
SNC-Meeting Minutes for 2007

Meeting Minutes January 16, 2007

Meeting Came to order at 6:40 pm January 16, 2007

Attendance: Joan Wright, Beth Coffey-Curle, Victoria Myer, Vicki Cliff, Cindy Hoonhout Absent: Mary Anne Christiansen & MicheleTing

Election of Board of Directors:

  • Chairperson: Elizabeth Coffey-Curle
  • Director of Education: Victoria Myer
  • Director of Jrs: Vicki Cliff
  • Treasurer: Cindy Hoonhout
  • Director of Shows: Open although Beth will coordinate DITS
  • Director of Volunteers: Mary Anne Christensen
  • Newsletter Editor: Michele Ting
  • Secretary: Joan Wright
  • Web Master: Steve Ting-Appointed position

Meeting Time:
The SNC BOD will meet the second Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM unless otherwise determined by the BOD. The location will be discussed prior to each meeting.

The February meeting will be out of order: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2007 at 6:30 PM; place to be announced.

Spring Education Clinic:
Victoria will collect resumes and costs from Shelly Edwards and Anael Sawyer for a Bio-Mechanic Clinic to be held in the spring.

Junior/Young Rider Membership:
Vicki will host a meeting inviting the Jr/Young rider members and their parents for an open discussion of what type of activity junior/YR members would like to do in coordination with the SNC club.

2007 Shows:
We need a show manager for the April and July shows. Joan Wright may be able to be the manager for one of the shows. We have all of the officials hired for our 2007 shows, all of the insurance, and all of the licenses accept the USDF license which is in the works. Beth will audit the ribbons and awards prior to the April show. We will create budgets for the 2 types of shows for the managers to work off of. This past 2006 season was an expensive show year in spite of strong entries. The travel expenses and accommodation fees were very, very high. This year, we may be able to reduce the accommodation costs through the use of private homes.

Treasurer Report:
The year-end balance for the treasury is $1931.37. This includes $600 storage fee for 2007, $150 AA 2007 clinic fee, and the 2005 Award Dinner, all non-2006 actual expenses. The treasury lost $1,444 in 2006 mostly due to the very expensive accommodation and travel expenses for our show officials.

CDS Annual Meeting:
Victoria is going as the club representative. Vicki and Trish Hickstead are attending as well. Victoria has the club basket which has a wine bottle, horsey wine glass identifiers, a horsey wine bottle cover, and 2 watches.

Adult Amateur Clinic:
Lesley Grove is our club representative; Holly McGee is the alternate.

Junior/YR Meeting Minutes February 4, 2007

Attendees: Rachel Gazes, Ciara Viola, Jackie Dunt, Vicki Cliff, Cindy Hoonhout, Sue Dunt, Karla Viola, Roxanne and Lou Gazes.

Topics of Discussion:

NEXT MEETING - MARCH 30, 2007 5:30 pm (it's a Friday Night) Educational component - Dressage through the Levels

Junior Fundraising
Potential Fundraising activities

  • 1) Tack Sale at shows (also Snack and beverage sale)
  • 2) Tack and boot cleaning service at shows
  • 3) Notecards - Original junior artwork to be developed into notecards to be sold at shows and local feed stores - (carryover from last year)
  • Additional fundraising activities proposed
  • 1) Raffle Sale at shows (especially for DiTS)
  • 2) Garage Sale with proceeds to go to Juniors
Junior Educational Activities - what to do with the funds earned

Seat and Position
From the Judges perspective

Junior members proposed raising funds to support a clinic to be held mid to late summer - before Junior Championships - Clinic topics discussed included Seat and Position/Lunge Clinic to focus on Junior riding mechanics. And/Or a clinic with a Judge in a "show" type setting where the Judge provides critique and suggestions during or immediately after the ride. Explaining what the judge is looking for from the test, and how to maximize performance.

Meetings - Junior members discussed meeting bi-monthly - meetings will incorporate an educational component with local trainers and experts - potential topics include

  • 1) Dressage thru the Levels - Watch the new tests and hear the description of the anatomy of the test
  • 2) Boot function - Splint boots, polo wraps, etc - what are the benefits and differences from each type of leg wrap
  • 3) Show turn out - braiding, tack care, rider dress - tips for successful show season
  • 4) Ground manners - Show season nerves, moody mares, or just plain spoiled! How to *remind* your mount who's in charge

Feb 17-18 Clinic Sabine Schut-Kery at Avalon Friesians

Junior's will be selling coffee/doughnuts and lunch for the clinic participants/auditors. THIS IS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY for Juniors to earn funds to support YOUR clinic/educational activities. WE NEED MORE VOLUNTEERS - Currently, Troy Christensen, Rachel Gazes, and Jackie Dunt have volunteered to help.

Meeting Minutes February 21, 2007

Meeting called to order 6:40PM

Attendees: Mary Ann Christensen, Holly McGee, Victoria Myer, Cindy Hoonnhout

Victoria gave a brief recap of the CDS annual meeting

  • CDS is considering implementing a "minimum Score" requirement for progressing from 2nd Level to 3rd or higher.
  • Discussion of the other volunteer and fundraising activities of chapters in our region
  • Insurance does not cover volunteers at shows! Discussion of having volunteers sign releases at the show.

There were several significant topics at the annual meeting and it was agreed that the discussion should be tabled until next meeting when a greater number of board members would be in attendance. Victoria will summarize her notes from the annual meeting and continue the discussion at the next board meeting.

Committee Reports:

Volunteers - UNR team will continue to serve as staff at shows. The April show they will do for FREE as a community service event. It was discussed that perhaps the chapter would make a donation during the UNR equestrian team's annual fundraising dinner/event as like consideration for their donating their time to our April show.

April show is set for volunteers except for the scribes. Mary Ann is contacting possible scribes to firm up.

Awards - a ribbon inventory will be conducted to determine if there are sufficient ribbons for the April show. Cindy will check with Karla Viola to determine whether Kleening Connection will continue it's sponsorship of the Junior Ribbon awards.

DITS - all judges contracts have been returned except Creeky Rouston but Mary Ann has a verbal confirmation for Creeky. Shari Lamb (TD) had increased her fees from $175 to $200 per day. Since there is limited time to find another TD, it was agreed that the rate increase would be approved.

2008 judges - Mary Ann to book Lilo Fore now to secure her as one of the judges for the 2008 DITS. Mary Ann will discuss possible clinic possibilities with Lilo as well.

Education - Shelly Edwards bio-mechanics clinic - format includes an AM lecture with muscle systems of horse and rider and PM ridden session with 8 participants.

Anael Sawyer - another biomechanics possibility. Is willing to allow Juniors to participate for free.

Victoria mentioned another possible group willing to serve as show staff. Horses for the Spirit (does therapeutic riding, etc) would be willing to staff shows for similar compensation as UNR Equestrian team. It was suggested that some of the group members may want to come and shadow experienced volunteer staff to "learn the ropes" before the group was given staffing responsibilities.

Juniors - Added $100 to coffers from the concessions sale at the recent Avalon Friesians clinic. Troy Christensen, Danielle Ballard, Rachael Gazes volunteered at the clinic. (also Stacey Ballard Danielle's mom and Tish Hicksted adult amateur member).

Junior meeting in March will include educational component - review of new Dressage through the Levels. Juniors will discuss further fund raising activities for 2007 at the March meeting.



  • Income - $50 donation
  • Expenses - PO Box rent $94; Mini Storage Rent (6 months) $600; Education (amateur clinic fees) $150; Misc Show Fees (USDF) $115
  • Net -$909

February to date

  • Income - $1000 sale of extra dressage court

Current balance - $2869.89

Next Meeting: March 14th at 6:30pm. Location: TBA.

Do you have news of interest to the group? Please send an e-mail to and we will post it on the site.

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