We hope everyone had a Wonderful Thanksgiving! Despite having to work, we had a very nice holiday with our families, including our many critters. At our house, the animals get special treats on the holidays too in appreciation for the parts they play in our lives as family members. We make a special effort to be sure the kitties get some tuna, the dogs get extra bones and leftovers to share, and the horses get apples and carrots as treats. We are truly thankful for all that we have.
Christmas is not too far away and the first thing on our minds as we write this months newsletter. We have enclosed an invitation to this years Christmas Party! We would love to see everyone there!
This will be a potluck style party. Please bring an appetizer or dessert dish. Coffee, soda and water will be provided. Members, families and friends are welcome. We are asking folks to RSVP so we know how many to plan for. Please send an email to snc-cds@charter.net and let us know how many will be in your party!
Admission requirement will be one brown bag gift. The idea is simple and fun. Please bring a gift item, size and cost are not important, in a brown bag. Ideas for gifts can be anything from horsey stuff, ornaments, calendars, picture frames, gift certificates, tack, stable supplies to people items. Use your imagination! Brown bags will be auctioned off during the party, with proceeds going to the club. We would love to see you there!!!
Directions to Susan's
Take Huffaker west off south Virginia. Turn left Olive Ln. which turns left into Catalpa. Address is 1625 Catalpa.
Saddle Fitting Clinic
Madeline has made arrangements to have David Gilpin, Master Saddler, in town on December 9th! If anyone is interested in having their saddles fitting, restuffed, or in ordering a new custom saddle, please contact Madeline Zook at 775-424-1947 for any questions or to make appointments. Madeline can also be reached by email at mazook@pyramid.net
Wanted!!! Chapter Basket Donations
Donations are needed for our chapter basket: This year we are looking for things related to Dressage in Nevada and most especially our area. Donation ideas include anything horse related: tack, stationary, candles, house wares, books, calendars etc and anything Nevada related: Pictures of our area, gifts relating to Tahoe or the mountains, certificates to attractions in our area, wine or locally made food items or gift items, gift certificates to local businesses and so on. Use your imagination! Any items, no matter how small... or how large... will be welcomed!! Monetary donations are being accepted as well. If you have an item or items you would like to donate, please contact Cindy Hoonhout at 853-0302 or you may bring donations to the Christmas party!
The monthly E-Newsletters are sent out to any Dressage Enthusiast that would like to subscribe. If you know of someone that would like to receive this E-news please have them contact us at snc-cds@charter.net. If you have a news item or announcement that you would like added to the monthly E-news or to the website please send it to snc-cds@charter.net.