SN Chapter meeting, 01/12/15
Present: Susan Ward, Beth Coffey Curle, Jocelyn Hamann, Leslie Ayers, Stacee Collier, Jen Smith, Holly McGee
Present via phone: Joan Wright
Treasurer Report: $3,386 in the Stacey Berry Memorial Fund; $5,389.09 working balance general funds.
Year End Chapter and Treasurer report is due to the CDS Central office before the annual meeting at the end of January.
2015 Board: Jen Smith and Holly McGee are Co-Chapter Chairs; Susan Ward - Education; Beth Coffey Curle - Communication; Joan Wright - Treasurer; Jocelyn Hamann & Leslie Ayers - Awards; Sarah Silva - Horse Show contracts; non-board position - Michele Ting.
2015 Education: The board would like to bring in a clinician for a riding clinic. Chapter members are asked to suggest names to Susan Ward @ "Susan Ward"
2014 Year End Awards: Leslie and Jocelyn have picked out three GREAT prizes for the 2014 year end chapter awards. Sierra Feed has generously offered to help financially support our chapter year end awards. Please thank Ken Cliff for his continued support of our chapter the next time you see him in town or at Sierra Feed.
2015 Annual CDS meeting: Beth will represent the chapter at the annual meeting in Glendale, CA. Leslie and Beth will put the basket together from items purchased at Sierra Feed and Susan Ward will donate two custom stock ties. The basket is a CDS requirement - all of the CDS chapters bring a basket to donate for a silent auction/auction at the annual meeting. It is a fund raiser for Club 100. CDS has asked Beth to be on the Junior committee and the Quadrille committee.
2015 Shows: We've had to hire two new judges for our April and July shows as our contracted judges received other offers more appealing than a weekend in NV. Contracts are out, TD are hired, Connie is on board, EMT has the show dates, need to check to see if FTM has been sent a contract for this year's shows. Need to remember to send in the volunteer release form to the CDS office after every show. Beth will ask Kerin R if we can book rooms for the show officials at the GSR. The challenge for the April show is we compete with a giant volley.
2014 Year End Chapter Awards Party: at Susan Ward's home Saturday, March 7th at 7PM. Pot Luck - bring what ever you'd like, Jocelyn would like to remind all of us that variety is the spice of life and there's nothing wrong with a table full of just desserts. Beth will put the party up on FB.
2015 chapter meetings. The board would like to look into what kind of affordable options there may be out there to allow chapter members to attend chapter meetings via the internet.
The SN monthly chapter meeting came to order at 6:30 PM, on 02/09/15.
Attendance: Leslie Ayers, Joan Wright, Beth Curle, Susan Ward, Holly McGee, Jen Smith
The board decided that as we are hosting the chapter Year End Award party on March 7th, there will be no board meeting in March. The board decided to host a fund raiser raffle for the Stacy Berry Memorial Scholarship Fund at the Year End Award party. Tickets will be $5 for 2 tickets. The prizes will be centered around showing. There will be 6 prizes including two free show class entries for a SN chapter show!
Please bring your cash or check to the party and let's keep the scholarship fund growing!
The awards party is a pot luck - bring anything you'd like to eat and share and it is BYOB beverage format.
SN Chapter High Point Award winners will each receive a high point award graciously donated by Kastel Denmark.
SNC needs to adopt the CDS standing rules and submit them to CDS to remain in compliance with CDS. The treasurer and year end summary report have been submitted to CDS for 2014. All of the board need to sign the CDS Code of Conduct.
April SN Show. Lesley Grove was able to secure rooms for the show officials at the Nugget at no cost to the chapter. Please thank Lesley the next time you see her. Susan Ward has offered to scribe Saturday and Sunday AM. Connie will stay with Joan at her home. We will be looking for volunteers soon.
July DITS & Clinic. On Monday, July 20th, the chapter will host a quadrille clinic with our judge Melissa Creswick. Beth will write a scholarship request to CDS to cover some of the expenses for this clinic. If the clinic does not fill with quadrille riders, we will open it up to be a traditional style clinic. The clinic will be at FTM. Clinic format will be discussed once we get closer to July.
No March Meeting.
Sierra NV Chapter Monthly Meeting ~ May 11, 2015
Attending: Beth Coffey Curle, Susan Ward, Joan Wright, Holly McGee, Jocelyn Hamann, Leslie Ayers, Jen Smith, Stacee Collier, Hilari Fleming, Allison Maclean, Suzan Strahan – Reno Chapter, Zib Thieriot
Special Guest: Ironwood Event Center representative – Joneux Mensler
Treasurer’s Report: no current bank statement available but after the show fees are paid, we’ll have just under $7,000 in the account.
April Show review:
Food expense: one item that continues to grow is the cost to feed the volunteers, show officials, and the free coffee and food out in the morning. We will be requesting patrons make a donation for the coffee and muffins at future shows. We will continue to supply lunch for volunteers that work the entire day.
Traffic in the Show Office: traffic in the show office continues to be a problem. Judges don’t get a break from competitors, our show manager is unable to get her administrative work complete. We will move the tests & awards to a table with a volunteer out of the show office. We will instill a one person in the show office at a time system – all others will wait outside in a “next up” line.
Radios: Stacee will ask FTM if we can rent their radios for future shows.
Length of Show Day: We agreed that we will allow our shows to go a maximum of 10 hrs, the maximum number of hours a show judge may be on the grounds at a USEF show. Ten hours will include 2 hours of judge over time. This will allow for approximately 50-55 tests per day.
Show Entries: The chapter will enforce show entry requirements: All show entries need to be post marked by the closing date; all incomplete show entries will be put on a wait list; all show entries require payment at the time of entry or they will be considered incomplete and put on a wait list. No entries will be excepted over the phone, fax, or email.
We will ask our show manager/secretary to produce the ride times by Tuesday before each show date.
Hotel Rooms: Our judge and TD had the nicest rooms they had ever had! Thank you to Lesley Grove for making these amazing arrangements for our show officials at the Nugget.
For 2016, we will move up the closing date 4 days for each show to allow for more time to schedule the shows.
Portable Judges Stand: The cost to purchase a used suitable trailer is $850 - $1400. It was recommended to add 2 jacks to stabilize and level the trailer. A judge’s stand would require approximately another $1000 in building supplies to build. Due to the cost, this item has been tabled again.
Storage Trailer: All of the chapter’s show equipment/supplies have been stored in the Ayer’s auto trailer. Thank you to the Ayer family for the loan of this trailer. It’s wonderful to have all of the supplies in one place again!
Court: We will flip the placement of A and C and the judge’s stand the next time we have to have a show indoors. There is a serious noise issue when the shows have to be inside. Spectators do not realize how sound travels in the FTM indoor and it is nearly impossible for the scribes to hear the judge. It was also suggested to put up particle board behind the judge to help reduce the noise behind the judge’s stand.
Sound System: We ask all competitors that require a sound system complete their sound check before the start of the show on Saturday morning. FTM system did work at the show although it rejected the CD’s several times before functioning properly. It is unclear if they will be replacing the system in the future. We will have Jocelyn’s system on stand by for future shows.
Dressage in the Sierra: July 18-19 at FTM
Hotel Rooms: We will ask Lesley if the rooms are available again for the DITS show.
Volunteers: anyone willing to volunteer for the Dressage in the Sierra show, please contact Beth Coffey Curle directly at
Saturday Night Competitor Party at Susan Ward’s home: 6:30 PM start, silent auction closed at 7:30 PM.
“Horse on the Label” wine and beer tasting lives on.
Anyone with items to donate to the silent auction, please contact Joan Wright at
July Show Manager: Day 1 – Jen Smith; Day 2 – Player to be announced – Anyone, anyone?
July Show Volunteer Coordinator: Beth Coffey Curle
Chapter Hosted Quadrille Clinic w/Melissa Creswick, Monday July 20th at FTM
We will be hosting a riding clinic on the art and benefits of quadrille riding w/our show judge Melissa Creswick. The clinic costs $55 per rider. The plan is to host a training level group, a 1st level group, and a group 2nd level and above. There will be 4 riders per group. If the clinic does not fill, Melissa will conduct a traditional riding clinic in the afternoon. The chapter has applied for a CDS scholarship to help offset the costs of conducting this clinic.
Other chapter hosted educational events:
Two other clinics are in the works. Please stand by for more information.
Junior CDS Clinic: Our chapter representative for the CDS Jr clinic at SV June 20-21 w/Charlotte Berdahl will be Reilly Strahan. Cyd Curle is the chapter alternate.
SN will donate $100 towards the Meet & Greet pizza party Friday evening of the clinic.
AA CDS Clinic: Anyone interested in riding in the AA CDS clinic with Volker Brommann at SV October 3-4 should contact Jen Smith or Holly McGee.
Ironwood Equestrian Event Center representative was present. She said that the facility, located in Palomino Valley, will match whatever our footing needs require. SNHJA is hosting 2 shows there this summer. They are already hosting a number of rodeo and western type events.
July 13, 2015, 6:30 PM
Attending: The SN Chapter board + Jr Chapter member Cyd Curle
Treasurer's Report: $9,287.16 total in the treasury which includes $3,941 in scholarship funds. This does not include any revenue from the next show.
Dressage in the Sierra Show, July 18-19, 2016 at FTM
.- Due to the thunderstorms in the forecast and an early flight out for the TD on Sunday, the show will start at 7:00 AM both days.
- We have two different DITS shirts available for sale this year. $25 each or 2 for $40. Thank you Leslie Ayers and Joan Wright for finding the vendor and getting our shirts ordered in time for the show. If we run out, re-orders will be available for anyone wishing to purchase a shirt. See Joan Wright for any re-orders.
- Thank you volunteers. That list will go out in a different email.
- SN Chapter Summer Horse on the Label Wine Tasting Party at Susan Ward's home. Please RSVP if you plan on attending. Susan Ward
- It is a BYOB, please bring a bottle of wine or beer selection with a horse on the label to share.
- Remember to pack your check book! We will be having our annual silent auction to benefit the Stacy Berry Memorial Scholarship Fund. If you have something to donate, please connect with Joan Wright directly at Joan C. Wright
- Melissa Creswick Clinic on Monday, July 20h at FTM starting at 9AM with a lecture about quadrille riding followed by a quadrille clinic with Melissa. Anyone wishing to ride in the clinic as a traditional riding lesson with Melissa may still do so. Please contact Beth Coffey Curle at if you would like to ride. The cost per rider is $55/ride. The chapter will pay the ring fee and there is no fee to audit.
CDS Adult Amateur Clinic! We've picked a name from the at but until she's told, we won't announce it here. The clinic will take place at Starr Vaughn Equestrian Center, October 4-5 with Volker Brommann. Congratulations, Rider TBA!
We had discussed having Sarah Lockman up for a clinic this summer/fall but at this time, her calendar is quite full. We are going to approach Chelsey Sibley next.
We look forward to seeing everyone this weekend at the show and summer chapter party!
Present: Jen Smith, Susan Ward, Jocelyn Hamann, Leslie Ayers, Beth Coffey Curle, Cyd Curle
Treasurer Report: Stacey Berry Scholarship Fund $4,840.50. The bank account balance after deducting the scholarship monies and outstanding checks is $7,332.81.
Dressage in the Sierra 2015: Discussion to keep or remove the stakes classes from the 2016 prize list. We need to increase the PR for the stakes classes to increase participation.
Show Officials 2016: Mike Osinski - April; waiting for Brent Hicks to confirm for July, Maureen VT TD for July.
Chelsey Sibley ~ 8 rides are paid for Chelsey Sibley August 22nd - 23rd. 2 rides are still open. Cost is $110/ride. Clinic will be held at FTM and ring fees for chapter sponsored clinics are paid by the chapter. Participants are responsible for clinic fees only for this clinic. Interested riders should contact Susan Ward at
Brian Hafner October 3rd - 4th. 10 rides per day. Cost is $140/ride. Clinic will be held at FTM and ring fees for chapter sponsored clinics are paid by the chapter. Participants are responsible for clinic fees only for this clinic. Rider applications are available from Susan Ward at Saturday night dinner party at Susan's home after the clinic.
CDS AA Clinic w/Volker Brommann at Starr Vaughn, Elk Grove, VA Zib Thieriott is our chapter representative.
SNC Stacey Berry Memorial Dressage Show - Get Your Pink On! October 17th at FTM, prize list will be available on line soon. CDS *, Creeky Routson "S", Beth to manage.
Stacey Berry Memorial Scholarship Application are now ~ selection criteria:
$250 scholarship will be awarded each year. The recipient MUST be present to receive the grant in person during the lunch break at the October show. The grant must be used within 12 months of receiving the $250 scholarship fund. A grant recipient may not win the scholarship two consecutive years or twice in five years.
- SN Chapter member for at least one year (at least one year prior to applying for the grant money).
- Must have a USEF AA designation.
- Must have at least one score above 60% at First Level at a USEF recognized show.
- Must state short and long term goals on the scholarship application.
- Must include riding history on the scholarship application including USDF medals, major competition awards, and clinic history.
- Must include the intended use of the scholarship fund.
- Must conclude the experience with a written report within two months of the intended activity.
Stacey Berry Scholarship Deadline: Applications should be sent to the SN Chapter PO Box 2637, Carson City, NV 89702 by October 1, 2015. Winner will be decided at the October meeting, October 5th. This meeting was moved up one week due to the show being hosted on 10/17.
Ironwood Events Center: We are going to host our 2016 April and July shows at the Ironwood Events Center in Spanish Springs, NV. The October 2016 show will remain at FTM.
2015 Year End Awards: We are going to move the Year End Award party to January. The party will be at Susan Ward's home in Reno.
2016 tentative SN Board members: So far, the following people are willing to serve on the SN 2016 board: Jen Smith, Beth Coffey Curle, Susan Ward, and Joan. Joan wasn't there but we decided for her.
September 14th, 6:30 PM
Board Present: Jen Smith, Joan Wright, Susan Ward, Holly McGee, Beth Coffey Curle, Leslie Ayers. Guests: Stacee Collier, Holly Hagen
Treasurer Report: $7081 working balance; $4840 Stacey Berry Memorial Scholarship Fund + $1430 gift presented to us last night. Dressage in the Sierra netted $1100, T-shirt sales netted $294.
Stacey Berry Memorial Dressage Show: "Get Your Pink ON!", Saturday, October 17th at FTM. Creeky Routson "S" is our judge. Artemis tack shop plans on being at the show. Joan will re-order more gray and pink shirts for re-sale at $25 each. Prize list is posted on the website. We'll start organizing volunteers after the chapter clinic in October.
2015 $250 Stacey Berry AA Scholarship Award goes to Leslie Ayers!
The chapter was given a large number of Longaberger baskets by Stacey's husband. We will host a Longaberger basket party in the spring with all the baskets being put for sale and the funds will go to the scholarship fund.
Education: In the spring, the Education Committee is going to host a volunteer and dressage 101 clinic. Stations will be set up to instruct volunteers how to be a scribe, how to score, how to be a paddock steward, the basics of participating in clinics, and simplifying (and explaining) all of the memberships a competitor needs to be a member of to avoid the non-member fees.
SN Chapter sponsored Chelsey Sibley Clinic: The clinic was a huge success! Chelsey gave 110% 100% of the time. We will contact Chelsey to see if she is available to schedule a mini-clinic series for 2016.
SN Chapter sponsored Brian Hafner Clinic: The clinic has 8 riders: Susan Ward, Joan Wright, Seana Adamson, Stacee Colliers on 2 horses, Leslie Ayers, Cyd Curle, & Ellen Bjorkman. The audio system has been rented, hotel is booked, and we will ask FTM if we may use their chairs for auditors. Holly Hagen is going to coordinate the food - Yeah! Pot Luck dinner (Holly H is cooking, we all bring desserts, beverages, appetizers) at Susan's home Saturday night.
2016 Shows: We are going to continue to research our judge's stand options for 2016. Beth has been in contact with portable building rental companies for a small building with an open front. We should have this issue put to bed by November 1. We have most of the contracts back from the 2016 judges and TD's. Beth will follow up with Brent Hicks and Maureen Van T, our July show officials, at the CDS champs this weekend.
2016 Chapter Board: The members who have currently shown an interest in being on the chapter board for 2016 are: Joan, Susan, Jen, Beth, Leslie, Holly M, and Holly H. Jennifer and Holly M will maintain as chapter co-chairs. Yeah! Anyone, anyone else?
Good luck to all of our chapter members competing and thank you to our chapter members who are volunteering their time this weekend at the annual USDF/CDS Championship Show!