Sierra Nevada Chapter of CDS Board Meeting
January 14, 2013
Present: Hilari Fleming, Stacee Collier, Kerin Rowe, Beth Coffey-Curle, Virginia Bray, Susan Ward, Madora Daniel, Carolyn Graebener, Jennifer Smith
Minutes from the November 2012 meeting were approved
Year - Awards and Awards Party
- The skirts should be ready for final approval on Jan 18th.
- Madora has the vests and is working on getting them in for embrodiery with Blue Moon.
- Julia Mineikis has volunteered her home for the awards party.
- The date for the party is Saturday, February 23 -6:30
2013 Shows
All the judges contracts are in.
EMT is scheduled. Hilari to get on call vet contracts. Kerin to follow up on a farrier. Still need the contract back from the TD for the April show. Jacki Hardy to apprentice for the "R" program at the April show. The judge, Melissa Creswick has approved this.
Due to increased costs across the board, the prices for 2013 classes will increase. The new prices are as follows:
- Intro classes $35
- Training - 4th level $55
- FEI $60
- Freestyle Trng-4th $55
- Freestyle FEI $60
- Opportunity $35
- Equitation $25
It was decided to hold a fall CDS only show again this year. Kerin to check with Franktown on availability for the first two Saturdays in October with October 12th being first choice. Kerin will also work on securing a judge for the show.
Adult Amateur Clinic
The AA clinic is with Sabine Schut-Kery this year. The north clinic will be held Sept 13 - 15 in Santa Rosa. A person must have volunteered 1/2 day for the chapter to be eligible for selection. The chapter pays for the clinic. All other costs are the responsibility of the rider. Those that are interested need to contact Hilari Fleming.
JR Championships
Will be held Aug 23-25 at Star Vaughan
Education for 2013
There was a lengthy discussion of possible riding clinics as well as non-riding clinics. Jennifer Smith will talk with Seana Adamson about a sports psychology clinic. She will also contact Dr. Mickey Doyle about a possible chiropractic clinic. Stacee Collier will contact Chelsey Sibley about a possible riding clinic.
Chapter Dressage Arenas
The chapter currently has two dressage arenas stored in Emilee Andersons horse trailer. Emilee needs to be able to use her trailer so the arenas need to be moved. It was decided that the Chapter should sell one of the arenas (does not have a full set of PVC pipes). New arenas just like this one (without the PVC pipes) currently sell for $2,500. It was decided to sell the one arena, with most of the PVC pipes for $1,000.
Awards for 2013
Madora presented some ideas for class prizes for 2013. Everyone thought having an assortment of different types of items would be nice. Madora will figure out the budget for the prizes and how many will be needed and then the decisions will be made.
Treasure Report
The Chapter ended the year with a bank balance of $7,233.66.
Next Meeting
Monday February 11 at 6:30 at Susan Ward's home.
Sierra Nevada Chapter of CDS Board Meeting February 11, 2013
Present: Jennifer Smith, Susan Ward, Hilari Fleming, Madora Daniel, Michele Ting, Emilee Anderson, Kerin Rowe, Carolyn Graebener, Stacee Collier, Amy Robinson, Juci Somogyi, Beth Coffee-Curle, Jocelyn Hamon, Leslie Ayers.
Minutes from January 14, 2014 meeting were approved.
- Still need a farrier on call.
- Still need a show secretary to assist Connie.
- We need to do something to improve the letters around the dressage court: they are not tall enough so the judge can see them from the judge's box and they need painting.
- To purchase new letters would be $750. Our other options are to see if our current letters are tall enough.
- Creeky Robertson will be the judge for the fall show.
We need new prizes for first place.
Some ideas:
- Dressage Extensions - They give discounts if ordering for prizes.
- Amy Robinson will follow up with several retail stores to see what they can offer us in the way
- of prizes. The budget is $12 per prize.
Chelsey Sibley clinic is set for March 23-24. Chelsey will stay at Stacee's house. Since Chelsey does not have her own insurance, the Chapter will have to pick up the cost of insurance and apply for it through CDS.
Seana Adamson clinic will be March 1 at Total Wine. There will be a wine tasting at 6:00 witht the presentation beginning at 6:30. There will not be a cost for this clinic. Thank you Seana. The Chapter will present Seana with a thank you gift. Jennifer will take care of the purchase. The budget is $50. Chapter members may attend for free. Non-chapter, a donation of $8 is requested.
Mickey Doyle clinis is set for April 8 6:30 - ? Mickey is a human and horse chiropractor. He will have a power point presentation to begin and then will do a hands on (horse) demonstration. The clinic will be held at Hilari Flemings barn. There will not be a cost for this clinic to the Chapter. Thank you Mickey. The Chapter will present Mickey with a a thank you gift. Carolyn and Jennifer will take care of this purchase. The budget is $50. Chapter members may attend for free. Non-chapter, a donation of $8 is requested.
Treasurer Report
The bank balance at January 31, 2013 was $6,895.14.
Awards Party
To be held on Feb 23. 6:30 at Julia's house.
AA Clinic
Two people have shown interest so far. Anyone applying to attend needs to have volunteered some time during 2012 or 2013.
Dressage Arena
We have decided to sell our second dressage court. We will start by adverstising on the SNC web site.
Awards Program
The new awards program has been finalized . Information can be found on the SNC website.
The next meeting will be held on March 11, 2013 at Susan Ward's house. Time: 6:30
SN Chapter Meeting Minutes March 11, 2013 6:30pm
SN Board in Attendance: Hilari Fleming, Kerin Rowe, Madora Daniels, Beth Coffey Curle, Susan Ward, , Jennifer Smith. SN Board Absent: Virginia Baine, Emilee Anderson, Carolyn Graebner. SN Chapter Members in Attendance: Jocelyn Hamann, Leslie Ayers, Amy Robinson, Stacee Collier.
Minutes for the February SN Chapter meeting were reviewed and approved.
All present chapter board members were asked to sign the CDS Code of Conduct which was passed around for signatures.
Department Updates:
Education Report:
Chelsey Sibley Clinic, March 23-24, 2013 at Franktown Meadows Equestrian Center
- Stacee Collier has completely organized the clinic complete with ride times already set and she is busy collecting rider and horse bio’s.
- Most of the clinic participants have paid.
- There will be a pot luck dinner at Stacee Collier’s home Saturday evening, March 23rd. All are invited – bring what ever you’d like.
- The clinic will run from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM each day. Bring your own chair.
Mickey Doyle Equine and Human Chiropractor Demonstration and Lecture, Monday, April 8th, 6:30 PM at Hilari Fleming’s home.
- Free for chapter members; $8.00 for non-chapter members.
- Bring your own chair.
- Board approved the purchase of a $50 gift for Mickey as a thank you for conducting the clinic for no charge. Mickey Doyle is donating his service for this chapter clinic.
Chapter Hosted Dressage Shows Report:
SN April Show Update:
- We are still in need of a show manager.
- A farrier has contracted to be on-call for the show.
- Class list and entry form are posted on-line @
- It was agreed that the chapter will pay for a paddock for the show manager’s horse so the horse has a comfortable place to hang out and the volunteer show manager doesn’t have to rush back and forth to get the horse home and return to the show.
Dressage in the Sierra Show July Show Update:
- Beth Coffey Curle volunteered to be one of the volunteer show managers for this show.
- At least one other show manager will be needed.
- Show Awards Update:
- Amy Robinson has been very busy shopping for awards. She will put an order through with Sierra Feed. She will also let Ken Cliff know that we will be rounding out our awards for the April show with gift certificates.
- Amy will ask Ken for a banner to display at the show.
- Madora will be ordering ribbons and high point ribbons for the season.
- The SN aprons will be used for high point awards.
- Amy will contact Sheridan Creek as a possible award sponsor for a future show.
Show Volunteers:
Carolyn Graebener will be coordinating volunteers for the April show once we get closer to the show date.
Treasurer Report:
With all of the year end awards paid for, the resulting end balance in the chapter checking account is $5,592.53.
Old Business:
CDS Board Meeting Report:
Kevin Reinig is now the CDS Chapter Chairman; Peggy Klump is the Vice-Chair.
CDS Annual Show:
- The 2013 CDS Annual show will be September 19-21 at MEC.
- The 2014 CDS Annual Show will be September 25-28, 2014 at LAEC.
- CDS has added Jr/YR classes to the Annual show.
CDS Jr North Show:
August 23-25 at Starr Vaughn Equestrian Center
CDS AA North Clinic:
- The dates for this clinic are September 13-15, 2013.
- 3 chapter members are demonstrated an interest in attending to date.
- To qualify as a clinic attendee, the attendee must volunteer in some capacity for the chapter.
CDS Jr North Clinic:
The clinic will be hosted at Christiane Noelting’s Dressage Center but the date and the clinician haven’t been announced.
CDS Year End Award:
CDS has added awards for the first and second level rider tests.
New Business:
SN Chapter Website:
The chapter would like Michele to, if possible, create a sponsor page so we can list our sponsors on it. We would also like to post the Sierra Feed logo and any other sponsor logos as a banner across the top of the front page.
SN Chapter Trainer Recognition Award:
A program that will recognize the accomplishments of our local trainers is being created. It will be as simple as recognizing the trainer with the most client entries and the trainer who’s client earned a high point award(s). It’s not mandatory to participate.
CA State Horse Show Drug Rules:
The new CA drug rules are more strict than the USEF drug rules and while showing in CA, CA takes the lead. For more information, this is a good resource:
New Education Idea:
Susan has suggested Petaluma, CA based trainer Brian Hafner as a future chapter hosted clinician. He and his horse Lombardo were the 2012 National Brentina Cup winners.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM on April 8th, 2013
Attendance: Hilari Fleming, Kerin Rowe, Susan Ward, Beth Coffey Curle, Carolyn Graebener, Emilee Anderson, Stacee Collier, Jocelyn Hamann
Absent: Jennifer Smith, Madora Daniels, Virginia Baine
2014 Judges are being contacted and contracted already.
A HUGE THANK YOU goes out to Ken Cliff and Sierra Feed for their contributions to our incredible list of awards for the April show. Ken never fails to amaze us with his continuous generousity. We would also like to thank chapter members Leslie Ayers and Amy Robinson for all of their hard work researching and purchasing our award options.
There is still time to put your name into the hat to be selected for the CDS AA clinic in September. Please connect with Hilari if you'd like a chance to participate in this CDS and chapter sponsored clinic There are 3 chapter members so far that have submitted their names for consideration.
The chapter is accepting names from Junior riders interested in participating in the CDS and chapter sponsored Jr Clinic. Please connect with Hilari if you'd like a chance to participate in this CDS and chapter sponsored clinic
If you didn't pick up your CDS 2012 plaque at the SN chapter Year End Award party back in February, please pick it up at the SN sponsored dressage show, April 27-28 at FTM. If you can't be there and you know you have a plaque, please as a friend to pick it up for you.
A "chapter sponsor/donor sub-committee" has been formed to create a chapter sponsor program to include show and class sponsorships, chapter event sponsorships, and placement on our chapter website.
All chapter members are reminded that use of the SN Yahoo group and the Facebook page are for the sole purpose of promoting the chapter. If the SN Yahoo group or the SN Chapter Facebook page are used by a member to announce an non-chapter event, at the START of the announcement, it must be announced that the event is a NON chapter event and all communication must be directed to the non-chapter event host.
The April 27-28 SN chapter dressage show is ready to go. Carolyn has the volunteers in place. Each 1/2 day or full day volunteer will receive a thank you gift from the chapter in appreciation for their hard work.
Dressage In The Sierra Saturday night educational program. We are going to invite CDS President Kevin Reinig and ask that he give his "how to show a sport horse in-hand" lecture and demo for the chapter members. Kevin did this same lecture and demo at the CDS Annual meeting and it was very well received by the attendees. We would also like to host a social event Saturday evening of Dressage in the Sierra which will also be an opportunity for Kevin to meet our chapter membership in our back yard.
May 12, 2013
Board Members: Hilari Fleming, Madora Daniels, Kerin, Rowe, Susan, Ward, Virginia Baine, Emilee Anderson, Beth Coffey Curle; Jennifer Smith absent
Chapter Members in Attendance: Stacee Collier, Jocelyn Hamann, Cyd Curle, Georges Benesch
Treasury Report: The chapter had a net gain of $2,000 from the April show.
Shows: The April show ran very smoothly. There was discussion on the price of hotel rooms for the show officials and Kerin compares the price of the Silver Legacy to rooms in the south part of Reno when she originally books the room and 48 hours prior to the show dates.
The awards were very popular with competitors. Thank you to Leslie Ayers and Amy Robinson for all of their work researching our options. We will ask Leslie to continue her research and purchase prizes for DITS 2013 using the same budget criteria. The horse cookies were a hit and we’d like to continue to offer those as prizes and possibly promo-sized samples for DITS 2013.
2013 Dressage in the Sierra: Hilda Gurney is all set to be our judge.
2014 April Show: Debbie Riehl-Rodruguez; DITS 2014 Charlotte Bredahl needs to return the contract.
The board voted to allow Kerin to spend up to $800 on new 3 foot tall dressage letters. Kerin found one source that will meet those requirements and she is still waiting to hear back from CDS about the letters CDS sells. Show TD’s have informed us that our current letters are not in USEF compliance and must be replaced.
Sponsorship: This new committee made up of Susan W, Beth C, Kerin R, and Jocelyn H welcomes new chapter member Georges Benesch. This committee will be producing a sponsorship plan for 2014.
Education: Scleese Saddlery “Saddle Fit 4 Life” lecture lead by Jochem Scleese will be hosted on Tuesday, May 28th, at 6:00, social >> 6:30 lecture at Total Wine on S. Virginia Street. Due to the location of this lecture, no one under 21 years may attend this lecture. We apologize to the Jr/Yr membership and will take lecture location into consideration when booking future lecture opportunities. Admission to this lecture is free. Please RVSP your attendance only to If we receive 14 positive RSVP’s, Total Wine will host a wine tasting at no charge to the chapter. Schleese Saddlery will provide refreshments. An official invitation will be posted on the SNC Yahoo group email.
A non-chapter event:
Scandia Stables will be hosting a social gathering and baby shower for expectant mom Ava on Monday, June 10th at 5:00 social, 6:00 presentation of the Scandia sport stallions. Everyone is welcome. Please BYOB; refreshments will be provided by Scandia Stables. For the non-horsey associated members of the chapter, there will be a display of collectible automobiles for viewing. The chapter will be purchasing a “baby” gift on behalf of the membership. An official invitation will be posted on the SNC Yahoo group email.
>SN Chapter welcomes CDS President Kevin Reinig to DITS 2013! CDS President Kevin Reinig will be hosting a “How to Show a Sport Horse In-Hand” demonstration and lecture during the mid-day lunch break at DITS 2103. Morning competitors are encouraged to stay late and afternoon competitors are encouraged to come early to attend this educational opportunity.
SN DITS 2013 “Horse on the Label” wine and beer tasting is back! CDS President Kevin Reinig will be our guest as we host the “Horse on the Label” cocktail party at chapter board member’s Susan Ward’s home after the conclusion of the show, Saturday, July 20th. Official time to be announced once we get closer to the show. This is our opportunity to introduce ourselves to our CDS President in our back yard and let him know that while dressage is slowing down in northern CA, it is alive and well here in northern NV and we can we do to grow dressage in the CDS northern hemisphere. Refreshments will be provided by the chapter.
CDS AA clinic: The chapter currently has five members interested in attending the CDS AA clinic in September. The final selection will be made at the June chapter meeting.
CDS Jr clinic: The chapter currently has one member interested in attending the CDS Jr/Yr clinic in July. The final selection will be made at the June chapter meeting.
Jr/Yr clinic with “L” program graduate Sarah Silva: Chapter member Sarah Silva approached the chapter about hosting a clinic for the Jr riders in July. The board has asked Sarah to formalize a structured plan as to what the clinic would look like – with a suggestion to use her “L” program expertise as a clinic focus and possibly host such a clinic in the fall.
Other Business:
Dressage court for sale: The chapter is selling a dressage court for $1,000. It includes a complete set of pylons, poles, and a complete set of letters. Anyone interested in purchasing the dressage court should contact Hilari at 775.852.6616 or
The chapter’s remaining dressage court will be on loan to Jocelynn Hamann and the chapter’s judge’s stand will be on loan to Georges Benesch.
Next Chapter Board Meeting: The next chapter board meeting will take place during the Scandia Baby Shower on Monday, June 10th. It will be a fairly quick meeting to select the AA and Jr/Yr clinic participants and review preparations for the up coming DITS 2013 show.
July 8, 2013. Meeting came to order at 6:30
Board Members Present: Hilari Fleming, Kerin Rowe, Madora Daniels, Susan, Ward, Jennifer Smith, Carolyn, Graebner, Beth Coffey Curle
Other Chapter Members Present: Stacee Collier, Jocelyn Hamann, Cyd Curle
Treasurer Report: $5,572.82 in the bank before the debits and credits of DITS. USDF 2014 fees paid.
Freestyle Design Free Offer to Chapter Members: Chapter member Lesley Grove is generously offering to choreograph lower level freestyles for other chapter members for free. You just need to haul to her place and bring your own music. Contact Lesley for the details at
27th Annual Dressage in the Sierra, July 20-21, 2013 + other weekend activities:
Due to an early air flight, Sunday will start early and end early to accomodate the judge's travel schedule. Susan W will take the judge to the airport on Sunday.
The new GIANT letters are here! We had to purchase new letters due to negative TD comments about the visability of the old letters at the FTM court.
FTM has a limit of 49 spectators in the indoor at one time. We do not think this will effect the in-hand clinic with Kevin Reinig on July 20 during the lunch break. We have use of half of the indoor for this clinic. Handlers handle their own horses.
Consignment Sale: Set up will be at 3:00 on Friday. Anything left over at 3:00 PM on Sunday will be donated to the Marvin Picollo school. Beth will pick up a rack for the clothing to be hung and displayed. The consignment form is done and will be emailed out to let people to organize their donations before the show. SN will receive 20% of all sales.
Volunteers: Carolyn has most of the spots filled.
Evening Summer Party! at Susan W's: Everyone needs to RSVP. Do not assume we know you are coming. SN is paying for the food and soft drinks so this is a chapter hosted event. Parking will be tight. Everyone is asked to NOT park on the south side across from Susan's home near the across the street neighbor's gate. They need a big area to negotiate the gate.
Leslie A and Madora are in contact for awards. Leslie and Madora are again getting awards for our show and they did a GREAT job the last time! Jocelyn will ask Zib if she'll put Avon packages together that we can use as volunteer gifts for all show volunteers.
Prelim Year End Awards: Madora has complied a mid-season Year End Award standing spreadsheet. Thank you Madora! It is a HUGE list - shows that the new system works! It will be posted on the website soon.
2014 Judges: Kerin is still trying to find a judge for the April 2014 show. Melissa Creswick is all set for July. It can take many, many calls to secure a judge (and then they can still bail on us as is the case here) so please thank Kerin when you see her for all of her diligence to find the chapter a judge.
August 12th Meeting Minutes:
October Show: Madora will check to see if we have enough ribbons and awards for the October show. If we need awards, she will connect with Leslie Ayers and see what our options are.
Beth Coffey Curle agreed to be the on-site day manager for the show.
Kerin will finalize the prize list and get it to Michele to post onto the chapter website.
We discussed re-naming the show the Stacey Berry Memorial Show. Holly McGee agreed to connect with Stacey's family to ask if this is something that they are comfortable with.
Susan has Renown on board to have an educational table at the dressage show as part of October being "Breast Cancer Awareness Month".
Stacey Berry Memorial Scholarship: Ellen Bjorkman and Holly McGee approached the chapter to create a scholarship in Stacey's name. The initial thoughts are that it would be specifically for a SN Chapter AA member. Hilari agreed to find out more information specifically as how CDS manages other chapter-specific scholarships. Holly agreed that she and Ellen would ask the family if there were specific aspects of the scholarship that were important to Stacey's family that they would want included. Susan has been contacted by persons that work for Renown and were close to Stacey while she was battling cancer that would like to donate to help establish the scholarship.
Dressage in the Sierra:The Saturday night Horse on the Label party, the consignment sale and the in-hand clinic with CDS President Kevin Reinig were very, very well received. Thank you to everyone that worked to make those activities possible. The consignment sale made enough money to pay for the party! The TD and judge (Hilda Gurney) were very concerned about the footing around the outside of the dressage court (USEF requires that it be the same as inside the competition arena) and the height between the top of the dressage court fence and the outside of the ring as the fence is not constructed of "break away" materials.
End of the Year Awards: The new point system has many more chapter members eligible for awards than the past program system. We discussed having End of Year Award ribbons made which would allows for more persons to receive recognition at less expense to the chapter. This idea was well received. We would still have awards to the first place winners.
Meeting Minutes 09/09/013
SN Chapter Attendees: Hilari Fleming, Emilee Anderson, Kerin Rowe, Beth Coffey Curle
Chapter Member Attendees: Holly McGee
Shows: The October meeting will be MONDAY, OCTOBER 7TH. THIS IS TECHNICALLY THE FIRST MONDAY IN OCTOBER. LOCATION TO BE ANNOUNCED. We are inviting Sherry from Wild Tree Foods and Susan from Susan's Salsa to attend our NOVEMBER meeting, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11TH. We all really enjoyed their food and spices last year and all agreed it would be fun to have them back!
Good luck to our chapter members participating in the Dutch Keuring at DG Bar this week. Reno Chapter member Faith Fessenden will be one of the judges!
Good luck to our chapter members competing at the CDS Annual and USDF Championships next week!
The October show will be renamed the Stacey Berry Memorial Dressage Show. The show will be held at FTM on Saturday, October 12th, Creeky Routson "S" is the judge, and it will be recognized by CDS only.
The prize list will be available on-line at soon. Beth Coffey Curle volunteered to be the on-site manager. Kerin will take care of the early morning day-of set up.
We need a count of ribbons and prizes from Madora to determine if we need more for this show.
Beth will follow up with Carolyn G to find out if she is able to recruit volunteers for the show. Kerin will hire the scribes for the day.
It has been strongly recommended by Hilda Gurney that due to the un-level footing around the outside of the dressage court at FTM that we no longer trot around the outside of the dressage court. We are recommending that all competitors enter the ring, school around the inside of the court until the bell is rung and then start their test either from inside or outside of the court. Recent TD's and Hilda Gurney also wrote in their reports their concern over the height of the dressage court fencing and that it is not constructed to "break away" if a horse were to hit it.
As part of celebrating Breast Cancer Awareness month, Renown will have an information table set up at the dressage show. Beth will ask FTM to set up their EZ up near the warm up if the weather is suitable for Renown to be set up outside. If the weather is tricky, Renown will be set up inside near the scores.
Hilari was able to find out information about creating a chapter scholarship which will be managed for us by CDS. There are two directions the scholarship can take: 1) a $20K-$25K endowment which will create $500 in interest revenue each year to be distributed as a scholarship to a SN chapter AA (over 22 years) member; or, 2) funds are collected and the money is dispersed each year as a scholarship to a SN chapter AA (over 22 years) member until it is all gone. CDS is a 501c organization and all checks are tax deductible. Checks need to made payable to CDS with Stacey Berry Memorial in the memo line. There will be a line added to the Stacey Berry Memorial Dressage Show prize list so donations maybe made directly through the show. The chapter will then send a check to CDS at the conclusion of the show.
- 2014 Judges: Anita Owens - April; Melissa Creswick - July.
- 2015 Judges: Janet Foy - July
- 2014 USEF, CDS, and USDF licenses have been renewed.
Thank you Kerin for doing all of this leg work. Hiring judges takes an enormous amount of time on the phone and emailing back and forth and stick-to-it-ness. Please thank Kerin the next time you see her.
Kerin suggests that we rent a golf cart for shows so the judges do not have to walk back and forth to the office/restrooms. The distance between the ring and office is a constant complaint we hear from our judges.
Treasure Report: $7459 is in the bank.
Education: The chapter members that attended the Pacific Coast auction were all impressed with an equine nutritionist and we will ask her to come to a future chapter meeting. It will be a free event for chapter members.
2014 SN Chapter Board Slate: Current board members willing to stay on for 2014: Susan Ward, Jennifer Smith, Beth Coffey Curle, Hilari Fleming (not as Director), possible Madora Daniels
Monday, October 7th, 6:30 PM
Board Member Attendees: Susan Ward, Hilari Fleming, Madora Daniels, Kerin Rowe, Beth Coffey Curle
Non-board member Attendees: Cyd Curle, Holly McGee
Treasurer Report: For 2014, Madora is willing to continue to reconcile the chapter check book but she no longer wants to be on the chapter board. CDS does not require the chapter treasurer to be a member of the chapter board.
SN Stacey Berry Memorial Dressage Show: October 12th, at FTM - Get Your PINK ON!
In celebration of October being "Breast Cancer Awareness Month" the Renown Breast Center will have a representative at the show to answer any questions about breast cancer.
Please take a moment and visit the table either at the warm up (weather permitting) or near the awards table inside the barn. Breast Cancer Awareness pins will be available for all show competitors and volunteers and everyone is encouraged to wear their pin during the show and at future shows.
Anyone with a camera is encouraged to take pictures at the show and share them with the chapter through the Yahoo email or Facebook page. Renown would like to use photos of the event and we would like to send photos of the event to CDS. Coats have been waived for any competitor wishing to wear a pink shirt, vest, or coat in place of your show coat. All other USEF saddlery rules remain in place. Pink saddle pads will be allowed. All horses and volunteers are encouraged to wear their best pink attire.
There will be an award for the best "Pink Horse and Rider" combination and the best "Pink Volunteer"!
Volunteers are in place for the show. Thank you to everyone that is willing to help put on what will be a very fun event.
The chapter will be accepting donations for the "Stacey Berry Memorial Scholarship Fund". An equestrian all of her life, Stacey loved to ride. A scholarship in her name is being created and it will be managed on the chapter's behelf by the Scholarship Committee of CDS. A scholarship will be made available each year for a SN Chapter AA member to be used for an educaitonal purpose. Additional scholarship information will be annonced at a later date. A scholarship committee of Ellen Bjorkman, Holly McGee, Susan Ward, and Hilari Fleming has been formed to finalize the scholarship details and create a method to get the word out that the scholarship is in place and able to accept donations.
Please make your checks payable to CDS and write "Stacey Berry Memorial Fund" in the memo line. Donations are tax deductible. Receipts for your donation will be available at the show on Saturday.
Next Chapter Meeting! Don't miss this meeting if you LOVE great food! Monday, November 11th at Susan Ward's home. Local Reno Salsa maker Susan Hahn and Reno's Wild Tree Representative Shari Walsh will be on hand to sample and sell their wonderful food! (there is going to be a line to order the Wild Tree cranberry jalapeno spread, it is amazing!)
Board Members Present: Hilari Fleming, Madora Daniels, Kerin Rowe, Jennifer Smith, Susan Ward, Beth Coffey Curle
Guests: Maria Hickey, Faith Fessenden, Jocelyn Hamann, Erica Ward, Carleen Rader, Sue & Glenn Traynor, Lori Ronkos
Special Guests: Shari Walsh - Wildtree Food; Susan Hahn - Susan Hahn Salsa
The meeting came to order at 6:30 PM and the minutes to the October meeting were approved.
Treasurer Report: $7,038 in the bank; the October show netted $427.32
2014 Show Update: April and July show judges are confirmed and Kerin has received contracts back. TD's still need to be hired for both shows. It was recommended by Connie that we hire a TD with Sport Horse Show experience for the July show.
Tamara with the Camera would like to come up and take photos at our shows in 2014.
There was discussion to add Breed Show classes to the Dressage in the Sierra Show in July 2014. Faith Fessenden has volunteered to be the sport horse judge which will allow the classes to be qualifiers for the CDS Champs and USDF awards. Beth will connect with Connie to add the classes. These classes will require additional volunteers in addition to the group already needed to host the regular dressage show in addition to a ring master for the Materiale classes. Faith suggested in addition to the awards for the regular classes, we offer award specific within the breeds that are present. There is positive energy to host this new-to-us portion of a dressage show and support the local breeders. We hope that the local breeders then in turn, bring their breed stock and enter the show. We will also host Materiale classes for the 3, 4, and 5 yr old young stock.
Year End Award Party: We would like to schedule the party for Saturday, Feb. 22nd. Is there a chapter member that would like to host this fun event? The CDS placques will be distributed at the party in addition to the chapter 2013 awards. We will be hosting a silent auction at the Year End Award Party with the proceeds to go to the Stacey Berry Scholarship Fund. Anyone with items to donate please contact Susan Ward at, to arrange a pick up/delivery.
Stacey Berry Scholarhip Update: Susan Ward has generously donated two "Tie One On" quarter sheets to the silent auction with the money raised to go to the Stacey Berry Scholarship Fund.
2014 SN Chapter Board: Susan Ward, Beth Coffey Curle, and Jennifer Smith have agreed to stay on the board. Madora Daniels has agreed to continue to do the book keeping but not be a board member. Michele Ting will continue to be the chapter webmaster. We would like to encourage other chapter members to join the board. Beth currently takes care of chapter communication and Susan and Jen coordinate educational events for the chapter. All three would like to keep their current role. We would like other chapter members to come forward and help with the running of the chapter. We will need a chapter member to represent the chapter at the CDS meeting in January in Sacramento.
The time commitment varies depending upon the time of year. For those who say - well, I show, I can't help - all of us show or have shown and been on the board. It is entirely do-able plus a lot of running the chapter is done prior to the actual dates of our shows. We have one chapter meeting per month in Reno and the chapter board members are expected to attend as this is the only time we are able to meet face to face. We do communicate via email in between meetings if neccessary. Some roles require an hr a month - others require a few hrs of your time prior to a show or activitity. The heaviest demand is on the volunteer show managers. In addition to the actual show, judges and TD's need to hired and contracted, travel and accomodation arrangements made, licenses with CDS, USDF, USEF renewed, insurance arranged. This job can take a few hrs a month during the non-show season. Yes, it helps to find someone that isn't currently actively showing or who shows out of the area. We try to share this job so the manager is working half days or just one day of a two day show. All of us on the board see being active in the chapter as a way to contribute to our sport and we actually enjoy what we do. Obvioulsy the more hands, the less work. If we are to be honest, chapter board members get burned out. All efforts and contributions are appreciated. Whether you are an Open rider, an AA rider, or a Jr/Yr rider, your input, your ideas, and your efforts are appreciated. Please email Hilari Fleming at, if you would like to join the 2014 chapter board.
The meeting was adjourned so we could all sample the delicious food set out by Shari Walsh and Susan Hahn.