Monday January 13th, 2014 Chapter Meeting
In attendance: Susan Ward, Stacee Collier, Jocelyn Hamann, Beth Coffey Curle, special guest Erica Ward
With a couple of the chapter board members unable to attend, we took advantage of their absence and distributed job titles.
- Chapter Chair: Stacee Collier
- Education Committee: Susan Ward & Jennifer Smith
- Show Official & Paperwork Coordinator: Sarah Silva
- Award Picker-outters: Jocelyn Hamann & Leslie Ayers
- Communication & Volunteers: Beth Coffey Curle
- Treasurer: Joan Wright
- Bank Reconciliation: Madora Daniels - non voting member
- Web Site: Michele Ting - non votng member
I might have the bank reconciliation and the treasurer positions mixed up
Bank balance as of Oct. 31, 2013 = $8,319.06
2014 Dressage Shows: Kerin let us know that we still need two TD's. She'll keep looking for TD's for our April and July show.
We are going to contact Faith F to ask her to get a real commitment from local breeders to show their young stock before we officially host a breed show in July.
For 2014, we will be offering both the I-2 test AND the new I-A and I-B tests. The I-A and I-B tests will be offered as part of the FEI TOC class.
2013 Year End Awards: (Super Cool Secret Surprise) Awards through 3rd place, ribbons through 10th place! We need the High Point Award Trophies returned from the 2012 recipients in order for the 2013 winners to be engraved in time for the party in February. If you have one of the High Point trophies, please make arrangements to drop it off ASAP at Beth Coffey Curle's home in Reno.
The 2013 Year End Award Party & Silent Auction to benefit the Stacey Berry Scholarship Fund will be hosted by Joan Wright at her home in Carson City on Saturday, Feb. 22, 2014. An official announcement will come out soon. It will be a pot luck - bring your choice of food.
We are accepting donations for the Silent Auction to benefit the Stacey Berry Scholarship Fund. Donations may be dropped off or arrangements for pick up through Susan Ward Please add a note to the item identifying the retail value of the item. We already have several items donated by chapter members including quarter sheets, custom stock ties, ski lift tickets, Patagonia, lessons from local trainers, and a spot in a 2014 clinic with either Ellen Eckstein or Willy Arts.
2014 Education Event: Send your ideas for a chapter sponsored educational event to the Education Committee of Susan Ward and/or Jennifer Smith
It was a great fun meeting. We'll didn't talk about it but with the party on the 22nd, we might not need to meet in February. Stay tuned and we'll figure out if we need a business meeting or not and let you know. The 2013 Year End party announcement and the list of award winners will be out soon.
SN Chapter meeting February 10, 2014
In Attendance: Beth Coffey Curle, Joan Wright, Leslie Ayers, Jocelyn Hamann, Stacee Collier, Susan Ward, Jen Smith, Cyd Curle, Holly McGee
A new signature card has been created at the Bank of America with the new board members as signers. Joan Wright, Stacee Collier, and Beth Coffey Curle will be the account signers. Joan will keep the account debit card in her possession.
Treasury Report. $7500 in the bank.
Year End Chapter Award Party: Joan will pick up utensils, plates, etc. We will post pictures of the silent auctions items on the chapter FB page. Stacee will announce the awards; Jocelyn and Leslie will assist.
2014 Year End Awards will require the participation in two shows – either two chapter shows or one chapter show and the FTM June Classic. The points for scores earned will still be in place. Michele will update the website.
2014 Chapter Shows: High Points will be distributed for Training – 4th level and FEI (all inclusive) with three divisions – AA, Open, Jr/YR. We will purchase an email list from CDS to email blast chapter members in other northern CDS chapters to inform them about our dressage shows.
Education: Silent Auctions will be held at major chapter events to continue to fund the Stacey Berry Memorial Dressage Scholarship Fund. The Sacramento Valley chapter is hosting an “L” program. Contact them directly if you are interested in applying for a spot.
CDS Jr Clinic: David Wightman at SV June 21-22. Interested parties need to contact Stacey directly.
Chapter Clinics: We are open to chapter member suggestions.
CDS Annual Meeting Review from Stacee: Lots of chapters have co-chapter chairs. Lots of chapters host a show or a clinic but not both. The CDS Annual shows for 2014 and 2016 are at LAEC and 2016 is at MEC but after that, there are no commitments. CDS is looking at other possible venues to host the championships.
Next chapter meeting Monday, March 10th at Lamp Post Pizza, South Reno, NV
SN Chapter meeting March 10, 2014
In Attendance: Beth Coffey Curle, Leslie Ayers, Jocelyn Hamann, Stacee Collier, Susan Ward, Jen Smith, Cyd Curle, Holly McGee, Linda Thee, Jacqueline Marshall, and Sylvia Zuchs
SN Chapter Website: We are removing the classified page from the website. It does not have any traffic to warrant keeping it on there.
2014 Chapter Shows: Sierra Feed is being incredibly generous in the pricing of the merchandise being purchased for the shows through the store. Please thank Ken Cliff when you see him for his continued support of our local chapter. Jocelyn and Leslie are comparing prices to get the best price for the ribbons for this year.
SNC April Show, April 26-27, 2014 at FTM, Anita Owens S judge. Beth will volunteer to be the show manager on Saturday, April 26th. Linda Thee volunteered to coordinate the judge & TD’s ride back to either the hotel or airport Sunday night. A request for show help will go out now that the show is approximately six weeks away. We will email blast the other northern closer CDS chapters about our chapter show activities.
CDS AA Clinic: Joan has paid for one chapter member to attend the clinic. The fee was increased to $150.
CDS Jr/YR Clinic: Only two chapter members submitted their names to attend the clinic. Stacee contacted the clinic organizer and they will accept two members from our chapter to attend. Cyd Curle and Sophia Holm will attend the clinic on the chapter’s behalf. The chapter agreed to pay the $100 clinic fee for Cyd and $50 towards Sophia’s spot. Cyd was awarded the full paid for spot for all of the volunteer hours she works for the chapter. The chapter has also offered to sponsor lunch one day at the Jr clinic.
Education: Susan has researched several names of clinicians that would either be suitable for a bio-mechanic workshop for a traditional riding clinic workshop. It may take a full year to get onto one of these popular clinician’s calendar but she will start the process.
Stacey Berry Memorial Dressage Scholarship: There is approximately $2200 in the scholarship fund. The scholarship committee was created: Stacee Collier, Jackie, Marshall, and Jocelyn Hamann. There is room for two more members if anyone is interested. Please contact Stacee directly.
$250 scholarship will be awarded each year. The account needs to grow to $20,000 in order to self-fund. Until that time, we will continue to host silent auction fund raisers to fund the account.
The fund will be maintained by CDS. The recipient selection will be made by the SN Scholarship committee.
The scholarship will be awarded at the Stacey Berry Memorial Dressage show held in October each year. The first scholarship recipient will be presented October 18th, 2014. The recipient MUST be present to receive the grant in person during the lunch break at the October show. The grant must be used within 12 months of receiving the $250 scholarship fund. A grant recipient may not win the scholarship two consecutive years or twice in five years.
Selection Criteria:
- SN Chapter member for at least one year. (at least one year prior to applying for the grant money)
- Must have a USEF AA designation.
- Must have at least one score above 60% at First Level at a USEF recognized show
- Must state short and long term goals on the scholarship application
- Must include riding history on the scholarship application including USDF medals, major competition awards, and clinic history
- Must include the intended use of the scholarship fund
- Must conclude the experience with a written report within two months of the intended activity
The selection criteria may need to be amended if I got any of it incorrect. A lot was being discussed so I may have a made an error in recording the criteria.
Next SN Chapter Meeting: Monday, April 7th at 6:30 at Susan Ward’s home in Reno, NV. Please note this is an exception to the “2nd Monday of the month” as we will be hosting the show at the end of the month and need the additional time to prepare for the show. We hope to see you there.
Meeting minutes from the chapter meeting 4/07/14
CDS is encouraging the chapters to apply to host CDS events. Stacee will apply to CDS for SN to host the northern AA clinic, RAAC show, and the annual CDS meeting.
Cyd Curle and Sophie Holms will attend the northern Jr CDS clinic in June at SV. SN will sponsor lunch at the clinic one day.
Chapter member Zib Theirott (spelling? sorry Zib) has volunteered to host the 2015 SN Chapter Year End Party.
First suggested and discussed in 2013, SN will now offer a "Trainer Award" commencing in 2014. The winner will be the trainer with the highest average of their client's scores. These scores will be earned by students riding only, not Open riders riding their clients' horses. Interested trainers need to sign up with Stacee at All trainers and clients must be current CDS and SN Chapter members.
Reno Horse Expo- May 3rd at Bartley Ranch. 9:00 - 12:00. Comstock Vet hosting. Stacee and Jocelyn will do a dressage demo ride. Thank you for volunteering ladies! Susan, Beth, and Cyd will host the chapter table while Stacee and Jocelyn perform a demonstration of dressage. If any trainer or facility would like information about them at the booth, please get the materials to Stacee before May 3rd. The chapter is not responsible for creating any trainer or facility brochure.
Chapter sponsored dressage show. The show is in good shape. Ribbons will arrive by 04/20. Awards have been selected and purchased through Sierra Feed. The awards were purchased under budget. Hotel fees are very high for the show as there is a volleyball tournament in town and town is sold out. Stacee will keep all of the scores for the year and calculate the chapter year end awards. Kerin has the show box and letters. She will coordinate with Stacee to deliver these items to Stacee's home. Beth will contact Lynne about pounding down the court pylons so the ring is at the proper height. Frost heaves in the ground raise the posts up each winter. Volunteers are filling the spots needed to run the show. There are some spots still open. Beth will keep asking folks to volunteer. Beth will get the awards from Jocelyn and letters and show box from Stacee and set up the judge's stand Friday afternoon. Sarah had to get another farrier as the contracted farrier had an out of town commitment come up.
The SN Chapter meeting came to order at 6:30 on Monday, May 12th.
Present: Stacee Collier, Susan Ward, Joan Ward, Jocelyn Hamann, Leslie Ayers, Beth Coffey Curle, Cyd Curle, and Holly McGee
CDS Jr Clinic w/David Wightman will have to be re-scheduled if David's wife makes the WEG team at Gladstone. Stacee will keep in touch with Kristin, the clinic coordinator.
CDS AA clinic has three chapter members interested to attend to date. Last day to get your name to Stacee is June 1st. Just a reminder, you have to be a chapter volunteer in order to qualify as an attendee.
SN Trainer Award: 4 trainers have signed up to date.
Stacey Berry Memorial Dressage Scholarship Fund: Joan is still waiting to hear back from CDS on the finals details of running a CDS scholarship fund. We would like to award the first scholarship at the October show.
Awards: Lots of compliments over the awards at the April show. Jocelyn will fill in the awards for the July show. We would like one more volunteer for the shows - someone to hand out the tests, awards, and ribbons. We are adding stakes money to the July show. $50 plus stake entry money for test 3 at each level, AA/Jr/Yr and Open divisions; all FEI tests will be combined, all divisions awarded together. Saturday only. $15 per entry for each person entered in the stakes classes. Payouts at 50% for first, 35% for second place, 15% for third place.
DITS: We will be checking for a cheaper hotel option for the July show. FYI, FTM no longer includes shavings in the stall rental. Stall renters can purchase shavings or bring their own. BYOB Horse On The Label party and Silent Auction Fund Raiser will take place Saturday night. Beth will update the show flyer and re-email it to CDS northern members. The prize list needs to be updated and submitted to the USEF for approval.
Education: Focus on fund raising right now.
Next meeting: Monday, June 9th, 6:30 at Round Table Pizza in the south Reno Walmart parking lot.
June 9, 2014 6:30 @ Round Table Pizza
Present: Stacee Collier, Susan Ward, Leslie Ayers, Beth Curle, Joan Wright, Jocelyn Hamman, Jennifer Smith
Shows: It looks like we may have enough ribbons in inventory to cover our 2015 shows.
RAAC & Annual Meeting: We have an application into CDS to possibly host the CDS northern RAAC or CDS Annual Meeting in the future.
DITS: Chapter members! Don't forget we are offering money stake classes on the first day of the show! See the prize list on the chapter website for details. Saturday evening "Horse on the Label" party will start at 6:30 PM at Susan Ward's home. Silent Auction items are being solicited to fund the Stacy Berry Memorial Dressage Scholarship Fund. RSVP's to the party much be received no later than the closing date of the show. As the food is being purchased and prepared, we ask attendees to not "just show up" or RSVP Saturday morning like last year. Silent Auction items and RSVP's will go directly to Susan at
Lesley and Jocelyn have picked out the awards for the DITS show. Thank you ladies!
CDS AA Clinic: Zib Thierot, first to go! Susan Treynor is our chapter reserve rider and Silva Fuchs is second alternate.
Stacy Berry Memorial Dressage Scholarship Fund: $1500 in the fund. We will be awarding the first scholarship at the chapter October show.
Other: Northern NV Cancer Fund Raiser July 12-13 at Meadow View Stables. They are looking for a volunteer dressage demo rider. Contact Stacee at
August 13, 2014
Present: Beth Coffey Curle, Susan Ward, Jocelyn Hamman, Jen Smith, Joan Wright, Leslie Ayers, Stacee Collier, Cyd Curle
Stacee's trip to Verden, Germany to watch with Young Horse World Championship with the team chef d' Robert Dover was incredible. Stacee reported that there is a lot of pressure on the US team to finish if not medal as a team disqualification will result in a non-invite to the Pan Am Games which is then tied to 2016 Olympic invitation.
Treasurer's Report: $3200 working cash in the bank
CDS Board: Beth Coffey Curle has accepted the CDS nomination's request to run for an At Large position on the CDS Board. The election is in November.
April Show: We need to get the hotel expense for this show down. The challenge is that town is sold out this particular weekend due to an enormous volleyball tournament that is held every year. Hotels in Carson are filled too.
Junior Clinic: Chapter Junior riders will be heading to the CDS Jr champs at the end of the month. Cyd Curle and Sophia Holm will be our chapter representatives at the CDS Jr North clinic with David Wilson at Starr Vaughn October 12-13.
Stacey Berry Memorial Dressage Scholaship: $250 scholarship to a chapter AA will be distributed at the chapter October show. Criteria for the scholarship will be announced in September. Recipient must be present to win. The scholarship will be distributed at lunch time at the October show.
2016 RAAC: Our chapter will apply to host the 2016 RAAC at the RLEC. This will be a huge undertaking for the chapter but it will bring the RAAC closer to our membership and maybe increase our members interest to qualify and attend. It will be held in conjunction with our 2016 Dressage in the Sierra Show.
Next Chapter meeting: Wednesday, September 10, 6:30 PM at Lamp Post Pizza in South Reno. Our October meeting will be a bit earlier in the month to accommodate the planning needs for the October show. It will be THE FIRST WEDNESDAY in October, October 8th at 6:30 PM and it will be held at Susan Ward's home.
09/09/14 Present: Stacee Collier, Leslie Ayers, Jocelyn Hamann, Beth Coffey Curle, Holly McGee, Cyd Curle
Old Business: Beth still needs to check with the RLEC to see if the July 2016 Dressage in the Sierra dates are available at the RLEC in order for our chapter to bid to host the 2016 RAAC North show at the RLEC.
Stacey Berry Memorial Dressage Scholarship Fund: To date, no SN Chapter AA member has applied to receive the $250 scholarship award that is scheduled to be awarded during the lunch break at the chapter October show, October 18th. As a reminder, here is the scholarship application requirements and please email your application to
- Must be a current SN Chapter member (Adult Amateurs only)
- Applicants must be a chapter member for at least 1 year
- Applicants must be present at the show to be awarded the scholarship
- $250 will be awarded
- Adult Amateur must have shown at a CDS recognized show at First Level or higher and received 60% or better
- Volunteering at chapter events will be given favorable consideration
Application Process:
- What will you use the scholarship for?
- What are your equestrian goals short term and long term?
- Please provide proof of a First Level test at a CDS recognized show of 60% or higher
Stacey Berry Memorial "Get Your Pink, On!" Dressage Show, Saturday, October 17th:
The prize list is up to date and posted on the chapter website: The lunch hour will be jam packed. If we have a qualified scholarship recipient, the first scholarship will be rewarded, a freestyle demonstration will be done in Stacey's honor, the costume class will take place, and the ring will be watered (if necessary) and dragged. Volunteers are needed for scoring AM/PM, scribing AM/PM, paddock steward AM/PM, lunch & snacks (you will be reimbursed). Please connect with Beth Coffey Curle if you are able and willing to volunteer. curle@mindpspring.
Jocelyn and Leslie will get more awards to cover the needs for the October show plus the costume class. All competitors and volunteers are encouraged to strut your pink like we all did last year. We saw pink hooves, pink blazes, pink gloves, pink saddle pads, pink jackets, pink brow bands, pink braids, pink socks, pink shirts - just remember that competitors must maintain proper equipment in meeting the USEF requirements for dressage.
Tuesday, Oct. 7th 6:30
Stacee Collier, Jocelyn Hamann, Leslie Ayers, Susan Ward, Joan Wright, Beth Coffey Curle, Holly McGee, Cyd Curle, Ellen Bjorkman were present.
As always, the meeting attendees were welcomed with FREE food and FREE wine (minus Cyd of course). You really should consider attending these meetings, we do enjoy each other's company.
Treasurer's Report: Unfortunately, Joan was unable to get the bank statement so she wasn't able to present an up to date treasurer's report.
2014 Chapter Year End Awards: Stacee is tallying the points. The award party will be in Reno this year as it was in Carson last year. We'll announce a date and place once it is in place.
2014 Stacey Berry Memorial Scholarship Award has been awarded to Holly McGee! The scholarship is paying out $250 to Holly.
2015 Stacey Berry Memorial Scholarship Award: Susan W will communicate to the chapter through out the year about the availability of the scholarship fund in hopes of increasing awareness of the fund and increase participation.
Joan has offered to store the chapter's "stuff" - tables we use at the show, chairs, secretary boxes, awards, ribbons, etc. Jocelyn is storing our court and letters for us.
Stacey Berry Memorial Dressage Show: Get Your Pink ON! - in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month - Saturday, Oct. 18th @ FTM
Ellen Bjorkman will present the scholarship award during the lunch break. There will be a demo freestyle ride and quadrille - all honoring Stacey Berry. Seana Adamson is creating a special group ride using friends of Stacey's to honor her and her love of horses. Sarah Silva has agreed to help coordinate the lunch break - keeping the scholarship presentation, the costume class, the water/drag, and anything else on time so the show can start on time in the afternoon. Ellen will connect with the H/J world to invite them. Holly is going to invite Stacey's parents. Thank you Ellen, Holly, and Sarah!!
There will be breast cancer awareness brochures on display at the show.
Show Volunteers: Let's not mince words...the regulars are not available and only a few have stepped forward. It takes a weekend like this to have it really obvious that the same volunteers are really THE SAME volunteers. Susan W, Jen Smith, Beth C-C, and Faith are all out of town, Joan has a work commitment until 1PM, Carolyn has another commitment, Susan T is showing 2, here's how it's going to go. Until this morning, we were ready to have a "virtual paddock steward" - no joke.
- AM Office: Beth will open the office no less than 60 minutes before the first scheduled ride. Beth is leaving no later than 10AM and hopefully earlier. Stacee will take over as the show manager once she gets there after she finishes with her morning commitment.
- AM Scribe: Thank you Roxanne for stepping in. Her sister Reilly is going to shadow as a scribe. Both of these ladies are actually Reno chapter members. Please remember to thank them for their time.
- AM Ring Steward: Ellen - Thank you Ellen!
- AM Scorer - competitors will have to be patient and wait for scores. Holly has offered to score but has a morning commitment. Please understand that the earliest you may see scores is 10AM. Not our regular nearly instant system but acceptable by USEF rules and standards. Thank you Holly!
- Other AM Scorer - no one yet! Two scorers speeds up the process.
- AM Runner - Virginia Bayne - Thank you Virginia and I think she's a Reno Chapter member too!
- Lunch: Thank you Barbara D for offering to bring the judge's lunch. Plan to arrive no later than 11:30 but we'll know the real lunch time once the schedule is out late next week.
- Snacks: Is anyone able to bring snacks for the judge and beverages for the volunteers? You will be reimbursed. You need to be at the show no later than 9:00. Snacks are fruit, cheese, cookies, energy bars, ice cream (it was a hit with the April judge ;). Drinks are water, ice tea, Gatorade, etc. Oh, Creeky loves apples and caramel :)
- AM Coffee: Is anyone able to pick up coffee for the judge and volunteers at Star Bucks early, early in the morning - nds. to be there by 7:30AM You need to pre-order a to-go box of coffee - it's all inclusive at least by the day before and it isn't usually ready to go so you have to build in extra wait time to your 7:30AM show arrival time. It's about $18. You will be reimbursed. Please make sure there is an enormous amount of half & half included in the box. (personal request ;) One container is enough.
- PM Scribe - still open although Roxanne offered to work if no one stepped forward. Thank you Roxanne! Competitors, you can't show if there's no experienced scribe sitting next to Creeky, our judge. Anyone willing to help?
- PM Steward - Sara Aiken - thank you Sara!
- PM Scorer - Barbara D - thank you Barbara!
- Other PM Scorer - no one yet! Two scorers speeds up the process.
- PM Runner - Holly - Thank you Holly!
The shifts are approximately 7:30 - 12:00; 1:00 - 5:00.
On a positive note, two of our jr members are going to presenting a pas de duex and we've been asked by a local event rider to host a couple of the event dressage tests as Creeky is an event dressage judge. So great that we can help these local folks! If there is a need, we can consider offering these tests all the time as a TOC class.