
SNC-Meeting Minutes for 2005

Meeting Minutes February 11, 2005

Attendance: Susan W., Cindy H., Phyllis E., Carla V., Lou and Mary Ann C., Jen S., Steve and Michele T.

Meeting Minutes from Dec. meeting were reviewed and approved.

Cindy gave treasurer's report. We have $10,900 in the bank.

Old Business: The awards dinner date will be changed due to snow accumulations at Carolyn's house. The new date will tentatively be Sunday May 22nd (pending Carolyn's approval). It will still be at Carolyn's house. Start time between 4-5pm.

Needs: Caterer - Phyllis said she might have an idea and will get back to us. Silent Auction - Susan will organize the silent auction again this year. We wont ask for donations yet but if people have them now, they can give them to Susan.

Amateur clinic - Details listed in CDS newsletter. This will be used for our newsletter to members with regard to the clinic. Cindy will be getting more information out about the cost to the chapter. The annual meeting is May 26-29 at Yarra Yarra. It was brought up and voted upon that we no longer ask for essays for people to be considered for the clinic. SNC members may submit their name or nominate another SNC member to go. The board will choose the participant based upon chapter participation and volunteer time. In addition, the participant must be able to attend the Thursday prior to the clinic.

April/May show - We will start to request a waiting list for a possible clinic w/ the judge after the show Sunday if classes are not full. The sign up list will ultimately go to Jen Smith who will organize the clinic aspect of the show. The cost is to be determined as is the schedule, depending on rides and so on. Needs: Show manager. Will put request in newsletter.

New Business: Entry forms clarification. We will go over this in the next meeting when Joan will be available. Jen will discuss with Joan in the meantime.

Awards - We will go over this in the next meeting. It was suggested that we look at the way other chapters outline awards and see if we can come up w/ something for the next meeting. Carla mentioned that her company along with Sierra Feed are sponsoring the year end award for the juniors. They are considering ideas such as tack trunk, coolers, etc.

2005 Clinic Calendar - Jen stated that she is looking into adding on a day to the Diane Kernoodle clinic that Seana may be rescheduling. It was agreed that there would likely be a high demand for this clinic. Cost and date are not yet known.

Jen recommended a new clinician to the board. His name is Claes Bierenbroodspot from Holland. She is looking into having him come in March. It was voted upon and unanimously passed that the chapter will sponsor a portion of this clinic. There will be 8 slots open and the clinic will likely be held on a Sunday/Monday. Jen will get the dates to us along with the cost. Auditing is free and encouraged.

There was some discussion on sponsorship of clinics and it was decided that the chapter would continue to try to have sponsorship of some kind with each new clinician. The board will continue to work out the details.

Other clinic ideas…Sandy Howard - biomechanics clinic, "equi-lates", Kathy Connolley clinic, Scribe sessions. This will be further discussed at the next meeting.

Annual Meeting - Cindy presented a summary on the annual meeting. There were many ideas and suggestions for our chapter. The board agreed that the chapter needs to continue to improve and expand educational opportunities for its members as well as review chapter awards and donations. The chapter will continue to work on this effort and more details will be ironed out in upcoming meetings.

The 2006 show dates are due to CDS by May 15th.

Show Videographer - Lou mentioned that a videographer approached him about taking videos at our chapter shows. Everyone thought this was a good idea but requested more details about cost and commitment. Lou stated he would try to get more information to be presented at the next chapter meeting.

Future chapter meeting dates were set for March 11th at 6:30pm and April 15th at 6:30pm both at Susan's house.

Entry forms were discussed by Mary Ann. There was a lot of problem last year because riders were not completing entry forms correctly. We discussed sending out letters or contacting trainers to try to improve this situation. It was decided that this would be discussed in further detail at the next meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45pm.

March meeting agenda:

  • Videographer details - Cost? Can riders bring their own video tape for less cost? Sign up at show or prior to. What is the persons name? Can we post on the web?
  • Entry form problems - Send out an email? Letter? Award perfect entries? Punish incomplete entries?
  • 2006 show calendar?
  • Scribe sessions - Can Jen set something up?
  • Chapter awards and this years awards and what are other chapters doing.
  • Our entry form vs CDS form - prize list needs to be for 2 day (like Rancho).
  • Clinic cost after show? Do we have any idea? What if Sunday show is full but Sat is not. Will there be clinic on Saturday then?

Meeting Minutes March 11th, 2004

Attendance: Steve and Michele Ting, Lou and Mary Anne Christensen, Cindy Hoonhout, Carla Viola, Madeline Zook, Susan Reaney, Joan Wright, Susan Ward, Carolyn Graebener, Kerin Rowe, Jen Smith, Holly McGee.

Old Business:

The awards dinner date was confirmed with Carolyn for May 22nd. Dinner will start at 4:30pm. Phyllis emailed Susan with a catering option of a company called "Time to eat". They have a web page and Susan stated that they looked good. It was agreed that the meal should be more of a stand up type and that a large variety of appetizers and salads would be good. The club will purchase soda and water but the party will be BYOB for alcohol and hopefully this will lessen the cost of tickets. Carolyn will look into a quote for approximately 50 people. Joan and Kerin will do an invitation and get it to Steve and Michele. The will do a hard copy mailing of the invitation. Steve and Michele will do an email copy. Invitations need to be out 1 month in advance (deadline is April 22nd).

Amateur clinic - Tamara Peterson was chosen to go to the amateur clinic with Kerin Rowe as the alternate. Michele will type a letter to Tamara congratulating her on the pick. The letter will go through the board for approval.

April/May show and clinic - Mary Anne will keep a record of members interested in the clinic option if the show doesn't fill. Carolyn and Kerin both stated they would be interested in being on a waiting list for the clinic in addition to Charlotte Jorst. It was suggested and approved unanimously that we will mail out one "packet" for all of the SNC shows for this show season. This will include premiums for the 3 chapter shows as well as an entry form and reminders. This will be the only mailed show premium packet this year. The entry forms and show premiums will be available on the web site for people to download at any time. Show premiums will be changed from last years for 2 days shows.

Show entry forms will have a check box for members interested in doing a clinic with the judge. The mailing will include a reminder about the tack sale, no more food concessions at shows and filling out the entry form correctly. The back of the entry form will be amended to be the same as the CDS entry form.

Show awards - Vicki has provided a template for us to use for our glassware awards. Cindy will be getting that to an engraver and is working on ordering them so they may be available for the upcoming show. We will try to have wine glasses and mugs made with the design so that both amateurs and juniors will have something to chose from.

Michele suggested another award of giving out a certificate for riders. This was agreeable to everyone. The certificates will be a one time award for each show. In other words, if a rider enters in several classes at a show and wins more than one class, they may only accept the certificate ONCE per show. They will have to chose the alternate award for subsequent wins at that show. The certificate will be a $25 value for any club activity (show, clinic, event etc) and will expire 1 year from the issue date. Steve and Michele will work on the certificates.

Show Videographer - Lou stated that the person was willing to come to our shows and offer videoing of rides. She will not be able to accept blank tapes however.

New business

Mary Anne stated that there will be a 1-day show at UNR hosted by the Reno Chapter on May 21st. Lou and Mary Anne will be show managers for this show.

Mary Anne stated that the April/May show will also have a tack sale on both days to benefit junior members. She is asking for donations for the tack sale as well. Members can bring items to the April meeting or contact the Christensens or Cindy Hoonhout to arrange drop off. Items should be clean prior to being dropped off. Junior volunteers are also needed for the tack sale. Members interested in volunteering should contact Mary Anne.

Mary Anne also stated that in past years, the concession stand has not made very much money. She proposed that this year, the club provide water and soda only for sale at the shows. This was agreed upon by the board. There will no longer be food sold at the SNC shows. Dressage in the Sierra will continue to have food available. The Ting's will post this information under Announcements on the web page, in the next newsletter and it will go out with the premiums and entry forms as well.

Mary Anne stated that last year the juniors had raised $1,196 through fund raising via the tack sales and concession stands at the shows. Mary Anne has organized a Clinic with Donna Richardson "S" for the juniors. The clinic will be held July 13th and 14th and will be fully subsidized by the funds raised by the juniors. The clinic will be held at Equest Training Center, 805 Washoe Dr. in Washoe Valley. There will be 8 riders who will participate both days (2 rides each). Equest Training Center has waived haul-in fees for this event as well. Junior members who are interested in participating in this event, must be SNC-CDS members. Juniors should contact Mary Anne as soon as possible to reserve a riding slot for this wonderful opportunity. I can be reached at 775-972-5408 or at

Carla gave a presentation about Marvin Picolo School's therapeutic riding program. She was able to get in touch with the school's principle, Lisa Singer (775) 851-5650 and inquire about their needs. They currently have 6 horses in the program. The school operates on a year round schedule and has students ranging from 3 - 22 years. Students are there from 9am to 3pm and visitors are welcome to stop by anytime. They will be on break from March 25th - April 15th. Their wish list/needs include: Water troughs, helmets of all sizes, new or used, Cash is always welcome as the district does not pay feed or vet bills.

In addition, they have 7 year old mustang that was adopted from the Virginia Range. He has had 100 days training but needs more bomb proofing before they can use him with the students.

It was agreed that the club would like to help them in some way. Both Jen and Carolyn offered to donate water trough's. Several people stated that they had helmets they would like to donate. It was suggested and agreed that we would try to do a helmet drive to help out. Carla said she would be willing to write up something for the drive and give it to Steve and Michele for posting.

Jen presented several clinician options for future club sponsored clinics. We agreed to think over the clinicians presented and discuss this further at the next meeting.

The club asked Joan if she would put on another scribe training session for members to learn to scribe. She agreed and it was decided that this will be done at the next meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 9pm with the following issues to be considered at the next meeting:

  • Awards dinner - quote from caterer? Invitations to go out. Cost for members?
  • End of the year awards. Changing the awards for amateurs
  • Volunteer awards - Recipients and awards
  • 2006 show dates due to CDS by May 15th
  • Dates for next chapter meetings
  • Clinicians from Jen for future clinics - Diane Kernoodle; Clinic rules for sponsored clinics
  • Show managers - reimbursement?

Meeting Minutes June, 2005:

Attendance: Susan Ward, Maria Hickey, Wendy Hayes, Cindy Hoonhout, and Steve and Michele Ting

Old Business was approved.

New Business:

April show numbers were brought up. Although the Spring show was full for both days the profit to the club was only around $200. Cindy mentioned that there were some bigger expenses factored in such as the bulk cost of awards and tests that may average out over the show season. Susan announced that the July judge, Louis Koch, will be staying with the Mair's.

It was announced that Cindy Hoonhout will be the show manager for the July show. Susan and Joan will assist Cindy. Steve stated that he would email Cindy with a copy of a scheduling software program that he had seen online. Cindy will "try out" the software and the chapter will determine if they would like to purchase it for future shows.

The job of show management was brought up again. Since the duties associated with the position have grown significantly and there seem to be fewer and fewer people interested and/or willing to volunteer for the position we discussed hiring show managers for next years' shows. We discussed who might possibly be interested in the job and what the club could expect to pay for such a position. Susan suggested that we talk to Joan, who is in contact with Connie Davenport, regarding whether or not she (Connie) might be interested in such a position and what the cost might be. It was also suggested that we ask Phyllis Schmidt to see if she might be interested since she has managing experience.

We discussed how we would cover the cost of hiring a show manager and it was suggested that we increase could increase entry fees by $5/ride or add an office fee.

Susan is in the process of submitting our 2006 show information to CDS and we also discussed the possibility of making all of our 2006 shows at least partially USDF recognized. Maria suggested having 2 day show with one day being USDF and one day being CDS. It was discussed that RLEC may not be available next year and that this may be our last DITS at RLEC. Everyone agreed that it would be a great idea if we were able to hire someone to cover the show management position. In addition, Susan suggested that we could call the 2006 shows a "series" such as April Dressage in the Sierra, July Dressage in the Sierra and so on. Susan stated she would submit our paperwork to CDS, as is but if we can find someone to hire for management, we could amend the information to reflect USDF/CDS shows. We would also need to look into date conflicts between our shows and nearby USDF shows in 2006.

Dressage in the Sierra

Susan announced that Carol Plough, one of our judges for Dressage in the Sierra, had passed away unexpectedly during an elective surgery. There is also an announcement on the CDS website. We reflected on her achievements and were very sorry to hear the news.

She also announced that Gary Rockwell had agreed to be the second judge for DITS in her absence.

Susan announced that Skaagen will be the DITS major sponsor again this year. "Thank you's" were discussed as well.

It was decided that there would not be an awards table this year. There will also be less floral arrangements due to the fact that there was such limited space for them last year. We also agreed to change the drink tickets from 2 to 1 ticket per packet. Sponsor letters will go out in the mail July 1st and we will create a volunteer list for sign ups online. It was discussed that we could encourage membership to participate at DITS as this may be the last one at the RLEC location.

Barn management for the show was discussed at length. Wendy will unlock stalls for competitors that have stabling but not open the doors. This way unused stalls can still be locked up if need be. There will not be a barn manager this year as this position has been extremely difficult to fill in the past.

Wendy stated that she will do baskets this year. She will also be looking into what we have leftover for t-shirts. Programs will be done by Maria Partridge.

The meeting was adjourned at 8pm.

Meeting Minutes August 3rd, 2005

Attendance: Susan Ward, Wendy Hays, Cindy Hoonhout, Mary Anne Christensen, Steve and Michele Ting, Beth Coffee-Curle, Joan Wright, and Jen Smith.

Old Business:

Treasurers Report from Cindy H. Cindy reported that she had run totals for the April and July shows and that the club had made a profit of around $2000 for each show. At this time, we are positive in the account and have paid amounts owed to RLEC for Dressage in the Sierra as well as the balance owed to Donna Richardson for the Junior Clinic. It was discussed that Connie would be sending over entries for Dressage in the Sierra in order for the chapter to get an idea as to how the show was filling.

It was also discussed that there was a profit related to two day vs one day shows. Cindy stated that she would try to get more numbers in order so that we can review at a later date the overall profits of the two days shows vs the one day shows.

There was quite a bit of discussion about banking issues and a vote was taken to change banks. The vote was unanimously approved.

Future show managing was again discussed. There was a general consensus that the chapter needed to pursue hiring show managers for next year however there was no vote taken on this subject. It was agreed that the board would review this topic after end of the show season. Susan proposed that at some point we try to see what the interest level is for 2 day USDF/CDS shows would be (ie: one day USDF and one day CDS). She also stated that we would need to emphasize that doing something like this would increase the need for volunteers.

Joan suggested the possibility of attaching another show to the June Franktown show so that there was a separate judge and show on Friday and then the Franktown show over the weekend (much like the Warm Up and Cool Down shows at Rancho Murieta).

Wendy presented an update to Dressage in the Sierra. Footing was discussed. Wendy stated that there would be a photographer at RLEC over the weekend photographic a barrel racing event that would be willing to take photos at DITS and have them available for sale at the show. Concerns over flash were discussed but the photographer informed Wendy that there would be no flash. The board voted and agreed to have the photographer available for the show.

Jen stated she was working on confirming volunteer positions for DITS and would try to get something together for Wendy as soon as she could. If possible, we will try to get it up on the web site as well.

There was quite a bit of discussion in regards to the future of Dressage in the Sierra and next season's shows in terms of dates, locations and show ratings. Susan stated that she would like to have Ken Cliff come to a future meeting to give a "historical presentation" on Dressage in the Sierra. It was decided that the chapter would revisit these issues at a later date.

The September show was discussed. Mary Anne stated that she and Lou would manage the show if someone would be willing to take over for them on Sunday. Susan and Cindy stated that they could do this but we will put a message out to the membership for help first since both Susan and Cindy are already volunteering both Saturday and Sunday.

Susan mentioned that we still needed the certificate of insurance from Cloverleaf. Mary Anne stated that they would look into it further and get back to her.

Jen Smith stated that she was working on re-scheduling the Diane Kernoodle Clinic for October 1st and 2nd. She had already heard back from several of the previously scheduled riders that these dates would be ok and was hoping to confirm soon.

New Business:

Annual Sponsorship for the CDS Annual Show is due by September 16th. The chapter will be donating $100. This was voted on and unanimously approved.

Cindy presented an education idea. She stated that Jaki Hardy was in the process of becoming an "L" judge. Jaki trains and teaches at Avalon which is off of Neil. She suggested that they have a trailer in day where riders can come ride, Jaki can judge them and we can have a scribing workshop. In addition to learning to scribe, riders can get some input on their tests! Everyone felt that this would be a fun idea to pursue and Cindy stated that she would get back to the club with more details at a future meeting.

The next chapter meeting was scheduled for September 12th at 6:30pm at Susan's house.

The meeting was adjourned at 9pm.

Meeting Minutes September 12th, 2005

Notes from SNC-CDS meeting : 9/12/05

Attendance: Susan Ward, Lesley Grove, Jen Smith, Cindy Hoonhout, Mary Anne Christensen, Holly McGee.

Treasurer Report

The Treasurers report will be emailed to the Board members before the end of the week. There is approximately $5000 currently in the bank. Clinics may not be able to be subsidized next year

Clinic Suggestions:

  • Saddle Fitting - Mike Cochran
  • Vet Clinic

Director of Education should plan cost effective events for next year.

Suggestions of creating a financial pro forma for each event and preparing an overall budget to plan for next year.

The financial status of the club should be assessed and reported on a monthly basis. A minimum bank balance should be determined and maintained at all times. A check request form should be posted on the website.

Discussion on Director Positions

  • Treasurer to stay on another term
  • Mary Ann will stand for the position of Director or Chair of Volunteers
  • Suggestions for Chair
    • Beth Coffey-Curle
    • Karin Rowe
    • (Susan will contact the people suggested for Chair)
  • Suggestion for Co-Chair
    • Carolyn Graebener
  • Suggestions for Show Director
    • Vicky Cliff
    • Karin Rowe
    • Karla Viola
  • Education Director will continue until a replacement is found
    • Suggestion of Vicky Cliff
  • Director of Newsletter - Lesley Grove
  • Suggestion for Director of Juniors
    • Beth Coffey-Curle
    • Carla Viola
    • Sue Dunt

Show Discussion

Discussion of using professional management for next years shows Suggested.

  • July and August both be 3 star, 2 day shows
  • April be 2 day CDS
  • Sept possibly be moved to May and be a 1 day CDS

Connie will have to be contacted ASAP to lock her in for both July and August. RLEC will not be the venue for next year's show as the dates are not available.

UNR could be a possible venue in the future.

Suggested fee change

  • 3 star $45 FEI $55 Intro $25
  • CDS $35


  • August 26th and 27th Donna Richardson
  • July 8th Carole Hoffman

Judges will book their own flights but have requested not to depart before 6pm. A Technical Delegate will be required.

Other judges suggested:

  • Debbie Rodriguez
  • Fran Deering
  • Hilda Gurney
  • Janet Brown-Fog
  • Louis Koch

Next month's meeting will be conducted via email.

November meeting will hold elections.

Lesley will look into using the Tamarack for the Christmas party 1st week in December. Suggested awards banquet remain in May.

Meeting Minutes November 14, 2005

In Attendance

  • Lou Christensen
  • Mary Anne Christensen
  • Vicki Cliff
  • Elizabeth Coffey-Curle
  • Lesley Grove
  • Cindy Hoonhout
  • Libby Loving
  • Holly McGee
  • Jennifer Smith
  • Michele Ting
  • Susan Ward

Call to Order - 6:52 pm

Treasurer Report:

Bank balance is approximately $5000. No expenses are coming up and all show costs have been paid.

There is a check for $310 that has been lost in the mail.

Motion to stop payment on check and reissue.

All in favor. Motion approved.

Discussion of opening a new bank account with additional account signatories. Cindy reported that all signatories will have to go the bank branch to sign the signatory card.

Show results:

  • April $2028
  • July $2037
  • September $1216
  • DIS ($928)

Education costs for the following clinics the net costs were as follows:

  • Amateur $100
  • Freestyle $1125
  • Junior $2312
  • March $1000

Financial results will be published with the December Newsletter.

Financial report is due to CDS at the end of January in Sacramento.

Old Business:

Basket to the USDF conference

We will spend approximately $200 and look into options of having it compiled locally near Burbank and taken to the conference rather than shipping it from here. Members to be asked to donate towards the basket and contributions will be accepted at the Christmas party. We will publish the request for donations via email and the website.

Christmas Party

Christmas party is to be held at the Tamarack Junction Casino, Thursday December 1st. 13101 S Virginia St. Cost is $15 per person for buffet dinner. No RSVP's have been received so far. Another reminder is to be sent out via email. No business will be conducted at the dinner except the Gift Basket donations. Awards will be done in March.

Election of New Slate of Officers

  • Proposed Slate:
  • Chairperson - Beth Coffey-Curle
  • Director of Website - Steve & Michele Ting
  • Director of Newsletter - Lesley Grove
  • Director of Volunteers - Mary Anne Christensen
  • Co-Directors of Education - Victoria Cliff and Cindy Hoonhout
  • Director of Juniors - Victoria Cliff
  • Treasurer - Cindy Hoonhout
  • Director of Shows - OPEN

Motion to approve slate as proposed - Jennifer Smith
Second - Holly McGee
All in Favor. Motion approved.

Discussion of 2006 and 2007 Shows


  • April Show Fran Dearing
  • July Show Sue Madden Mandis
  • August Show Donna Richardson

There are difficulties in locating a TD for the August show. Mary Anne to contact Zena


Connie Davenport to be the onsite manager.

Show fee increases are to support off site management so that all those who regularly work the shows can participate and enjoy the shows.

The possibility of running 2 arenas at the Franktown August show was discussed. Temporary stabling could be an issue and options are being investigated for discussion with Lynn. Warm up arenas and footing were discussed. The question of whether you have to warm up on the same footing as the competition arena was raised.

A financial pro forma needs to be completed and will be completed by Beth to assist in determining whether going to 2 judges is viable.

This year the board can probably manage with out a show director but one will be required for next year.

Mary Anne discussed that judges are currently booking 2007 dates. She has spoken to Louise Koch regarding July and Debbie Rodriquez for August.

Motion to keep current show dates the same for 2007 - Cindy Hoonhout
Second - Beth Coffee-Curle
All in Favor. Motion Approved.

Vicki discussed that Fuji Park is looking to expand their equestrian facilities and this could be a possible future venue.

Washoe Lakes State Park may be doing something also.

Vicki will stay involved with these developments.

We need to secure options for hotel accommodations for the judges and TD. Lesley will contact the Marriott Courtyard.

Skagen will not be a major sponsor next year.

Doing an additional triple recognized show was discussed. At this time we do not have the availability of the assistance of Connie and we do not have the expertise internally to complete the requirements for this show.

For 2007 we will look at moving the July show so it does not conflict with Pebble Beach and check into Connie's availability to manage the show.

Mary Anne will contact Louise to assess her availability to judge.

The possibility of running the August show as 2 separate triple recognized shows was discussed.

Holly gave accolades to the Board and Susan for the strong leadership and job well done over the last year.

New Business:

UNR Show May 2006

Mary Anne asked if the chapter has any interest in taking over running the May UNR show from the Reno Chapter. We could look at getting an R judge.

Possible conflicts with the proximity to the DG Bar and the Christiane's shows were discussed.

We would need to manage the show internally.

Discussion was tabled until the January meeting.


Jennifer mentioned that there is one ride time available for next weekends clinic with Steve Kannikeberg.

Meeting Days

Discussion of the best day for subsequent meetings was held and Wednesdays were decided upon


Next meeting: Jan 11th

Tamarack Junction Casino 6:30 pm (Date and Location to be confirmed depending on availability)

Agenda to include round table ideas for activities, juniors and education.

Meeting Adjourned 8:30 pm.

Do you have news of interest to the group? Please send an e-mail to and we will post it on the site.

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