January Minutes 2017
The January SN Chapter meeting commenced at 6:30 PM at Whispering Vines Shop off of Foothills Road, Reno.
Attendance: Jennifer Smith, Barbara Dimmitt, Zoe Martin, Leslie Ayers, Jocelyn Hamman, Beth Coffey Curle, Holly McGee, Kathleen Sigurdson, Suzan Strahan, and Holly Hagan
2016 Year End Awards: The CDS plaques have arrived and will be distributed at our chapter year end party on Sunday, March 12th. Holly H will continue to research our price and menu options but tentatively the party will be at Napa Sonoma.
The total expenditure for year end prizes and ribbons is $1240, right within budget.
Chapter Basket to the Annual Meeting: Our chapter basket is a Longaberger basket with a Longaberger receipt holder, 2 rooms at the GSR, 2 ski lift tickets, $500 in skin care from Skin Medica Products, winter riding gloves, show gloves, wine glasses, and a coffee mug for a retail value $1300! Thank you Barbara for shipping the basket to the CDS meeting so Beth doesn't have to carry and travel with it.
Freestyle Clinic with Cynthia Collins of Lunatunes Freestyles: The clinic will take place March 4-5 at FTM. Friday evening get-together, March 3 will be a pot luck education session at Beth Coffey Curle's home. Beth wrote a scholarship request to CDS requesting $1100 to help cover the clinic expenses. Hopefully all or part of that request will be met.The cost per rider will be determined by the number of rides divided by the cost to host the clinic. The chapter will not be subsidizing the cost of the clinic due to the lower than normal show participation levels in 2016 and the unfortunate cancellation of the October show.
The cost per rider could be as high as $350 for two riding sessions with Cynthia plus the Friday night forum but could be as low as $225. $150 of the total clinic fees may be used towards contracting with Cynthia for a freestyle program. We are looking for a chapter member to host Cynthia over night March 3-4 which will help reduce the cost of the clinic and she is willing to stay in someone's home. Cynthia will take as many as 10 riders in the clinic. Holly Hagen is coordinating the clinic for the chapter. We will be renting a portable sound system and wireless microphone. That system was originally budgeted at $500 but we were able to contract for one for $175 for the weekend.
Once we have a final price, we will announce the cost and the clinic will open. We will allow riders to have multiple rides after everyone that would like to ride pays up and if we still have extra spots.
2017 Board of Directors: Jennifer and Holly M are stepping down. Holly H has taken on the role of Education Director. Beth will remain as Communications. All other spots including chapter co-chairs are open.
February Minutes 2017
The meeting called to order at 6:30 PM, 02/13/17.
Attendance: Jocelyn Hamann, Leslie Ayers, Beth Coffey Curle, Joan Wright, Holly Hagen, Holly McGee, Loye Jaeger, Julia Mineikis, and Jennifer Smith.
Attention all chapter members! 2016 Year End Party is scheduled for 4-6PM, March 12th at Napa Sonoma. $20 at the door per person. Appetizers will be served. Please RSVP your attendance to hollylesliehagen@gmail.com.
Names for the CDS AA and Jr/Yr Clinics will be drawn at the party!
Please remember, to be considered you need to have volunteered last year at a chapter activity, been on the board, and/or if you are a junior, commit to volunteering at a chapter event this year.
We are still accepting silent auction items to be auctioned off at the party. Please let Holly Hagen hollylesliehagen@gmail.com know if you have anything to donate! This is a fundraiser for the chapter.
Area Trainers? Will you donate a lesson to be auctioned off? Please contact Holly Hagen if you are willing to donate a lesson!
- The 2016 CDS plaques will be distributed at the year end party.
- The 2016 SN AA Scholarship will be awarded at the year end party.
The chapter web page needs to be updated with the current board member's names and contact information. It also needs the most current copy of the chapter by-laws.
2017 SN Chapter Board:
Holly Hagen - Chapter Chair
Joan Wright - Treasurer
Jennifer Smith - Education
Loye Jaeger - Social Director
Cyd Curle - Facebook
Beth Curle - Communications
Cyd Curle, Leslie Ayers, Jocelyn Hamann - Awards
2017 Chapter Shows:
April 29-30. Joan will manage the show on Saturday. We need a show manager for Sunday.
October Show: There was discussion about the show date. After connecting with our judge Creeky Routson and EMT Paulette Schneider, the show will be 10/14/17.
Next Chapter meeting will be at 2:30 PM 03/12 before the party at Napa Sonoma.
No March Meeting Minutes Available
April Meeting Minutes 2017
Meeting came to order at 6:30PM at Napa Sonoma, Reno, NV
Attendance: Joan Wright, Jocelyn Hamann, Leslie Ayers, Beth Coffey Curle, Holly Hagen, Jennifer Smith, Kathleen Sigourson, Barbara Dimmitt, and Julia Mineikis
Treasurer Report: Approximately $2900
2016 Year End Party: The party was a wonderful success! Thank you to Holly H, Leslie A, and Jocelyn for all of your hard work on behalf of the chapter members. Thank you Jocelyn for donating the beautiful cake for dessert!
2016 Year End Awards: A typo in the report that was sent to the chapter to be used to calculate the SN year end award led to an error in awarding the Open High Pt award. Julia Mineikis was the actual Open High Pt winner. A saddle pad will be ordered for her.
SN April Show: The show is on track. The biggest issue specific to the show is the continued outbreak and spread of the Strangles virus in northern NV. Joan has spoken to the USEF, and Dept of Ag for CA and NV to get their advice and input on this matter. A declaration will be in place for all competitors. The form will be posted on the SN website to be downloaded and presented at the show office by all competitors.
SN Website: Leslie Ayers will take over as the web master and Morgane - according to Holly - will assist her when needed.
Dressage in the Sierra: This show will be at FTM. A pot luck dinner will be hosted on the Saturday night of the show. Loye to coordinate.
Education: The FS clinic has been cancelled. Seana Adamson has offered to host a sport psychology clinic. August maybe. TBA
Junior/Yr's: All Jr's are encouraged to quality and attend the Jr Champ this July at Warm Up Cool Down. There is a new Championship Team division that includes a jog, freestyle, and team quiz. Trainers - read up about the new format and encourage all of our juniors to attend. It is intended to give them the experience of a big CDI before having to participate in a CDI.
May Meeting Minutes 2017
SNC Meeting, May 5th, 6:30 PM at Napa Sonoma South
Attendance: Holly Hagen, Joan Wright, Jen Smith, Beth Coffey Curle, Jocelyn Hamann-Tackett, Leslie Ayers, Stacee Collier, and Julia Mineikis.
Treasurer's Report: The April show made an estimated $920 profit.
April Show Review: The competitors gave the new footing and use of the H/J ring at FM positive reviews. Competitors liked the separation of the warm up/show ring from the parking area.
Storage of the Chapter's Equipment:
The storage trailer we have been using for the past 2 years developed a leak during the heavy rains last winter. Leslie Ayers is asking for reimbursement to assist in the paying for the repairs that need to be made on the trailer. She will get a quote/final cost to the chapter at the next meeting.
Franktown Meadows is willing to allow us to store our show equipment at FM in exchange for allowing them the use of our dressage ring and letters at their June show.
Dressage Letters: The chapter has a set of letters available for sale. $200
July Show: Joan Wright has volunteered to be the daily show manager for the DITS show on SATURDAY. We still need a daily show manager for SUNDAY. The daily show manager coordinates the volunteers, makes sure the judge, TD, and show officials have food and beverages, beverages for the show volunteers, helps answer competitor, spectator, and volunteer questions, and acts as the go-between the show and the facility management. Willing to volunteer? Please email Holly at hollylesliehagen@gmail.com
Pot Luck Dinner at DITS: Loye has taken on hosting a pot luck dinner on the Saturday night of the DITS show. The Chapter will supply the meat for the dinner. Everyone else will be asked to bring beverages, desserts, appetizers, etc. We will continue to host the "Horse on the Wine/Beer Label" party that night were everyone brings a bottle of wine or beer to share and there is a horse on the label. There was discussion to host a silent auction at the pot luck dinner.
Education: the chapter will ask Heidi Gaian our July show judge to conduct a riding clinic on the Monday after the show - July 24. Jennifer will coordinate asking Heidi and getting a facility.
Possibly host Seana Adamson for a sports psychology lecture in August.
CDS Jr/Yr:
We will have 3 chapter member riders in the Jr clinic with Stephanie Schauer at Starr Vaughn Equestrain Center June 3rd - 4th.
There will be a new Team Championship Competition at the Jr Champ Show July 28-30. Everyone that is qualified to compete at the Jr champs is eligible to enter the Team Champs. 5 components: 2 dressage tests (your champ tests), 1 freestyle, jog skills test, and a team quiz. Have a freestyle gathering dust? Have one to lend? Need a freestyle? Contact me at ecoffeycurle@gmail.com and we'll ask the chapter for help.
Lesley Berg has kindly offered her skills as a freestyle coordinator to any Jr needing help creating a freestyle!
SN Sponsorships: Holly is proposing a sponsorship package to assist in soliciting chapter sponsors
4 Tier Program:
- $1000 Single Show sponsor - Diamond Level
- $750 Stacey Berry Memorial Show sponsor - $250 to go to Susan G Komen - Gold Level
- $500 Chapter Year End High Point sponsor - Silver Level
- $100 Class Sponsor - Bronze Level
- $75 Sierra Supporter - Bronze Level
Also discussed was a $500 Open and $500 AA sponsorship for training purposes.
Social Media Plan for 2017:
- Holly introduced the social media plan for 2017. Morgane Gabriel and Michele Ting will manage the website. Holly Hagen, Leslie Ayers, Beth Curle, and Morgane Gabriel will manage the chapter FB page.
- You Tube chapter channel manager - needs a person
- Instagram chapter - needs a person
Next Meeting: Monday, June 12, 6:30 PM at Napa Sonoma Agenda:
Finalize the chapter sponsorship program, finalize the social media plan for 2017, review the storage trailer repair bill, storage of chapter equipment at FM.
June Meeting Minutes 2017
The meeting came to order at 6:30 PM, June 12, 2017 at Napa Sonoma, Reno, NV.
Attendance: Holly Hagen, Cyd Curle, Beth Coffey Curle, Loye Jaeger, Joan Wright, Jocelyn Hamman-Tackett, Leslie Ayers, Julia Miniekis, Christina Brennan, Barbara Dimmitt
Congratulations to SN Chapter member Loye Jaeger for earning her USDF Bronze medal this past weekend at the FM show.
Treasurer's Report: $11,822 in the account: $6,160 scholarship money; $4,682 operating funds, $980 outstanding checks.
CDS AA Clinic with Hilda Gurney: Holly gave us a report on participating in the CDS AA Clinic with Hilda Gurney this past weekend at the PEC in CA.
July Dressage in the Sierra Show:
- USEF is still waiting for the proof of insurance from the CDS office. Joan will be the chapter show manager on Saturday; Holly has offered to split the duties with Jennifer (not present at the meeting) on Sunday.
- Prizes (hats) and the high point awards have been ordered by Leslie and Jocelyn. It was suggested to sell the hats as well.
- Beth will coordinate getting volunteers for the show up until Monday, July 17th and then will hand over the project to Joan.
- To speed up the scoring and posting of scores, we will make sure we have runners scheduled throughout the show.
- We are still so excited that the judge's stand was moved from the old dressage court to the new show court location! Thank you Stacee Collier for taking on their project and making it happen!
The Jockey Club Incentive Award Program: Dressage in the Sierra is recognized as a Jockey Club Incentive Award program show. To learn more about the program including registering for the program, go to www.tjctip.com for more information. Thank you Barbara Dimmitt for all of her hard work to bring this program to our show series and the promotion of Jockey Club registered horses!
July Show Raffle: We will be hosting a 50\50 raffle at the show. Tickets will be sold 3 for $10. We will be asking the Jr/Yr chapter members to walk around the show grounds and sell the raffle tickets. There will be a prize for the Jr/Yr that sells the most raffle tickets. Dororthee Moss, owner of Artemis Horse Boutique has donated a C4 belt as the prize! Jr/Yr should report to the show office to get the raffle tickets and instructions on how to collect the money.
Dressage in the Sierra Court Horse on the Label Pot Luck Dinner ~ Saturday July 22:
- Thank you Loye Jaeger for coordinating our chapter summer pot luck dinner. It will be held on the grass at FM at the conclusion of the show. It is a pot luck. Please RSVP what you will bring to Loye directly at loyej1@gmail.com The SN chapter will supply the BBQ meat. Thank you husbands Barry and Stan for taking on this challenge on behalf of the chapter membership!
- Julia Miniekis will bring 30 chairs to FM for the pot luck. Loye will bring 2 tables and the chapter has 2 tables.
- Competitors will be able to bring their pot luck dishes on Saturday during the day BUT,PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE YOUR FOOD ON ICE IN AN ICE CHEST. There is no cold storage for food. If you are bringing a hot dish, please remember THERE IS NO ELECTRICITY ON THE GRASS so your dish needs to arrive hot.
- Holly will look into purchasing a chapter logo wine glass for this event that we would sell to participants.
- Everyone is encouraged to bring a bottle of something (wine, beer, non-alcoholic beverage) with a horse on the label to share with the rest of the party goers. This is a BOYB event and the chapter asks that everyone drink responsibly and it takes no responsibility for the consumption of any alcohol by any participant.
Chapter hosted clinic with Heidi Gaian:
The chapter is hosting a clinic with our judge Heidi Gaian at FM on Monday, July 24th. Cost to ride is $125 per rider. Interested? First pay, first served. Send your check to: SN Chapter PO Box 2637 Carson City, NV 89702 There is a maximum of 8 rides for the day, 45 minute sessions. For more information about Heidi, visit: vrdressage.com
CDS Jr/Yr Championship Donation:
The chapter board voted to award the CDS Jr/Yr north Championships $100 to sponsor the 50th Anniversary cake for the Saturday trainer/parent/competitor party at the CDS Jr Champs July 28-30.
Next Meeting: July 10th 6:30 PM at Napa Sonoma South, S. Virginia St., Reno, NV
July Meeting Minutes 2017
Attendance: Joan Wright, Jocelyn Hamann, Leslie Ayers, Jennifer Smith, Beth Coffey Curle, Loye Jaeger.
Dressage in the Sierra:
- Currently 60 rides Saturday, 52 rides Sunday. A very full show! Loye is still trying to get chapter members to RSVP for the chapter member summer party Saturday night 7/22 after the last ride on the grass at FM. She needs to purchase the hamburgers and hotdogs and understandably, wants to have an accurate count for the purchase. Don't forget your "Horse on the Label" beverage to share at the party. Jeff Lovig is once again, our guest bartender
- No health cert or documented temp required for this show.
- Dressage court will be set up on Thurday.
- Competitors, please thank Joan Wright - many people help and volunteer but she's setting up the court AND the volunteer show manager both Saturday and Sunday - big job, long days.
- Jocelyn and Leslie have the awards all picked out.
- Competitors are asked to stop in at the show office in your spare time to see if there are any jobs that need filling
- SN Jr members will be selling raffle tickets on Saturday as a fund raiser. 50:50 raffle and a dinner plus wine at Napa Sonoma
- The SN Jr that sells the most tickets will win a C4 belt donated by Artemis Saddlery!
Clinic with Heidi Gaian: The clinic is FULL! 9 rides. Ride times have been posted on the SN chapter facebook page and sent out via the chapter Yahoo group. Joan will bring Heidi to the clinic, Holly will set up the sound system, Jennifer will take care of Heidi's lunch and getting her to the airport.
Performance Enhancement with Seana Adamson: Saturday, August 5th, 4-6PM, at Napa Sonoma on S. Virginia Street, Reno. Free to chapter members! Learn more about Seana at http://seanaadamson.com/
Treasurer's Report: $6,329.50 in the scholarship fund; $3,821.60 working cash after outstanding checks. Clinic money is in, this does not include the show money. Our goal for the remainder of the year is to get the scholarship money to $10,000.
August Meeting Minutes
SN Chapter Meeting, 08/14/17 at Napa Sonoma, S. Virginia St., Reno, NV
Attendance: Beth Coffey Curle, Cyd Curle, Jennifer Smith, Holly Hagen, Loye Jaeger, Leslie Ayer, Jocelyn Hamann-Hackitt, Joan Wright, Stacee Collier, Joanne Larson
Treasurer's Report: Operating Cash: $7,141.03; Scholarship Cash: $6,429.50
Dressage in the Sierra: Net profit $2709.00. Thank you to Loye J for hosting the summer chapter party. The party cost a total of $89.91! Lots of compliments by the competitors on the prizes and high point awards.
October Show: Beth C will manage. Jocelyn and Leslie will get the awards.
2018 Show Dates: Suggestion was made to put these dates and the summer party on a magnet and send them to all of the chapter members.
Education: The clinic w/Heidi Gaian had a lot of positive reviews. Thank you Jennifer S for hosting the food at her cost. There was a miss-communication and the court was left up at the FM facility after the last clinic ride resulting in the FM staff having to take it down and put it away. It was left up in error and the chapter will make sure that is covered in the future.
Sports Psychology Educational Event with Seana Adamson had 20 attendees and was very well received by those that were able to attend.
Freestyle Clinic w/Cynthia Collins: 11/18-19. Joan will host the clinician to save the chapter money. Cost will be the same as in the spring $225.00. We will follow up w/the CDS Scholarship Committee to see if we still qualify for the grant we were awarded but could not use in the spring. The clinic will be at FM.
FM Proposal: Franktown Meadows inquired to see if the chapter would be willing to take on assuming the responsibility of the stabling component for our chapter shows hosted at FM. It was decided to keep the responsibility of stabling with the FM staff and management team.
CDS Jr/RAAC Update: Thank you SN for sponsoring the cake at the parent/trainer party at the Jr Champs. The cake was beautiful! The party took place during the freestyle classes and over 100 attended. Congratulations to Jocelyn H-T for coaching the champion and reserve champion 3rd level Jr's at this year's champs. The show was held in conjunction with Warm Up Cool Down, a 3 star open show. The reviews from parents and trainers were very, very positive and CDS will look to keep the Jr Champs associated with an open show in the future.
RAAC is coming up at the end of August at Starr Vaughn. There have been some questions by chapter members about the value and purpose of RAAC. It was established by CDS as a bridge between the local shows and the CDS Annual and Reg 7 Championships. It is easier to qualify, hosted between 3 regions so closer to home, and held on a weekend to limit time away from families and work. Financially, it is so successful, CDS has created 3 AA regional scholarships specific to anyone that has paid the nomination fee to compete in the program.
No September Minutes Available
No October Minutes Available
No November Minutes Available
No December Minutes Available