Monday January 11, 2016
We had a meeting last night of jumbled ideas and thoughts. Our leadership was missing which helps keeps us on track but none-the-less, we enjoy each other's company and in some cases, we only see each other once a month so a jumbled gathering of thoughts and ideas is a pleasant way to spend an evening.
2016 Shows: USDF had issues with the insurance coverage for the April show. Beth requested the insurance company re-issue the policy this time with the show date clearly visible in the title of the policy and asked them to re-issue it to both the USDF and USEF. Jennifer has been in contact with Ironwood Events Center as it is in our contract that they will purchase and supply a competition dressage court for our 2 three-star shows. Jennifer has forwarded them the CDS contact information again and agree to make the purchase. Beth will print out and deliver the July judge's contract to Brent Hicks. He has not responded to the emails from Sarah Silva requesting him to sign the contract and return it to the chapter.
2016 Chapter Hosted Education Events: All is on hold until we get a bit further in to the spring.
2015 SN Chapter Year End Awards and Party: We will be hosting a SN Chapter Year End award night and party at Sierra Feed on S. Virginia Street in Reno on Sunday, February 21st, 4:00 - 6:00 PM. Ken Cliff has kindly opened his doors up to our group for the party. The chapter will be providing light snacks and beverages. The awards have been purchased and ordered for the event. Please plan to attend if you won something or have a representative there to pick up your award.
Other Business: Beth has been asked to be on the USDF Awards committee in addition to her CDS Board duties. CDS President Kevin Reinig has been asked to join the USDF Young Horse committee.
Thank you,
SN Chapter Board
No February Minutes Available
No March Meeting Minutes Available
No April Meeting Minutes Available
No May Meeting Minutes Available
No June Meeting Minutes Available
Meeting Minutes July 11th, 2016
Present: Beth Curle, Jen Smith, Cyd Curle, Joan Wright, Jocelyn Hamann, Leslie Ayers, Holly McGee
April Show review: we lost $634. We were 6 horses short of breaking even. The class price will increase to $55 in 2017 to match the July show.
Dressage in the Sierra ~ July 23-24: If it is hot and windy, we will add a second drag and watering to the show schedule. The judge's stand arrives Friday morning. Beth will meet the delivery man and pay him. Need to make sure when the Ironwood staff place it that it is level. Need to ask IW staff to put the bleachers out at the outside ring. We need to bring a table for the awards.
It's not too late to get an entry in. Entries available on our website and call Connie our show manager if you intend to enter late.
Competitor Potluck: We are hosting a chapter no host potluck 30 minutes after the last ride of the day on Saturday, July 23. An online food sign up has gone out under a separate email. Don't forget to bring a bottle to share - beer, wine, non-alcohol with a "Horse on the Label".
The Eastern High Sierra Chapter (Bishop CA area) is being closed due to low membership by the CDS. The 8 members have been moved to our SN Chapter. If you see a EHS at Dressage in the Sierra, please remember to say HI and welcome them to the chapter.
Standing Rules: The SN Chapter Standing Rules are complete and off to CDS.
2016 SN Chapter Year End Award Committee: Jocelyn, Leslie, and Cyd will work within an established budget to select and purchase the year end awards. We will ask Connie to add the list of coaches to her show report to make it easier to keep track of the chapter trainer of the year list.
Education: There's talk of asking a local vet to host a colic clinic in the fall.
2017 show locations: We will be discussing and deciding on the 2017 April and July show 2017 locations at the August chapter meeting.
Next meeting: Monday, August 8th 6:30 at the Whispering Vine on Foothills Road, Reno.
Monday, August 7, 2016
Attendance: Jen Smith, Holly McGee, Holly Hagen, Beth Coffey Curle, Cyd Curle, Jocelyn Hamann, Leslie Ayers, Stacee Collier
Treasurer's Report: Unfortunately Joan had not received the most recent bank statement and the final numbers from Connie on the DITS show but we earned approximately $2000 from the show.
Dressage in the Sierra Recap: The lack of cleanliness of the Ironwood Events Center was disappointing. The footing improved on Sunday after substantial amount of watering, ripping, and dragging. The permenant stabling is very nice and popular with competitors.Parking is ample. The 2nd floor competitor party room makes it easy to host an after hour competitor party. The rented judge's stand with air conditioning was perfect for such a hot weekend. The lack of shade was a common negative comment by spectators and volunteers.
CDS Jr/Yr Championships: The show went well. 2 SN chapter members and 1 Reno chapter member participated and represented northern NV well.
October Stacey Berry Memorial Show: Jocelyn/Beth will count ribbons and awards before the next show. Creeky Routson is our judge. We would like to add a couple of awards for this show: Best Pink AA, Best Pink Jr/Yr, Best Spooky Pink. Beth will contact the trainers with Jrs to see if they would like us to continue to host the Halloween dress up class. We will have baskets available for sale as a fund raiser for the Stacey Berry Scholarship Fund.
We will present the Stacey Berry Memorial Scholarship at our 2016 SN Chapter Awards Party. $250 to a SN Chapter AA member. Send applications for the scholarship to SN Chapter, Scholarship Committee, PO Box 2637, Carson City, NV 89702 Application deadline is February 1, 2017.
2017 Education: We are investing hosting a freestyle clinic in the spring - February/March - with freestyle creator Cynthia Collins. Beth will follow up with Cynthia to get her availability, fees, etc. We will apply for a CDS Chapter Educational Scholarship Event for this clinic.
2017 Show Facilities: We discussed show facility options for our 2017 shows.
Our Monday, September 12th meeting came to order at 6:30 PM at Whispering Vine, Reno, NV
Attendance: Jocelyn Hamann, Leslie Ayers, Joan Wright, Beth Coffey Curle, Jennifer Smith, Holly McGee, Holly Hagen, Barbara Dimmitt, and Allison MacLean
Treasurer Report: Dressage in the Sierra netted $1700.00;$4063 working cash; $6410 scholarship account
2016 Year End Award & Annual Chapter Party: Budget will be finalized for the awards after the October show. Dorothee Moss has offered to assist with supplying prizes for the awards. Beth will follow up with the owner of Gersemi as she was recently connected to him through a mutual friend and he has offered to reduce his prices. We will host our 2016 Award party at a restaurant. Information will be sent once the location, cost per person, and date are set. We plan to host a silent auction at the Year End Award and Chapter party.
Stacey Berry Memorial Dressage Show, Saturday October 15th at FTM:
- Thank you Dara James Designs for supplying our High Point Awards!
- Thank you Allison MacLean for sponsoring the children's costume class!
- We'll be needing a few volunteers. Scribes are set. We need a PM paddock steward, scorers, and potentially runners. We need someone to order and pick up coffee and muffins for the morning - needs to be at the show by 7:30 AM (you will be reimbursed) and lunch, beverages, and snacks for 6 volunteers - needs to be at the show by 10:45 AM. (you will be reimbursed)
2017 SN Chapter Hosted Freestyle Clinic w/Cynthia Collins at FTM: We are still solidify dates but we plan to host a freestyle clinic with Cynthia Collins in the spring of 2017. We will apply for a CDS Chapter Scholarship for this event to help defray some of the costs of hosting the clinic.
2017 CDS Omnibus: Beth will submit the chapter page for the 2017 CDS Omnibus prior to the deadline.
2017 SN Chapter Shows: We have a signed contract for our July 2017 judge. Connie is working on contracting with the remaining hired officials. Beth will connect with our EMT. Joan will send out contracts to our farrier and vet.
Barbara Dimmitt asked if we would be willing to participate in the OTT TB breed award program at our shows. We will always support any breed award program. All we ask is the interested person complete the required paperwork and bring the award to our attention. As long as it does not cost money and we know ahead of time so our secretary can pull a list of those competitors whose horses qualify as being of that particular registered breed, we will award the various breed awards at our chapter shows.
2017 SN Chapter Board: If you are interested in being on the 2017 SN Chapter board, please submit your name to Jennifer Smith or Holly McGee.
Meeting adjourned 7:45 PM.
Attendance: Leslie Ayers, Beth Coffey Curle, Jocelyn Hamann, Holly McGee, Jennifer Smith, and Joan Wright.
Stacey Berry Memorial Dressage Show: Prizes and ribbons are all set - Thank you Jocelyn and Leslie!! The forecast is unsettled. We may move indoors more to avoid the high winds than the predicted rain.
Volunteer Need: We still need a paddock steward for the afternoon - assume a 12:30 PM start and the shift runs until the last test is complete. We still need someone to bring snacks and lunch for 5. Delivery by 10:30 AM and you will be reimbursed.
High Point Awards: The high point awards have been donated by Dara James Designs - custom made purses. Check them out on our SN Chapter Facebook page!
Scholarship Fund Raiser: Competitors were able to put a donation directly onto their entry form for the Stacey Berry Memorial Scholarship Fund and we will be collecting donations at the show. Raffle tickets will be available at the show. They are $5.00 each and the prize is a Dara James Designs stock tie. Thank you Dara James Designs for the continued support of our show!
Longaberger Baskets: The Longaberger Baskets that were donated to the chapter to sell as a fund raiser are now available for sale through various Longaberger Facebook pages. Thank you Kelly Nichols for spearheading this project.
2016 Stacey Berry Memorial Scholarship: A $250 scholarship is awarded each year to an Adult Amateur SN Chapter member. Deadline for scholarship applications is November 1st and the recipient will be announced at the next chapter meeting, November 14th. Applications should be mailed to the SN Chapter PO Box 2637 Carson City, NV 89702. The scholarship will be awarded at the SN Chapter Year End Award Party.
Scholarship Guidelines will be posted to the website soon. Here are the scholarship application highlights:
The recipient selection will be made by the SN Scholarship committee. The grant must be used within 12 months of receiving the $250 scholarship fund. A grant recipient may not win the scholarship two consecutive years or twice in five years.
Selection Criteria:
- SN Chapter member for at least one year. (Must be at least one year prior to applying for the grant money)
- Must have a USEF AA designation.
- Must have at least one score above 60% at First Level at a USEF recognized show
- Must state short and long term goals on the scholarship application
- Must include riding history on the scholarship application including USDF medals, major competition awards, and clinic history
- Must include the intended use of the scholarship fund
- Must conclude the experience with a written report within two months of the intended activity
2016 SN Chapter Year End Awards: The budget for the year end awards will be determined after the October show as it will determine the number needed and the amount of money in the bank. We are looking to host this event at a local restaurant this year. Holly Hagen in the party coordinator. Jocelyn, Leslie, and Cyd Curle are on the awards selection committee.
2017 Show Dates and Updates: The SN Chapter page has been submitted to the CDS Omnibus for print. 2017 show dates are: April 29-20, July 22-23, and October 14th. The first 2 shows are recognized by USEF. USDF, and CDS. The third show is CDS only. All three shows are scheduled to take place at Franktown Meadows Equestrian Center, Carson City, NV.
2017 SN Educational Event: The SN Chapter is hosting a freestyle clinic with Cynthia Collins, Lunatunes Freestyle on March 4-5, 2017 at Franktown Meadows Equestrian Center. Cost and participation process will be announced at a future chapter meeting.
Next SN Chapter Meeting: Monday, November 14th, 6:30 PM, Whispering Vines, Foothills Road, Reno, NV
SN Chapter Meeting 11/14/16, 6:30 PM Whispering Vines Café
Present: Holly McGee, Joan Wright, Jen Smith, Beth Curle, Cyd Curle, Zoe Martin, Holly Hagen
Treasurers Report: $3705.89 working cash, $169 new money contributed to the Stacey Berry Scholarship Fund. The lower than normal bank balance is due to the loss of the 2016 October show due to wild land fire, and lack of participation at the FTM (last year) and Ironwood(this year) chapter shows.
2016 Year End & Trainer Awards: Unfortunately, the budget for these awards had to be reduced from previous years. The motion was made by Joan and seconded by Beth to set the budget at $1200. Leslie and Jocelyn will be asked to purchase the year end awards using this new budget figure. Holly Hagen will reach out to them as her husband's company can help with the embroidery expense including the Trainer of the Year award. The party location is being solidified and will be approximately mid-March after the CDS plaques arrive. The decision was made not to host it as a dinner due to feedback by some chapter members who did not wish to pay for a meal.
Silent Auction or Brown Bag Fund Raiser: We will be hosting a silent auction or a brown bag fund raiser at the Year End Award party. Donations for this from chapter members are appreciated. The funds will go towards the Stacey Berry Memorial Scholarship Fund. It is our goal to reach $10,000. Details will be finalized before the year end party.
Tack Sale Fund Raiser: We will host a tack sale at Dressage in the Sierra similar to how we did it 3 years ago. 30% of the revenue will go to the Stacey Berry Memorial Scholarship Fund.
Freestyle Clinic with Cynthia Collins: The chapter is hosting a clinic on March 4-5 at FTM with freestyle specialist Cynthia Collins. The price per person will be announced as soon as we learn if we qualify for the CDS Chapter scholarship which will help cover some of the expenses. There will be a new Team Championship format at the Jr Champs this year which will include a freestyle competition so juniors/yr's may want to consider signing up for this clinic.
2016 Stacey Berry Scholarship: There is a new committee made up of Joan Wright, Jen Smith, and Holly McGee. They will meet, review the 4 applications, and make an announcement of the 2016 recipient. The award will be handed out at the Year End Award party in March.
CDS Annual Meeting: Beth and Holly Hagen will attend the CDS Annual meeting on behalf of the chapter. The chapter needs to send a basket for the Club 100 Fundraiser. Donations by chapter members for this basket are appreciated. Please send your donations to Beth Coffey Curle. No liquid please as it has to fly to get there. The chapter receives half of the money the basket is sold for back from CDS.
Next Meeting: Monday, January 9th at 6:30 PM at the Whispering Vine Café.
No December meeeting scheduled.