SNC-Meeting Minutes for 2003
SNC Board of Directors/Open Meeting Minutes: November 10th, 2003
Tookie Johns and Debbie Scrivner, the guest speakers at the meeting, gave a demonstration on Nikken health and wellness products for both horses and their riders. Nikken products use the most advanced technology in the world to promote health and wellness. Some of the Nikken technologies include "Advanced Sleep," "Advanced Magnetic," Far-Infrared," "PiMag Water" and "CardioStrides Fitness." Everyone really enjoyed the presentation. It was very interesting and extremely informative.
Newly Elected Board of Directors for 2004
Chairperson: Susan Ward
Director of Treasury: John at Joan's office will take care of the chapter's books until a Director of Treasury can be recruited
Director of Communications: Steve amd Michele Ting
Director of Shows: Joan Wright
Director of Education: Laura Gregersen, if she accepts
Director of Activities: Madeline Zook
Director of Junior Membership: Lou Christensen
SNC Board of Directors/Open Meeting Minutes: October 28th, 2003
Attendance: Maureen Lyons, Alice Parker, Beth Curle, Steve and Michele Ting, Erica and Susan Ward, Madeline Zook, and Jennifer Smith.
The meeting began at 7pm and was held at Maureen's house. Maureen prepared a terrific spaghetti dinner and members brought deserts and drinks. We discussed several key issues regarding upcoming events, elections for 2004 board of directors and the SNC web site.
- The next SNC meeting will be November 10th at Franktown Meadows at 7pm in the break-room.
- This meeting will include the SNC Board of Directors elections for 2004 and will also include the Nikken Therapeutic Magnets Clinic.
- There was some discussion about the SNC Christmas party at Beth's house. The party will include a hayride and brown bag fundraiser auction. **Please note: the brown bag auction may be changed… we will post details as soon as they become available! The party starts at 3pm and will go until 6pm. There will be more information coming but mark your calendars!!
- Maureen will mail out invitations to the holiday party.
- SNC family members are invited and encouraged to attend the Christmas party!
- Madeline is making plans for the Awards Banquet. The banquet will be held at Cattlemen's Restaurant in Washoe Valley on Saturday March 27th. More information to come!
- It was decided that the Director of Activities would be responsible for mailing the invitations to the Awards Banquet out.
- It was decided that the SNC chapter title of "Director of Newsletters" would be changed to "Director of Communications". Steve and Michele Ting have accepted nomination to this position for the 2004 season.
- The group discussed the need to continue a quarterly newsletter now that the web site is active. It was agreed that a semi-annual newsletter posted "winter/spring" and "summer/fall" would be a good adjunct to the web site. It was decided that the semi-annual newsletter would be the responsibility of the new "Director of Communications".
- It was decided that each show manager would be responsible for mailing the entry forms/prize lists out for their show.
- Maureen made the notion, Jennifer seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously, to give Connie Davenport a $250.00 bonus for doing such a great job of running our Dressage in the Sierra show.
- Discussion took place about the idea of the chapter purchasing a SNC perpetual trophy to be in the memory of Shana Eriksson, a junior rider who was recently killed in a riding accident. Shana used to own Merlin and Yogi… ponies that are currently still being ridden in the area. It is still to be determined what SNC member accomplishment the perpetual trophy would be awarded for. The chapter currently has perpetual trophies, donated by Ellen Bjorkman, which are awarded at the SNC Awards Banquet to the high point adult and high point junior chapter riders.
- The SNC web page will have the Newsletter and SNC CDS by-laws added to it. It was agreed that the By-Laws be reviewed and updated when possible.
- It was decided to add a "Classifieds" section to the web site. It was agreed that the chapter would charge $10/month for each advertisement. Payment must be received by the treasurer in order for an ad to be placed on the site.
June 2003 Chapter Meeting Minutes
Meeting Attendees: Jennifer Smith, Eric Ahlstrom, Madeline Zook, Martina Thiel-Poblotzkii and Maureen LyonsThe meeting was a "Pilates for Equestrians" clinic and was held at Dynamic Movement Physical Therapy Rehabilitation and Wellness Center at 487 East Plumb Lane in Reno.
Denise Montagne, Physical Therapist and Certified Pilates Instructor, gave an introductory talk about Pilates - its history and theory based on working the body from the "inside out." Conscious breathing and stretching are a big part of Pilates, with concentration on strengthening the torso, and lengthening and strengthening all of the muscles.
All of the participants in this clinic appreciated the Pilates exercises so much, that Denise arranged for a special one-hour class per week for 6 weeks, to start, to be held for the participants. This class will be specifically geared towards equestrian athletes.
(Note: This class has now been holding session for 20 weeks, with Jennifer, Madeline and Maureen still attending. The class is held every Wednesday at 12:00 noon and is open to anyone who wishes to participate.)
The clinic ended at 9:00pm with everyone feeling less stressed and a lot more flexible than when they first arrived!
August 2003 Chapter Meeting Minutes
The meeting was held at Joan Wright's beautiful newly remodeled home in Carson City. The salads that everyone brought, and all the other food, was delicious! A fun time was had by all!
Discussion was had about how well our Junior Membership did at the CDS Junior Championships... congrats Juniors! Madeline announced that she is working on the SNC Awards Banquet to be held in March, 2004. Joan advised that she needs a few more volunteers for the Dressage in the Sierra show, but that things were going along well with the show's organization.