June - July 2007
- June 22nd - 24th ~ Erica Poseley GOT SEAT? Seat and Position Clinic at Equest Training Center. Rider needs to ride 2 days. $250 for both rides. Contact: Victoria Cliff at 849-0105.
- June 30th - July 1st ~ Dressage Derby. Location: Vacaville. Contact: Christiane Noelting at 707-454-0565.
- July 7th & 8th ~ SNC-CDS Show. Judge: Louise Koch 'S'. Location: Clover Leaf Equestrian Center.
- July 11th ~ SNC Chapter Meeting at 6:30pm. Location: Equest Training Center.
- July 22nd ~ Equest Training Center CDS Show. Judge: Vicky Stashuk-Matisi 'R'. Location: ETC.
- July 28th & 29th ~ Equest Training Center R & R Equest Horse Camp at Frenchmen's. Contact: Victoria Cliff at 849-0105.
Summer is upon and we have lots of news and announcements… but first, I have to apologize for forgetting to include Lesley Grove's re-cap of the Adult Amateur clinic in the last newsletter. Sorry! You can read her report below.
Thank you to CDS and the Sierra Nevada Chapter for providing the opportunity to attend such a fantastic event. Mette Rozencrantz was nothing short of wonderful. Warm, friendly and very funny. She was hands on (literally) running along beside horses many times. She demonstrated the horses position using her own arms and legs and could often be seen trotting through a corner with bend (not on a horse). She gave us glimpses into the professional world by sharing her stories and experiences with us in an open and frank manner. Over and above everything else the clinic was FUN. It was very well organized and run and we were very well fed. Thank you to Bobby Keville, the East Bay Chapter and last but not least Yarra Yarra Ranch. At Yarra Yarra Ranch we were not visitors we were guests and we were shown good old fashioned hospitality at all times. We were made to feel very very welcome. It is a wonderful opportunity to meet people who are all incredible in their own way and to be a part of their life, dreams and successes for a short period of time. I hope to see all of them again out at the shows. I will be cheering for them.
Lesley Grove
True Texas Colors (American Paint)
Junior News
Rachael Gazes has jumped in for the Juniors and will be working on the Junior Basket which will be going to the Northern Junior Championships in August. We are asking for Junior members to help with donations to go in the basket. If you have something you'd like to donate, please contact Cindy at cindyhnv@yahoo.com
Junior Clinic "View from C" update
David Schmutz was asked if he would be willing to do a "View from C" clinic for our Juniors and we are working on setting this up. David was the judge at the Equest I show in May and all reports are that he was very positive and encouraging in his comments. We'll post more information as details get ironed out.
Junior Fundraisers
We are very happy to report that Juniors are making great strides in their fundraising efforts. They held another sale at the Equest I show and with the help of The Viola children - Tony and Alyssa, they added another $117 dollars to their collection! Cindy reported that, "Young Master Viola's skills as a salesman were nothing short of amazing!" Way to go guys!!
Look for the Junior Benefit Tack Sale again at the Equest II show in July!
We'd also like to remind members that if you have items you would like to donate for the Junior Tack Sale you can contact Cindy to make arrangements for drop offs. We really appreciate everyone's donations and the proceeds definitely go towards a good cause!
July Show
We are pretty well set for the July show but could still use volunteers in a couple of slots. We are still looking for a scribe for Saturday afternoon. Anyone interested in scribing or volunteering in another capacity, please contact Mary Ann at maryac@unr.edu
A HUGE thank you to the following people for their help with this show:
- Cindy Hoonhout ~ Friday Set Up
- Joan Wright ~ Saturday Day Manager
- Jennifer Smith ~ Sunday Day Manager
- Mary Ann Christensen ~ Volunteer Coordinator
- Ralph and Jennifer Mair ~ Judge Host and Transportation
SNC Awards Program
As we are nearing our second SNC show in July, just a reminder that if you are trying to qualify for the SNC Awards Program you will need to have at least 4 scores at 2 SNC shows at a level from 2 different judges. Other qualifying criteria must be met as well. For a detailed explanation please go to http://www.snc-cds.com/awardrules.html
Dressage in the Sierra
Dressage in the Sierra will be held at Franktown Meadows Equestrian Center in Washoe Valley again this year. Show dates are August 24th (DITS I) and 25th-26th (DITS II). Please be aware that Dressage in the Sierra I will be on Friday and will be treated as a separate show from Dressage in the Sierra II. This means everyone will need to fill out two separate entry forms, each with separate copies of cards and payment.
Second Annual DITS Wine & Beer Tasting
HOORAY! This will be our Second Annual Dressage in the Sierra Saturday afternoon wine and beer tasting. Please plan to bring a bottle of wine or six-pack of beer (horsey labels always appreciated!) to our hospitality tent to be shared and tasted. Hors D'oeuvres and non-alcoholic drinks will be served. A fee of $5.00 per person will be collected by our team of bartenders and will get you a wine glass with the Dressage in the Sierra logo on it.
*Must be over 21 to consume alcohol. Please drink responsibly.
DITS Sponsorship Coordinator needed!
This year's DITS needs someone to head up sponsorship. If you would like to know more about what is involved or if you would like to volunteer for the position, please contact Beth at curle@mindspring.com or 849-0136.
We'll be putting up sponsorship forms on the web site soon and would like to ask all of our members to considering helping out with sponsorship. Sponsor money helps defray many of the costs associated with a show of this caliber. Please consider being a sponsor!
Vicki will be heading up the Hospitality Committee for the show and could also use some help with things like tent set up, competitors "breakfast" treats, meals for judges, wine tasting set up, hors D'oeuvres and drink set up and more. Please contact Vicki at 849-0105 if you'd like to help.
The Board is working on a member survey which will be ready and available at Dressage in the Sierra. Please take a minute to fill it out. We need your input!
Passier, Nicole Grand Gilbert, Dressage Saddle, deep seat, gusseted panels, black, excellent used condition, 17" seat. $1500. OBO ($2799. new)
Christ-Horse Dream Dressage Saddle pad, saddle shaped, black w/sheepskin under saddle area, used 1x, new condition $100. OBO ($159 new)
Call Ann 775-771-2565
Albion SLK 17 ˝” W tree. Great saddle in excellent condition just doesn’t fit my horse. $2400.
Call Kerin at 775-848-6260.
If anyone has any interesting stories or information for inclusion in the newsletter please submit it to snc-cds@charter.net. Write to me with some of your personal stories that you would like to share.
Director of Newsletters,
Michele Ting