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December 2005

December 2005
  • December 1st. SNC-CDS Holiday Party at Tamarack Junction.
  • No December Meeting. Next SNC-CDS Meeting will be January 13th at 6:30PM at Tamarack Junction.

Seasons Greetings!

As I write this we are getting our first "real" snow of the season. How exciting! While its not so great for riding, for those of us stuck outside, it sure does put us in the holiday mood! And speaking of holidays… By now everyone should know about The Annual Holiday party coming up this Thursday December 1st at 6pm at the Tamarack Junction. The dinner menu looks fantastic and the facility is great. Thank you so much to Lesley Grove for her hard work in putting this together!

The Annual Meeting is coming up soon as well which means SNC will be working on the chapter basket to take to the meeting. Every year the various chapters of CDS take baskets of goodies to be presented and auctioned. Proceeds from the baskets go to the Travel Grant Fund.

In the past we have asked members to donate gift items for the basket. This year, we agreed that the chapter would purchase items for the basket and ask members for monetary donations in place of gift items. We will be accepting monetary donations at the Holiday Party. If you are unable to attend but would like to donate, please send a donation to the PO Box above along with a note designating the monies to go towards the chapter basket.

Newly Elected….2006 Board of Directors!

Our November meeting was very well attended. Thank you again to Lesley for setting us up at the Tamarack Junction. The room was perfect! The minutes have been posted to the site for members to review at their leisure. The highlight of the meeting was the election of the 2006 Board of Directors. The 2006 Board is as follows:

Contact information for all of the Board members is available on the SNC web site under the Board of Directors link.

Newsletter Changes

This newsletter will be our last for the chapter. Lesley will be taking over as Director of Newsletters! In the future, if you have news of interest to the group that you would like included in the newsletter, please forward it to Lesley. Along with our web site duties, Steve and I will continue the emailing and posting of the newsletters as we have done in the past. Classified ads should continue to be sent to us for posting on the web and for newsletters. If you have any questions about the process, please feel free to contact us.

Education Ideas

We would like to invite members to help participate in the 2006 education calendar. We are looking for ideas! If you have educational ideas you think the club might enjoy please contact the Directors of Education, Victoria Cliff at or Cindy Hoonhout at

2006 Clinic Calendar

We'd like to continue to post any upcoming clinics on the 2006 calendar. If you have a clinic or clinics you would like posted, please let us know.

2006 Show Calendar

The 2006 SNC Show calendar has been sent off to CDS for posting in the Omnibus. Mary Anne and Susan have been hard at work lining up judges and facilities for our upcoming show season. The calendar is as follows:


We'd like to thank everyone for allowing us to share our thoughts and ideas in the chapter newsletter for the past couple of years. Its been a pleasure! We will continue to manage the SNC web site and assist with chapter communications when needed so please feel free to contact us if there is something you would like us to post to the site. We wish you all Happy Holidays and look forward to seeing you next show season!

Steve and Michele


Dressage saddles for sale:

Contact Libby Lovig, 677 - 2994,

To receive our monthly newsletter and receive information on Ride Times, Show Updates, Clinic Information sign up on the SNC-CDS e-mail list. Join the list by sending a blank e-mail to Or you can visit the group homepage at

If you have a news item or announcement that you would like added to the monthly E-news or to the website please send it to

Directors of information,
Steve and Michele Ting