No Meeting Minutes for January.
2/25/12 Call to Order 5:30pm
Present : Hilari Flemming, Madora Daniels, Lesley Grove, Kerin Rowe Late: Emily Anderson
Absent: Hollie McGee, Viriginia Bayne, Kristen Roberson
April Show:
- Prize list is almost ready. It has been distributed for review.
- All contracts are in including the farrier, Comstock and EMT.
- Kerin will email judge re travel plans and hotel options.
- Available to help run show are Lesley, Madora and Kerin.
- Kristen to be contacted re Volunteers
- Madora will do a ribbon count and let us know at the next meeting what we need.
2013 Judges need to be contacted.
Treasurers Report:
- Bank Balance $4985.
- Clinic deposit to Cynthia and Franktown have been paid and will be recovered from entry fees.
- Year end awards still to be paid for.
Freestyle Clinic Update:
Price is set at $85 a ride. We need to find out availability of a Ipod compatible stereo. Need to contact clinician to find out how many riders we can have and what her accommodation preferences are. Her travel arrangements are made and she arrives Friday afternoon.
We are unable to organize the Dr Miller event so it is cancelled.
Year End Awards 2012:
Lesley discussed concerns that with only 2 shows it is difficult for people to qualify with the minimum 2 show requirement. Board discussion said we would look at it later in the year and see if we have enough people qualifying as it may not be an issue if we add an August CDS only show.
2013 Regionals
Annual CDS show may move to Sept to accommodate the national level championship show.
Nevada Horse Park is organizing a Hilda Gurney clinic. Information will follow.
Next Meeting: Wednesday March 14th
SNC-CDS Meeting March
3/14/12 Present: Hilary Flemming, Madora Daniels, Emily Anderson, Kerin Rowe, Virginia Bayne, Lesley Grove
Absent: Holly McGee, Kristen Roberson
Motion to approve minutes from previous meeting Madora, Second Lesley All in favor
Minutes from CDS Meeting presented by Hilari:
- Issues about how to treat paid secretaries to be clarified if it applies to us
- Kevin Reinig is the new VP
- Anne Howard is the Region 7 rep to USDF
- CDS is facing budget difficulties
- Stop printed ominibus
- Futurity will only pay back entry fees
- Donations will be reduced
- CDS will charge non-member fees at CDS only shows
- 2013 Omnibus will be digital only
- There will be advertising on the website
- Show registration fee will increase to $40 / day
- Last years Championships had a lot of positive feedback
- LA will have a contractor to prepare footing
- 2012 qualifying scores for Championships have been reduced
- Silent auction will return
- RAAC if you win you get an automatic entry to Championships
- Junior clinics being developed by M Cresswick and M Vaughn
- Championships will now hold dressage equation seat classes
Spring Show
- All contracts and volunteer agreements are in
- Insurance has been received
- Volunteer list has been received from Kristen
- Volunteers need to be aware of their responsibilities as the TD is looking for compliance to regulations
- Lesley suggested considering mileage reimbursement for volunteers
Lilo Fore has not yet responded re request to judge
- We will order hats for the high point awards
- Need to orders some additional ribbons and prizes
- Holly is looking into organizing a snack wagon
- There was discussion of attempting to obtain sponsors for DITS and it was decided it was not feasible in this economy
Freestyle Clinic:
We may need a host location in Reno
Treasurers Report:
- Bank balance $4,892
- Some bills for awards party still to be paid
- 2013 show renewals due
Tack Sale:
Possibly hold one at the July Show
September Show:
It was agreed we would host a CDS only one day September show
- We need to solicit feedback from membership of what kind of education events they would like
- Possibly ask Seana to do a sports psychology lecture
- A clinic with an affordable instructor would be good
AA Clinic
Rider will be chosen at May meeting.
SNC Chapter Meeting 4/11/12
Present: Madora Daniel, Hilari Flemming, Lesley Grove, Holly McGee, Emilee Anderson, Kerin Rowe, Beth Curle, Cyd Curle
Approval of Minutes
Motion: Lesley Second: Kerin All in Favor
Re confirm show arrangements - food, transportation etc.
TD is stuck in Arizona can fly in for the show too expensive so we are going to Rebecca who is available
Food truck at the show is not an option nobody is willing to come for the small amount of people We will supply muffins.
Everyone has their own transportation Judge may need a ride to the airport Sunday Kristen has volunteers organized.
Freestyle Clinic, How many riders, selections etc.
Riders currently: Hilari, Carolyn, Kathi? Emily, Cyd, Lesley, Madora
- Check from Dressage Foundation has been received
- Hosting of Clinician: Beth is a possibility
- Sound System: Carolyn
- Demo Riders: Beth is confirmed
- Dogs are an issue with Hilaris Hotel? Beth is an option
Any other clinics or other educational events
Mette is good but is expensive and there is a lot going on this year
What is it that the chapter needs at this time?
Is it more shows, education, clinics?
Should August/September show be a 3 star or 1 star?
- There are 3 dates available.
- Lets discuss the September show next month.
Regional Championships are moved up in 2013. Qualifying will close earlier.
Treasurers report
- We paid for the hats and ribbons are ordered but not paid for.
- After hats and halters $4507
- Quote for embroidery is expensive will be checked against original bid.
Any interest so far in the Amateur Clinic
No interest at this time except for Lesley. Another final email will be sent and selection will be made at the next meeting.
Rachel Savdora is the clinician
Other shows, awards, judges
We have not had a response from Lilo so we need to continue to look for judges
Anything else
- We will need new trophies after this show. We will need trophies for DITS.
- Coffee Mugs?
- Junior Clinic thoughts were passed to CDS one day with a group lesson is not reasonable for the expenses needed to attend.
- There was no response from CDS.
- The Hilda Gurney clinic has been announced by the horse park. It is the weekend before DITS. It would be good if we can get her for an extra day to do a clinic for us. There is a juniors show at Christianes that weekend.
- Tack Sale to be held along with DITS we get to keep 20% - we need someone to run it. One day only. Can Virginia run it? A card for each item with a number so you can see offer price and minimum asking prices. Put money and card in an envelope when sold.
- There is no requirement for the number of newsletters. A newsletter will be issues later in the year.
- We have previously donated to the NV Horse Park.
Close: 7:30pm
SNC-CDS Meeting
05/09/12 Present: Hilary Flemming, Madora Daniels, Emily Anderson, Kerin Rowe, Holly McGee, Lesley Grove
Absent: Virginia Bayne, Kristen Roberson
Motion to approve minutes from previous meeting Holly, Second Madora All in favor
Status of Freestyle Clinic
- The clinic is full with 10 riders
- Friday night lecture will start at 6:30 club will provide dinner
- Saturday/Sunday bring your own lunch
- Holly will transport Cynthia to airport Sunday night
- Cynthia will bring her own equipment
- Video is available Sunday cost is $25 a rider
- Franktown to be contacted to finalize details
Minutes from CDS Meeting presented by Hilary:
- Championship date for 2013 is Sept 19-22
- 2013 Entries close August 26th
- 2012 Entries Close Sept 10th.
Spring Show
TD submitted their corrections Letters need to be repainted Fence not marked Provide coffee and snacks Show made a profit of approximately $1,000
Treasurers Report:
- Bank balance $6,003.95
- Some bills for awards party still to be paid
- Embroidery and Year End Awards
- Have $1,470 to bank towards the clinic
Possibly hold one at the July Show
- TD is organized
- We have prizes and ribbons
September Show:
IF Reno chapter is not doing an October show we would like to do an October. Otherwise it was agreed we would host a CDS only one day September show
- It may be time we can find sponsors again
- We need to start looking for new prizes
We will organize a clinic with Peggy Klump Kerin to contact Peggy
AA Clinic
Wendy Hayes was selected to attend the clinic
Year End Awards
- A full overhaul of the system will be reviewed to make the system reward participation not just recognize accomplishments
- Volunteers also need to be recognized
Next Meeting: Chocolate Bar - June 13th
SNC Chapter Meeting - 6/20/12
Present: Hilari Flemming, Emilee Anderson, Holly McGee, Lesley Grove, Madora Daniels, Virginia Bayne, Kerin Rowe
Approve Minutes
Motion: Madora Second: Holly All in Favor
Recap Clinic
Lost $125 travel and dinner a little higher than anticipated. A lot of positive feedback. Nearly everyone came away wanting to compete freestyle. Would be good to do every other year. Everyone enjoyed picking everyone elses music.
Educational Events
- Peggy Klump is not available in September but could do something late in October. This is not a great date so we will look at it for Spring next year.
- Seana said she would to her sports physcology lectures.
- Shane Miller is still available for a lecture.
July Show
- Need someone available to run the boombox for the freestyles. Need tape to mark the quarter lines.
- TD had to cancel. We have a contact for someone for LA. Rebecca is not available. Fiona is not available.
- Kristen is handling volunteers. We should provide coffee and snacks need to be outside.
- It would be worth knowing what the permit costs to have food. Madora will check with Rotary club. Holly will check on the permit.
- Prices are now $55 a class. Ours are still $48.We need to budget based on our expenses for judges etc.
- Sweepstakes class as an option for next year. We may have to raise our prices next year. We have one more meeting before the show.
Treasurers Report
Our bank balance is $5,751. We have not yet paid for embroidery. $50 for junior clinic has been sent. $300 towards next years shows has been paid.
Tack Sale
One day only. Saturday. 20% for the club. Kristen may be able to help get a person. Bring your own saddle rack or put it on the pipe coral. Bring tack with the attached form. We should put criteria as to what we want brought. It needs to go to yahoo and the website. We can hang flyers at the feed stores. Take cash or checks and pay the participants later. Set the drop off and pick up times.
Year End Awards
Presented the San Diego year end system for review.
Junior Clinic
Stephanie Smithkamp is attending.
Qualifying Dates
Closing date is 8/26/2013.
Do we need a fall show? We usually make money on the CDS shows. We need dates. We can do the 20th or the 27th. We need to talk to Franktown. Hilari will call Barbara and check Reno show dates. We can check with David Smutchz and Melissa Cresswick. We can use Peggy Klump for DITS?
New Business
2013 shows are paid for. No judges are confirmed yet. Fiona can do April show TD. Can we have the same TD at show 2 years in a row?
Present: Virginia Bayne, Emilee Anderson, Madora Daniel, Holly McGee, Kerin Rowe, Hilari Flemming, Stacie Collier
Approve Minutes
Motion: Kerin Second: Madora All in favor
Treasures Report
There is $5,710.00 in the bank.
Dressage In The Sierras
- We will have an additional expense of approx $600 for hotels for this show. The rate at The
- Silver Legacy is still the best rate available. We will have the judge, TD and Connie stay there.
- The Judge and TD will take the free shuttle from the airport to the hotel. Need transport for
- Saturday evening and Sunday morning.
- The tack sale will be postponed until the proposed October one star show.
October 2012 Show
- The Reno Chapter will be holding their October show on the weekend of October 27/28.
- Franktown is not available for the weekend of October 20/21.
- We will plan to host a show a one star show at Franktown on October 13. Kerin will work on
- finding a judge.
Franktown Clinic
- Franktown will be hosting a clinic with Metta Rosencrantz on the weekend of Sept 15/16.
- Seanna Adamson is the contact person for anyone interested.
Temporary Food Permits
Holly looked up the requirements for SNC to have a temporary food permit to sell food at the shows. At this time, it does not look like this is a viable option at this point.
2013 Shows
- Hilda Gurney has agreed to be our judge for the Dressage in the Sierras show in 2013. Kerin is
- still working on a judge for the Spring show.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be August 8 at the Chocolate Bar at the Sierra Summit Shopping Mall.
Sierra Nevada Chapter Meeting 6:30 pm August 8th 2012
In Attendance:, Lesley Grove, Hilari Flemming, , Kerin Rowe, Virginia Bayne, Call to Order 6:40. Quorum Present
Motion Hilari, Second Kerin Approved
October Show
- Judge Mary Grace Davidson. She is driving up.
- Lodging weekend rates are not cheap. We should be only paying for Friday night.
- Rates will be same as USDF Show. Facility fee will be charged for Costume Class.
- Do we need more ribbons for the show? Hilari to check with Madora.
- Kerin will make sure the show is prepared for Virginia to manage.
- Kristen will handle volunteers. Faith has volunteered to scribe.
Tack Sale
Kristens was successful. We do not have a lot of revenue. Do we try it during the show or do it separately. Where could we have it? Hilari to ask Vicki Cliff if we could hold it at her place.
Show Management 2013
We need to look at paying an outside person. Someone local would be ideal. We would pay $150 per day. Hilari to contact some possible people. Would it be possible to turn our 3 star shows into show in a box? Does not seem like a viable option as there are too many technical issues. We are comfortable to break even on an annual basis.
Next 3 star show will need the letters to be corrected at Franktown. Club will need to bring their own.
We currently have no program to recognize volunteers. We need more board members to keep the club successful.
Jocelyn Hamman
Motion Hilari, Second Kerin In favor $250 sponsorship for young horse championships
Treasurers Report
We have $7125. Profit this year is only around $1000.
Still needs to be done. Freestyle Clinic recap Lesley. Blurb on members at Championships. Tack Sale.
Year End Awards
Need to keep the prices down. Something you can use is nice. Boot bags, saddle pads, wraps (pri), exercise boots, stock ties, tote bags, riding shirts, combs, brushes New criteria prior to April show.
Meeting Closed 8pm
Next Meeting: Sept 12, 2012 - Location TBD
SNC Chapter Meeting 9/12/12
Present: Hilari Flemming, Emilee Anderson, Holly McGee, Lesley Grove, Madora Daniels, Virginia Bayne, Kerin Rowe, Michele Ting, Jennifer Smith, Beth Coffee Curle
Approve Minutes
Motion: Kerin Second: Hilari All in Favor
- Do we have enough ribbons? Missing 4th place ribbons but we think we can get by with what we have.
- Mary Grace has confirmed as judge.
- Accommodation is being organized.
- Prizes will be purchased after entries are in.
- Need to double check the EMT.
- Insurance is in place.
- The arena will not be decorated for Halloween.
- The arena letters will need to be addressed for next year.
- For next year we will book Fiona and Rebecca as TD.
- We can see what we need to do to make our letters tall enough to use.
- Holly will bring table decoration.
Next Year:
- Melissa Cresswick is April
- Hilda Gurney is July
Treasurers Report
- $6805
- Embroidery for hats has been paid. Year end awards embroidery has not been billed. This puts us in better financial condition than we have been in for the last couple of years.
Tack Sale
- We can hold it at Vicki Cliffs.
- We need to choose a date and let her know. The traffic is too difficult to get to Vickys place right now. We should do it in March 2013. Hilari will check on 16th and 23rd.
- Items under $20 should be a donation to the club.
- Put it on the website, craigslist, facebook and email. Consider doing a pick up run.
- Things should be labeled, asking price and bottom price.
Board Members
- We need additional members. Jennifer and Beth will join. We can have as many people as we want on the board.
- We do not need an election unless we have more people than positions.
- We could use a communications person to keep the CDS information and meeting information as a position for the board.
CDS Minutes
- They are having financial issues and want to improve the bottom line.
- There are some changes to scholarships.
- The Chapters may be asked to have tiered amounts to their events. Charging non members additional fees.
- RAAC dates will be changed. Permanent that the winner of RAAC will get an entry to Championships.
- The Championships will be 9/19 - 9/23
- USEF Board of Directors voted that any Olympic discipline be subject to same drug rules as FEI competitions.
New Business
- There was a brief discussion re changing the meeting date to Mondays to see if we can increase meeting attendance eff. Jan. 1.
- Connie will take over forms and Michele will do the website next year.
- Newsletter: Lesley will get Championship results.
- Can Stacy write a blurb on DG Bar cup?
- 2013 Education Event: Peggy Klump? A judges perspective.
- We need to put the notice to the group to solicit next years board members.
- We need to figure out how to reward the volunteers.
- We still need to look at how to change the Year End awards.
- Email San Diego chapter awards program.
- People who are not in Reno are still willing to help with volunteer work. We need to get them jobs they can help with from a distance.
- Year End Awards Beth will ask Marnie to check this out.
- Party should be in February again.
- Boot bags, saddle pads, coat bags, vests
Next Meeting: October 10th location to be determined
SNC October 2012 Board Meeting
Attending: Hilari Fleming, Kerin Rowe, Holly McGee, Susan Ward, Virginia Bayne, Emilee Anderson, Madora Daniel, Cyd Curle, Beth Curle, Faith Fessenden.
Minutes from prior meeting
- Approved by Kerin Rowe
- Second by Virginia Bayne
- All in favor
Treasure Report
$6,637.21 balance in the bank
Fall Show Update
- It will be a small show.
- Virginia will be the show manager.
- Most volunteer positions are filled
Next Year Show Update
- Licenses and registrations are done.
- Fees are paid
- Judges are booked
- April 27-28 - Melissa Creswick
- July 20-21 - Hilda Gurney
- April show TD will be Fiona
- Hopefully Rebecca Lewis will be able to do the July show
- Suggestion has been made to offer para equestrian test of choice to the prize list
- Riders test will be added to the prize list and will be the same fee as other test
- The class fees will go up to $55 for 2013
- Still need to apply for the show insurance through CDS
- Franktown has the dates reserved for the two shows
- Still need to contact EMT, Vet and Farrier
- Hilari will talk with Comstock about being vet on call
- Kerin will contact Casey to be farrier on call
- Kerin is starting to contact judges for 2014
- Hilari is talking with Barbara Boatman about hiring an on site show manager. We really need someone that is not an SNC member.
Year-end Awards
- First place prizes will be an embroidered vest. Hilari is working with Vicki Cliff on ordering these.
- Second place prizes will be a wrap skirt with braiding pockets.
Changes to Awards Program
- The discussion continued with lots of great new ideas.
- We would like to include volunteer awards
- We would like to take the awards program to a point system
News from CDS
The adult am clinic in 2013 wil be with Sabin Schut-Kery. The dates are TBD. Volunteering for the chapter is required to be eligible for the drawing.
RAAC 2013 - the north will be held at Woodside July 13-14.
The travel grant fee paid with the show fees is increasing to $3 per horse.
Next meeting will beheld Nov 14 at Beth Curle's home. This meeing will be in conjunction of a local artisans pre Christmas sale/party. The meeting will be at 6:00 and the sale/party will begin at 6:30.