March 2004
Early spring is the best time to get your horse's vaccinations boostered, before mosquito season and show season. Many local veterinarians offer low cost vaccination clinics this time of year. It's also a good time to get Coggins tests done, particularly if you are traveling out of state this show season.
We hope this newsletter finds everyone doing well. Spring is on its way! We hope you are as excited for the upcoming show season as we are. There are a few date and judge changes on the calendar, please check the calendar page frequently for changes and updates.
March News
- The Steve Kanikkeberg clinic that was scheduled for March 5th & 6th has been rescheduled to May 7th and 8th.
- SNC Chapter Meeting Date Change - March 15th, 6:30pm SNC Chapter Meeting. Susan Ward's house 1625 Catalpa Lane Reno. ph. 853-4175. Hors d'oeuvre's, provided. Please bring food or drink item. Map to Susans.
- March 20th - Junior Membership Clinic and Potluck Dinner. Seana Adamson, PhD. MFT, will be presenting a Performance Enhancement Clinic. This is a great way to gear up for the coming show season. Seana has coached dressage students at all levels and is an active FEI competitor and trainer. Her topics will include fear and performance anxiety, competitive strategies and staying focused. EVERYONE IS WELCOME.
Junior participation for this clinic is free. Non-junior participation fee is $10.00. The clinic will be at the Christensen's house (Lou, Mary Anne and Troy) at 6:00pm. PLEASE RESERVE A SPACE BY CALLING 972-5408.
Beverages will be provided. Please bring your favorite salad, main dish or dessert to share. The address is 10805 Wells Fargo Rd., Reno. Map to Clinic. (395 North to Red Rock Exit. Stay on Red Rock to Wells Fargo Rd. - close to 3 miles. Last house on the left.) - Silent Auction Donations needed for Awards Dinner!
Donations are needed for the silent auction being held in conjunction with the awards dinner March 27th. This is an annual event that is a big fund raiser for the chapter and an absolute blast for members.
Last year members donated some amazing items for the silent auction. There was clothing, a beautiful Dressage Extensions dressage print, gift certificates to local businesses and feed stores, gift certificates for lessons and equine massage, artwork, incredible wine glasses, vacation package and so much more. Everyone had a fantastic time bidding for items! If you’ve never participated in a silent auction… here’s your chance!
Please consider bringing an item to donate! If you have any questions or have an item you would like to donate, please contact Susan Ward at 853-4175 or by email at - March 21st & 22nd - Christiane Noelting Clinic. Location: Franktown Meadows. Contact Joan Wright (775) 882-9070.
- March 27th - SNC-CDS Awards Banquet / Silent Auction at Cattlemen's Restaurant in Washoe Valley. Cocktails at 6pm with dinner at 7pm. Invitations were mailed in the Febraury newsletter. Remember to RSVP with Madeline Zook at 424-1947 by March 19th. Dinner is $25/per person with checks payable to SNC-CDS. Checks should be mailed to: SNC-CDS Treasurer, PO Box 2637, Carson City, Nevada 89702. Please be sure to specify which type of dinner you would like (T-bone steak, Prime Rib, Steak and Alaskan King Crab, or Trailhands Mixed Grill).
- 2004 CDS Amateur Clinic with Kathleen Raine
Here is your chance to ride in a CDS Amateur Clinic!
The northern clinic will be April 22-25 in Santa Rosa, with Bobby Keville (707-795-1426) coordinating. Applications due March 15.
It is required that any interested chapter member apply to the Board of Directors for the clinic. It is required that, as part of the application, an essay be written by the applicant describing what they are currently doing in their Dressage training, what their goals are and why they feel they should be the member from out chapter who gets this opportunity to ride at the clinic.
The amateur can be a Junior.
Applications must be submitted to the Board of Directors at least one month prior to the clinic date. For more information please contact Susan Ward (Chapter Chair) at (775) 853-4175
Wintec Isabell Equisuede saddle, new, CAIR with air panels, 17" seat, with medium-wide gullets also gullet gauge included. $700. Call Ann 775-970-5505. Leave Message.
The monthly E-Newsletters are sent out to any Dressage Enthusiast that would like to subscribe. If you know of someone that would like to receive this E-news please have them contact us at If you have a news item or announcement that you would like added to the monthly E-news or to the website please send it to
Steve and Michele Ting