count to qualification for CDS Champs.
- RAAC Committee Intro now has canter. There will now be intro RAAC novice only.
- If people enter but do not get their qualifying scores you get a refund but not on the OPEN show classes.
- USDF Report starting AA Team Competitions will be available at Warm Up Cool Down
- If you place at Regionals you will be asked if you want to attend a national championships.
Other Chapters ideas:
- scribing clinic, raffles, silent auctions, used tack sale July show
- Break Outs Sports psychologist, Hilda Gurney went over new tests she was on test writing committee,
- Tests gaits x 1, riders scores split to 3 different scores position, effectiveness of aids invisible and appropriate and geometry , harmony look like one with the horse
- All tests to large arena except intro. All tests to be 6 minutes or less.
- Stretch circles not all at C. 1-2 is tough. 1-3 is easier.
- 3rd level no real changes, but there are changes on center line
- Biomechanics physical therapists discussion range of motion exercises adults are not good at working cross wise with their body.
- Should get a group to go to northern CDS meeting. Need donations for basket next year.
AA clinic was drawn Marcia first and Charlotte second.
Education committee:
- saddle clinic saddle fitter session
- Test riding clinic demo riders, facility, clinician,
- Sports Psychology with Seanna
- Could email the ideas and see who would like to participate rate them
- Riding Pilates will they do it for free
Revamping year end awards and possibly not have it at Christmas? Actual awards instead of GC. Ribbons too.
Next Meeting: Looking at Sierra Gold
6:30pm - March 9, 2011
Present: Emilee Anderson, Holly McGee, Kristen Roberson, Hilari Fleming, Kerin Rowe, Madora Daniel
Minutes from the February 2011 meeting were approved.
Old Business
The Chapter is good with the prizes for the April show except for high point.
New high point prizes are discussed. Kristen will look to see what SNC can do through her tack shop.
Madora is to contact the ribbon vendor to see what it will cost to re-make the UNR ribbons we have in stock vs. buying new ribbons for high point.
Prize list has been approved by USDF and USEF.
Chapter volunteer bucks discussion is revisited and how they will be used. Ideas include:
- use towards discount on shows
- use towards a drawing at the end of the year
Everyone seems to like the idea of making them chapter volunteer points instead and use them towards a drawing for a drawing at the end of the year. The points could be earned as follows:
- Two points for a half of day of volunteering.
- One point for providing extra show services away from the show such as picking the judge up at the airport, bringing food to the show, etc.
Discussion started on how we could include pony club volunteers and non-club volunteers in the chapter points.
New Business
Kristen was asked if the pony club would like to provide food/snacks at the shows as a way for the pony club to raise funds. This will be revisited at future meetings.
Treasures report We have $3,758.17 in the bank.
Discussion on providing a more comfortable environment in the judges stand. Kerin asked if she could purchase for the club two chairs, a new carpet and a better writing surface. This was approved.
Discussion of a debit card and it was decided that the show committee would have the most need for it. Madora is to arrange this with Bank of America.
Kerin reported that all contracts were signed for the April show. Angela Littlefield is the judge and Susan Lombardi is the TD. Emilee reported that she had vet, farrier and EMT agreements signed for all shows for 2011. Kerin also reported that all show officials along with Connie will be staying at the Silver Legacy. Thank you to Kerin for arranging this and having the rooms provided at no cost to SNC.
Kerin reported that 2012 show licenses are confirmed and Emilee reported that judges have been confirmed. Show dates are:
- SNC Spring Show April 28-29 with Peggy Klump judging
- Dressage in the Sierras July 21-22 with Sue Curry judging
Hilari reported on the CDS minutes. Michelle Vaughan is Vice President with Peggy Klump as president. Memberships are up and the 2012 annual meeting will be held in Carmel.
The adult amateur clinic is to be reworked for 2012. Some of the changes being looked at are the level and condition of the riders, making the clinics for AA only (no jr/yr) and individual clubs can set their own criteria on selection for the clinic.
Holly discussed some education opportunities that she has been working on. Dr Miller of Comstock has agreed to do a lecture/Q&A session on dressage specific injuries. Holly is trying to set a date in May. Also, Denise Montagne will do a human/horse pilates presentation with audience participation on Saturday June 4, time still to be determined. Hilari has kindly offered her barn to hold the event.
Hilari pointed out that The Dressage Foundation has grants available to help with educational activities. One grant in particular is geared towards supporting education in freestyle.
Next meeting is to be held April 13 at 6:30.
6:30pm - April 13th, 2011
Present: Hilari Flemming, Madora Daniels, Lesley Grove, Kristen Roberson, Holly McGee, Kerin Rowe, Emilee Anderson, Donna B
Previous Minutes: Motion to approve: Madora.Second: Lesley.In Favor: All.
Old Business
CDS Minutes: - March Meeting
- Tax attorney CDS rules need to cover what are reasonable expenses for reimbursement
- Contracts will have changes but we do not have them yet.
- Chapters encouraged to make checks payable to business names not personal names.
- There will be a shortfall in scholarship funds due to investment performance but they are still available.
- 2012 Annual Meeting will be in Sacramento 20-22nd January with some riding activities in either Starr Vaughn or Rancho Murietta - many events are schedules
- Championship show theme is Country Fair. Boxes will have decorating contest. Educations sessions will be offered.
- Chapter will try and sponsor and decorate the box.
- RAAC Roses awards will be split to high score Intro- First, 2nd-4th, FEI.
- Amateur Clinic Committee only Adults allowed, criteria will be drafted for participation to be put in standing rules
Show Update
Kerin - Report on the April show
- rooms are booked
- facility contracts back for all 3 shows
- cash disbursements to be provided to Treasurer for check processing
- Kerin will run show Saturday, Madora will run show on Sunday
- Maria is picking up judges and TD and bringing them to the show
- Kristen can pick up judges from airport
- Kerin will set up judges stand with new chairs, indoor/outdoor carpet
- we need to have food and drink at the show muffins, fruit, water etc will be provided
- Kerin will organize food for judges and officials
- Madora and Hilari will provide a cooler
- Photographer Donna B
- Videographer Holly will contact Videographer
- Volunteers there are several experienced volunteers, additional volunteers will be contacted
- Volunteer list must be provided to Connie prior to the show
- July - contracts are in
- October Creeky is still to be booked verbal commitment received
- 2012 Judge contracts are complete
Educational Events
Holly McGee Dr Miller presentation clashes with Reno show so we will reschedule Dr Miller
July, August and September options are being examined
August appears to be the best option
4th June 10-1pm at Hilaris house Dennis Montain doing Pilates for humans and horses
- We would like 15 to attend. Clinic is free.
- We will announce the clinic and see if there are any clashes with the date as it is the same weekend as the Jeff Moore clinic at Vicki Cliffs. People should bring their own mats and car pool to manage parking.
Awards Program Update
Year End Awards Program
- The awards rules on the website need to be updated
- Median score not a Mean score should be used
- Training through 2nd level median score must 60 or above
- 3rd level and above media score must be 58 or above
Motion to approve: Kerin. Second: Madora. All in Favor: All
Open riders will no longer be restricted to riding their own horses
Motion to approve: Lesley. Second: Hilari. All in Favor: All
Show High Point Awards
- High Point Prizes
- Training to 1st AA, Junior
- 2nd to 4th Open, AA/Junior
- FEI Open, AA/Junior
High Point Ribbons
Wills stay as AA, Junior and Open
Motion to approve: Kerin. Second: Holly. All in Favor: All
- Dressage in the Sierra some halters and prizes will be donated by Kristen
- Year End Awards we will look at coolers for prizes
- 15 will be needed
- Saddle pads will be considered for 3rd place
Madora $3,755.15 in the bank
New Business
Freestyle award from Dressage Foundation to support Freestyle Clinics Lesley will contact clinician and apply for the award. We can rebuild Reno ribbons for DITS.
Next Meeting:
Wednesday May 11th Same location and time
6:30 pm May 11, 2011
In Attendance: Holy McGee, Kerin Rowe, Madora Daniel, Emilee Anderson, Lesley Grove
Absent: Hilari Flemming, Kristen Roberson
Call to Order 6:45
Quorum Present
Show Recap
- April Show - Profit this year - $418.52, last year $880.76
- Show fees are higher but more money from entries were paid out
- USDF is up from $140 to $220
- Judges bells were stolen from the office.
- Judge complaint on scribe not being experienced enough. Carol Hoffman is particular on her scribes so we need to prepare for DITS.
- TD did not perform any equipment checks.
- Dogs were not allowed but people brought them anyway. Fines should be imposed if they are off leash.
- Show Manager will be needed for DITS.
- Would we like additional vendors?
- What can we do to make the show more special?
- We need more regular ribbons produced.
- We should consider changing out the prizes. Sponsor banners will be displayed.
Treasurers Report
Year to date we are over $505.85 but it includes purchases of $266 for folding chairs and items for judges booth Cash in bank is $4001
Education Events
- June 4th event at Hilaris needs a tarp. Denise will bring mats but people should bring their own.
- We have 11 that have RSVPd so far to attend. Reno chapter are looking to see who will be attending.
- Fee will be charged by non CDS members $15.
- Spaces will be limited to 25. Kelly has offered to video the event for $60.
- Holley: Motion Kelley Video event at cost of $60 and offer to sell them for $5. Second Madora all in favor
Other event has been set for Saturday August 20th. Save the date email to be sent. Details to follow. Non CDS Members will be invited for a fee.
Donation Requests
Madora thinks we have already made our donation to the junior show. Madora will double check. Motion to do same donation as prior year: Kerin. Second Holy. All in Favor.
Amateur Clinic
Motion to Donate: No Kerin, Madora, Lesley, Emilee
New Business
Newsletter- We are waiting for Joan to complete it in May. Data should include upcoming events, show results, rerun Hilaris article on helmets. Rerun Connies article about helmet rules. Club member accomplishments.
How many newsletters do we need to print? It will be distributed electronically.
Website should be more current. Trainer information should be resubmitted annually.
Possibility of 3 3 star shows or add another show back into the schedule
- If added it would be at Franktown
- Having enough volunteers to do 3 shows is the problem. We will look into adding the show.
- Early in August is better.
- Volunteer bucks need to be implemented.
- Duplication of judges with Northern CA shows is a problem. We need to find which judges are already scheduled.
Next Meeting: June 8th, 2011 6:30 pm.
6:30 pm June 8th, 2011
In Attendance: Holly McGee, Kerin Rowe, Madora Daniel, Lesley Grove, Hilari Flemming, Emilee Anderson
Absent: Kristen Roberson
Call to Order 6:40
Quorum Present
Approval of Minutes
Motion Holly, Second Madora, All in Favor Minutes Approved
Treasurers Report
- Donation made to Junior program CDS Junior Championships- $100
- Cash in bank is $3945.53
- SNC Core Clinic has broken even
- Upcoming expenses are show related
Show Committee
- Prize list for DITS is approved by USEF and USDF ~ There were some suggestions for how to list stabling
- Insurance certificate has been submitted for DITS to USEF and USDF
- Judge for October show is not confirmed
- Ribbon stock is still usable no additional ribbons are necessary
- Trophies for 1st place need to be purchased
- Pumpkin Roll 2012 will go back to Reno Chapter we need to request that the judge be a S so all of our riders can attend
- Motion by Lesley: Add August CDS Show added to calendar, Second Emilee, All in Favor
- Emilee will contact Kristen re DITS high point awards and volunteers
- Kerin will organize scribes for DITS
Education Events
The Pilates event was extremely fun. It was well supported. Next event is Dr Miller August 20th. The time is to be determined. It will be open to non-CDS participants for a $10 fee.
EHV-1, Shows and Championships
Hilary sent a message to CDS Northern Director to discuss cancellation of shows, inability to change schedule, lack of funds to enter an additional event suggested lowering number of judges necessary to qualify.CDS Meeting is at end of month and issues will be raised. Franktown Meadows is trying to reschedule their show to August. It is unknown at this time if it has been approved.
New Business
We need to organize a tack sale for the club. Possibly in September.
Meeting Closed 7:20 pm
Next Meeting: July 13th, 2011 6:30 pm
6:30 pm July 13, 2011
In Attendance: Holy McGee, Kerin Rowe, Madora Daniel, Lesley Grove, Hilari Flemming, Emilee Anderson, Kristen Roberson
Call to Order 6:35
Quorum Present
Approval of Minutes
Clarified that the discussion for the August show was for 2012
Motion: Madora, Second Emilee, All in Favor Minutes Approved
Show Update
Entries are a little light for the July show but not too bad. Carol's airfare was more expensive but she is staying with her friend and there is no accommodation cost. TD is driving. Travel and accommodation costs should be reasonable.
Scribes are covered. Volunteers are covered-runners, scoring etc. Managers are Madora half day mornings and Kerin half day afternoons.
A lot of different things have been ordered for high point awards.
- Training and First AA and Junior and Open
- Second - Fourth AA and Junior and Open
- FEI - AA and Junior and Open
- Freestyle
- Overall AA, Open and Junior High Point
There have been some changes on bit checking requirements.
Kerin is bringing the required food.
- Education Events Charging for non-CDS members the club can keep the money
- Suggestion for a 9-11 time slot or 11-2 with a lunch break. 2 hours of lectures.
- 9-11 would be the best option. Date is 8/20/11.
- They will provide some pastries.
- Charge for non members will be $10.
- Regretfully Bo Bo will not be there.
- Lecture is about common dressage injuries, strategies to minimize likelihood of injury, treatment options and costs.
- We should look into the monies we can apply for for educational events. We can look at applying for Dressage Foundation monies. Lesley will look at this for freestyle.
Treasurers Report
$3,925 in bank, no expenses since last show
2012 Shows
- Both judges are confirmed. TD are needed.
- License for April is back with USDF.
- Judges are April - Peggy Klump, July - Sue Curry
- August show is not yet decided.
2013 judges need to be booked Hilda Gurney, Lilo Fore, Jane Weatherwax and Debbie Rodriguez will be looked at. Clinic to be held in conjunction with the show if possible.
Any other suggestions for judges/clinicians will be entertained.
Tack Sale
We want to have on organized tack sale. The biggest issue is getting stuff picked up after the sale. We could do it in September. 20% commission will be charged.
We can check if Vicki Cliff would allow us to hold it at her place.
Options for donated locations can be explored.
Email addresses for other non dressage members will be provided by Kristen to include them. Pricing can be set from Ebay as needed. Lowest amount that will be taken should be noted and a log kept. Tags with owners name and description of item are needed. Tracking and accounting for the money is important at check out. Cash only will be preferred. Checks from known people will be ok.
New Business CDS annual meeting is at Rancho Murrieta in January and there will be a clinician.
Next Meeting: Meeting Closed 7:30 pm
Next Meeting: August 10th, 2011 6:30 pm
6:30 pm August 10, 2011
In Attendance: Holy McGee, Kerin Rowe, Madora Daniel, Lesley Grove, Hilari Flemming
Call to Order 6:45
Quorum Present
Approval of Minutes
Madora motion to approve. Second Kerin. All in Favor.
Treasurers Report
Show costs are around $5500 - $5800 per show. Cash balance is $5970. We are about $1000 ahead of this time last year. Upcoming expenses October show and recognition fees for DITS.
Omnibus Page
You can take your page from last year and make amendments. We will try and downsize to 1 page.
Education Events
Dr Miller lecture will be cancelled. We should reschedule for October/November.
Freestyle clinician we can obtain a sponsorship for $1000 for a freestyle clinic. We need to prepare a budget to submit to approve for the grant. We will contact Luna Tunes to get approximate budget.
We will hold it at Franktown if possible. Kerin will check on day fee.
Jocelyn Hammans Request for Sponsorship for Young Horse Championships We have supported previous riders at national/international levels. Club will sponsor for $250.
2012 Shows
- Spring shows fees are paid. We need to double check CDS fees are included.
- July will be registered soon.
- 4/28-29 Peggy Klump Judge Fiona TD
- 7/21 - 22 Sue Curry Judge No TD yet.
- Reno may be doing the October show so we need to see what they are planning.
We do not think we can get enough volunteers to run an August show.
2011 October Show
- Creeky verbally confirmed no contract yet
- No TD needed CDS only.
- We need a show secretary and an office person to score.
Does Connie submit entries to CDS.
Motion Kerin Connie be engaged as show in the box. Second Madora. All in Favor. Shows will be at Franktown.
Junior Championships
Do we want to sponsor a specific event or class? We will try and sponsor 4th level at the 18 year old age group.
New Business
- Christmas Party we would like to do an awards party instead of a Christmas party. We will change to a club party and awards ceremony early in the new year.
- Club will look at providing a prime rib.
Next Meeting: Meeting Closed 7:30 pm
Next Meeting: September 14th
6:30 pm October 12, 2011
In Attendance: Holy McGee, Kerin Rowe, Madora Daniel, Lesley Grove, Hilari Flemming, Emilee Anderson
Call to Order 6:40
Quorum Present
Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve Hilari. Second Kerin. All in Favor
If you are interested put your name into Holy via email by 8th. Discussion available at November meeting for anyone interested to find out duties.
Current board members willing to rerun are
- Madora
- Emilee
- Hilari
- Lesley
Meeting requirement will be advised.
Judge Creeky is all set. Scribes are set. Emilee will contact Kristen to get scorers, runners and paddock stewards. Emilee can assist with volunteering.
Fees are paid for next years shows.
Treasurers Report
No activity from last report. $5,697.03 in the bank. No ribbons need to be purchased for the October show. We need to purchase awards.
Ribbon Count:
- 34 - 1st
- 75 - 2nds
- 60 - 3rds
- 9 - 4ths
- 26 - 5ths
- We still have high point ribbons and hats.
Education Events
There has been no feedback from the club to get a date to reschedule the Dr Miller education event. Early February is being looked at.
Year End Party
Party will be towards the end of the February so that we have the CDS plaques.
Award ideas: Quarter sheets, saddle pads, halter, hay bags, boot bags, bridle bags, stock pins, jackets.
Volunteer Bucks and prizes needed.
We need to email word documents to Michele and she will post them online. We need a fall and winter newsletter.
- Winter will include High Points.
- Club member performance at Championships and juniors.
- Jocelyns achievement.
- Awards party announcement.
- Treasurers report.
- Get everything to Michele by the 26th.
New Business
- Preliminary standings for high point will be released.
- We will consider a one day show in May.
- One thing to look at for next year is the concession.
Meeting Closed 7:30 pm
Next Meeting: November 9th.
6:30 pm November 9, 2011/p>
In Attendance: Holy McGee, Madora Daniel, Lesley Grove, Hilari Flemming, Emilee Anderson
Call to Order 6:30
Quorum Present
Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve Holly. Second Madora. All in Favor
- Can the election be held online?
- Do we have to have an election if we only have the same amount of people running that we need to elect.
- Need a minimum of 3.
- Term is Jan 1st to December 31st.
- Elections may be held by mail or at a meeting with adequate membership notification.
- Meeting will December 14th at the Chocolate Bar at 6:30 pm. Hilari will send out notification and advisement on how to proxy vote.
Show was profitable. Expenses were much lower as it was only a CDS show.
2012 Shows
- 2 shows scheduled. Judges are set. TD for April is set. We shall try and get Rebecca Lewis for July.
- When should we do a CDS only show? The problem is getting people to run the shows.
- August 11 and 12 is being looked at for one star one day show.
- Availability for all shows needs to be on confirmed.
- Food service for shows was looked at by Holly. A list of high end vendors was obtained.
- Holly will follow up with the vendors and see if they can be secured for the shows. We will advertise that the trucks will be available.
Treasurers Report
We have $5994 including Halloween show. Expenses have been well managed.
Education Events
Holly will bring in Dr Miller next year and we will have the freestyle clinic.
Year End Party
- Awards banquet is planned for February.
- Awards can be quarter sheets, jackets, stock ties.
- Prizes should be embroidered.
- We can check with recipients on what they would prefer.
- Trophies need engraving.
- We do not yet have a trophy for the open rider.
- We should sell stickers.
- We need awards for the volunteers.
Do we need another one by the end of the year?
Award standings
Party will be an awards party not a Halloween party.
- Clinician will require airfare and prefers to stay in someones home. She is open to the ideas of potlucks for meals.
- Charge is $200 for Friday night lecture this could be a education opportunity as space is not restricted
- Charge is $150 per rider.
- Franktown require $300 per day to use the indoor arena.
New Business
- Year End report is needed to be done.
- Annual meeting has a host hotel at Rancho Cordova.
- We need an additional person to work on shows with Kerin.
- Amateur Clinic need a run down from Marcia.
Meeting Closed 8pm
Next Meeting: January 11th.
Sierra Nevada Chapter Meeting 6:30 pm December 14th 2011
In Attendance: Holy McGee, Madora Daniel, Lesley Grove, Hilari Flemming, Emilee Anderson, Kerin Rowe, Virgina Bayne, Elizabeth Coffee Curle
Call to Order 6:40
Quorum Present
The following positions were elected to office by unanimous vote:
- Chair: Hilari Flemming
- Treasurer: Madora Daniel
- Secretary: Lesley Grove
- Education: Holly McGee, Emilee Anderson
- Show: Kerin Rowe, Virginia Bayne
- Volunteers: Kristen Roberson
Freestyle Clinic
A donation of $600 from the Dancing Horse Foundation has been secured. A date change will be considered due to a clash with another clinic. Beth committed to doing a FEI Freestyle demonstration with Hazen.
CDS Year End
We need to prepare the awards banquet basket. Email and Facebook donation requests to be sent.
Treasurers Report
We have $5794.
Education Events
Holly will bring in Dr Miller in March. A weeknight is being considered as the most suitable option.
Year End Party
The date for the awards party will be tentatively set for the end of February. Location is being secured.
2012 Judges are all confirmed. Judges will be approached for the 2013 shows.
Next Meeting: Meeting Closed 8pm
Next Meeting: January 11th.