SNC-Meeting Minutes for 2004
SNC CDS Meeting Minutes January 12, 2004
Attendance: Susan Ward, Erica Ward, Michele Ting, Lou and Maryanne Christensen, Libby Lovig, Julie Brown.
Old Business:
The November meeting minutes were read and approved.
Susan stated that show managers were needed for the following shows: April SNC show, July SNC show, Dressage in the Sierra, and the September SNC show. Lou and Maryanne Christensen volunteered to manage the April show.
The status of the SNC Chapter basket was discussed. Earlier in the week Cindy Hoonhout notified Michele Ting that donation were still needed for the basket. At that time only three members had donated items. Everyone agreed to try to get a donation in by the end of January. Susan stated that the chapter would pay for any extra donations needed for the basket. Susan will ask Joan about the possibility of donating the Silver Legacy dinner certificate to the basket as well.
New Business:
There was some discussion about the Amateur clinic being held this year in April in Santa Rosa. Kathleen Raine will be the clinician for the clinic and it will be held April 22-25. We discussed that the clinic is held at the same time as the first SNC show April 25th. Members who wish to be considered for the clinic may write a bio and submit it to the chapter board. For more information contact Susan Ward.
The board discussed the idea of having a "video clinic". The idea was that riders could videotape a ride of a test that would be level they are currently showing. A limited number of members could then bring them to a chapter meeting and (for a fee) have the rides critiqued by an area instructor. We decided that would need to further explore the logistics of the idea but we all agreed that it would be a worthwhile possibility.
It was suggested that the chapter donate and/or create a "Junior male high point rider" trophy. Susan stated she would look into this more.
A Request was made for the chapter to sponsor a clinic on Riding Psychology for junior's members by Seana Adamson.
Lou and Maryanne suggested that the chapter consider a scholarship program for its junior members. Susan will look into this further.
The next newsletter will be mailed out in February. The deadline to have items in for the newsletter is February 1st.
Up-coming show premiums will be on the web page with details posted on the web site. Lou and Maryanne were show managers for an SNC show last July and they will try to get Steve and Michele a copy of entrants to include on the mailing lists. Susan will request the same from the other show managers of 2003 shows.
It was announced that Cindy Hoonhout will represent our chapter at the Annual Meeting in February.
Michele suggested that the web page include an "awards" section that would detail the various awards the chapter currently has. Susan suggested a "Suggestion box" be posted on the web page. This would allow members to participate in deciding what positions they would like to see awarded by the chapter. One example could be 'Most improved rider" etc. Susan will ask Joan about local awards that are currently available.
We agreed to try to get a list of the current videos and books available in the chapter's library. Michele will contact Linda Nidday to see if she has a list.
February 2004 SNC-CDS meeting minutes
Called to order 7:00 pm
Present: Susan Ward, Joan Wright, Cindy Hoonhout, Karla Viola, Erica Ward
January minutes not available
Treasury report not available
Old business:
April show- judge-Pam Nelson(S)- show-Sunday
- clinic-Monday $80 per ride 7rides total
- contact-Joan Wright or Susan Ward
- show managers-Lou and Mary Anne Christensen
- judge-Donna Richardson (S)
- show-Sunday
- clinic-Monday $100.00 per ride 8 rides total
- contact Joan Wright or Susan Ward
- show manager-Cindy Hoonhout (pending confirmation)
Chapter sponsorship of male high point trophy award for Northern Junior Championships approved in lieu of sending $100.00 donation (as we have done for the past several years). Maryanne Christensen to coordinate.
Silent auction for awards banquet-needs donations
New Business:
$100 deposit for stabling for amateur clinic due.
Annual meeting report by Cindy Hoonhout-interesting review of meeting educational and business sessions. Cindy will prepare written report. Chapter basket for auction did well. Thanks to Cindy and Vicki for their work in basket preparation. Thanks to all who donated items for the basket.
SNC CDS Meeting Minutes March 15, 2004
Attendance: Susan Ward, Margot Ward, Joan Wright, Barbara Boatman, Maria Hickey, Madeline Zook, Steve and Michele Ting, Lou and Mary Anne Christensen, Holly McGee
Old Business:
Show manager for July show to be confirmed by Joan. Dressage in the Sierra show and September shows still need show managers. Meeting minutes were approved. This was motioned and seconded.
New Business:Treasurers report:
Joan Provided the report. We roughly have about $11,000 in the SNC account possibly more. Recognition and insurance has been paid for, for this season's shows. LEC is holding dates for DITS although we are not yet able to pay them. Joan is working on this.
Joan is still working on getting a judge lined up for the September show.
Amateur clinic - Two people had submitted applications for the clinic, Charlotte Jorst and Carol Spreckleson. Charlotte has withdrawn her application. Carol's application was read to members. Carole was voted in unanimously for the clinic.
Junior Membership Clinic with Seana Adamson - Seana is giving a clinic at the Christiansen's house Saturday March 20th. Currently there are at least 12 people that have committed to attend. Mary Anne felt there would likely be about 20 people present. Mary Anne will give an overview of how the clinic went after words for posting to the web site.
Volunteer Awards - Susan discussed that volunteer awards were coming along.
Awards Dinner - Madeline reviewed the number of participants coming to awards dinner so far. Attendance as of the meeting was about 23 people. Madeline and Joan suggested making phone calls to people to remind them. Susan handed out a roster of members for calls and passed it around for people to call. Phone call assignments were divided up among those present at the meeting. CDS awards will be presented at the meeting as well. Susan has the awards on hand and will be presenting them at the meeting.
Silent Auction information presented by Susan Ward - Various items for donation discussed as well who was offering them.
There will be tack sale associated with the April show to benefit junior membership. Lou and Mary Anne will be organizing and Susan will help. Mary Anne will be the contact for drop offs. Drop offs will need to be in to Mary Anne by April 17th. Members can bring items to the awards dinner. Tack items may either be donated or the junior program will take 20% of the profit from the sale.
April show:Mary Anne has the awards and Joan has the ribbons ready. Volunteers are needed for the April show!!!!! Joan, Susan and Margot and Erika will help. Maria will see if she can help. Barbara may also be able to scribe at the show. Junior volunteers are needed to volunteer for food stand. Volunteers will need to be signed up.
Entry form - Joan, Mary Anne, Steve and Michele will be working on an SNC entry form and prize list for this show. Entries need to include which chapter people are in and if they are a junior. People need to declare whether they are AA/JR/OPEN
Dressage in the Sierra - Joan and Susan are working on having major sponsorship for DITS in order to make it a bigger show (European judges etc). A manager is still needed. Hopefully this show will get bigger and bigger. Currently there is a potential sponsor that they are working with.
Lou mentioned that the Junior Championships are the same weekend as DITS and asked if there was any chance to move either show. There was some discussion about this. There was no resolution at this time but possibly in the future the championship show will be on a different and more separated date. LEC will not change dates for the show.
July show with Donna Richardson will be at Franktowne Meadows Equestrian Center.
We still need a judge for September show - This will be at Clover Leaf Equestrian Center.
Meeting adjourned at 8:16 pm
April Meeting Minutes
Attended-Cindy Hoonhout, Martina P., maryanne C., lou C., Joan W., Susan W.
Called to order 7:12
Prior minutes approved
Treasurers report-$11,970.29 in bank
Old business-
Awards banquet- several people did not pay for their meals but we cannot figure out who owes. A limit on free drink tickets and a manned check in desk was suggested for next year.
Voted to send $100 to northern JR champs show fpr chapter sponsorship
Cindy Hoonhout volunteered to take over as chapter treasurer.
April show set with ride times, volunteers, prizes. numbers discussed
New business
July show discussed-need insurance certificate, EMT
Need riders for clinic on Monday 7/12
Want to get real paid announcer for Dressage in the Sierra- options discussed
Need someone to do the Dressage in the Sierra Program (last year done by Kelly Tormey)-the show info/ride times part of the program is done by Connie Davenport
Need more print info (postcard updates for meeings since it appears that the website is underutilized-postcards can refer people to website for details
Need speaker ideas for education program
Next meeting Monday May 10th 6:30 in Lounge/Bar at Cattleman's. Christensens to run meeting. I will not be there because i will be leaving that week to visit my Dad.
Meeting adjourned 8:09
May Meeting Minutes May 10th, 2004
Attendance:Lou Christensen
Steve and Michele Ting
Cindy Hoonhout
Karla Viola
Joan Wright
The meeting was held at 6:30 pm at Cattleman's Restaurant.
Old Agenda Items discussed:July show discussed-need insurance certificate, EMT - being worked on. Need riders for clinic on Monday 7/12 - will post a reminder on the web site. Want to get real paid announcer for Dressage in the Sierra- Joan is working on this. Need someone to do the Dressage in the Sierra Program (last year done by Kelly Tormey)-the show info/ride times part of the program is done by Connie Davenport. Still being worked on. Joan will talk with Amy Fulstone to see if she would be interested in managing DITS as well. Need speaker ideas for education program - Joan will speak with Laura Gregerson to see if they can come up with some education ideas.
New agenda items discussed:There was some discussion about the web site and utilization of the site. It was suggested that a survey could be sent out to members or posted on the web site for members to encourage input about the site and its use.
There was discussion about the timing of the next hard copy newsletter. It was decided that at a minimum postcards or a short reminder would be sent out prior to Dressage in the Sierra asking for volunteers for the show and reminding members about The Night of the Horse. Cindy and Karla stated that both Sierra Feed and The Cleaning Connection have volunteered to sponsor junior membership awards for our shows. This would mean that junior riders (at SNC shows) would be awarded separately from A/A and open riders in the same division. There was some discussion about the awards types. Cindy and Karla will be working on this with the help of Vicki and Ken Cliff.
We will add a message on the web page stating that if members would like to sponsor awards or send in money to help with junior awards they may do so by contacting the Christensen's. Joan mentioned that Eve Sheldon in Sierraville would like to host a club sponsored clinic at her place on June 19th and 20th. The board approved the idea. Joan stated she would need to speak with Paula at CDS to make sure it was alright.
Joan stated that the Pam Nelson clinic was excellent and all who participated enjoyed her as a clinician.
Joan has been in touch with Laura Gregerson about education ideas associated with the meetings. This is still in the works.
Cindy stated she would be willing to help with Night of the Horse and that maybe Madeline would help her as well. She will get in touch with Madeline about this.
Meeting adjourned at 8pm.
SNC CDS Meeting Minutes August, 2004
August Meeting Minutes - Attendance: Wendy Hayes, Carolyn Graebener, Steve Ting and Michele Ting.
There was a major accident on hwy 395 this evening so many members were unable to attend the meeting.
Dressage in the Sierra details were discussed with Wendy. Wendy reported having the majority of the volunteer positions covered. Steve stated he would send out an email requesting volunteers for the unfilled positions.
The meeting was adjourned early due to the accident.
SNC CDS Meeting Minutes September 13th, 2004
September 13th Meeting minutes - Attendance: Susan Ward, Joan Wright, Cindy Hoonhout, Wendy Hays, Carolyn Graebener, Michele Ting, Steve Ting, Mary Anne Christensen, Jen Smith, Margot Ward, Kerin Rowe.
Meeting started at 6:30pm. Old Business was briefly discussed and approved.
New Business:
Treasurers Report - Cindy reported that the club has $11,196.22 currently. She added that there were still some pending corrections and a final report could be made next month. It was also reported that the club lost money on Dressage in the Sierra - approximately $2000.
Cindy reported that while members were very happy with the web site she had had some requests from members that entry forms and prize lists be the same for each show. This was discussed at length as the entry forms and prize lists come to Steve and Michele from the show manager of the show. Steve said he would take a look at the forms to see what was different. It was also agreed that members need to understand that different show managers may use different forms at their discretion. Everyone agreed to take a look at the forms to see what could be done to make them more consistent from show to show.
Awards Dinner for 2004 - Carolyn G. offered to host the dinner at her house if the club would pay for catering. This was voted on and approved. The date will tentatively be Saturday March 26th at 4pm. Tickets will be $25. There will be a silent auction. A "brown bag" auction was also discussed as an idea for a fundraiser for the club. Everyone seemed receptive to this idea though we agreed to keep discussion open for a future meeting.
Christmas Party - A Christmas party potluck/end of year meeting was discussed. Susan offered to have a party at her house along with the December meeting. All members are invited. The date will be Monday December 13th from 6:30 until ??? This will be potluck.
Sponsorship of Annual Show - Joan brought up that SNC had been asked to sponsor the annual show. It was suggested that we sponsor $100 for the show. This was unanimously approved.
Club Surplus - Steve brought up that he felt that some of the surplus money the club has should be spent on prizes and rewards for members. Wendy suggested the idea of "show bucks" for volunteers. There was much discussion about this. We agreed to keep this idea open for a future meeting. Susan brought up a "Local Series" idea as well. And several members suggested a club sponsored freestyle clinic. These will all be discussed in more detail at a future meeting.
Emails - Steve requested that all email correspondence be complete. He asked that one word emails be avoided so as to prevent confusion and/or hurt feelings.
2005 Board of Directors - It was agreed that Board of Directors nominations will be discussed at the next chapter meeting in October along with elections.
Chapter Basket - Cindy Hoonhout volunteered to take the SNC basket to the next annual meeting. Steve and Michele will post a request for basket donations with a Nevada theme.
Transitions Subscriptions - The 2005 Transitions subscription was discussed. In the past the chapter has charged a $10 fee for members to subscribe to the written chapter newsletter. Because we are now doing newsletters almost entirely online, it was suggested that the $10 fee be dropped. This was voted on and agreed upon unanimously.
2005 Show Schedule - 2005 show schedule was discussed for some time. Next year we will have all 2-day shows. Joan suggested that if the second day of the show was not full, the chapter could possibly offer a ½ day clinic with the judge from the show. This was agreeable to all but will be discussed again at a future meeting.
Joan also stated that for the 2 day shows both days will at least offer qualifying classes. For example: T3 and T4 and F3 and F4.
Susan announced that she had been informed that Liz Searle would be the judge for the triple recognized Franktowne show in June.
Dressage in the Sierra
There was a lengthy debate over whether or not the club would have another Dressage in the Sierra (DITS) show next year. This year the club lost money on the show and entries were down significantly. Much of this was attributed to the Junior Championships being held at the same time as DITS. Unfortunately, the dates are not changeable and we will have the same situation next year. Other pros and cons were discussed as below:
- Location - Difficult to get to
- Asphalt
- Some people don't care for the indoor setting - especially when 2 arenas are going at the same time.
- Expense - the facility is tremendously expensive to the club
- Requires a lot of volunteer effort to run
- In 2005, the show would again be at the same time as junior championships.
- This is the chapter's biggest show and draws out of town dressage riders as well as locals.
- Many members like the bigger show atmosphere.
- A chance for local dressage members to compete (locally) under different judges and against out of town riders.
- Air conditioned indoor arena.
It was decided that the club would have DITS in 2005 with the following stipulations. 2005 will be the final year for DITS unless entries increase significantly. Next year, we will try to have committees to help out with the various tasks related to the show. Jennifer Smith has already volunteered to be head of a volunteer committee. Joan said that she would take care of judges and ribbons. Wendy also stated she would be willing to help with the show.
Meeting adjourned around 9pm. Next meeting October 11th at 6:30 as Susan's house.
SNC CDS Meeting Minutes October, 2004
Present: Susan Ward, Joan Wright, Mary Anne Christensen, Cindy Hoonhout, Steve and Michele Ting.
Old Business was reviewed and approved with the exception of topics to be carried over into this meeting.
New Business:
Treasures report - Cindy reported the balance was the same and that she was also expecting a $591 refund.
Joan reported that she has received the 2005 insurance certificates. Paperwork is being submitted to make our 2005 shows CDS recognized.
The 2004 Christmas party was discussed further.
Details:- Lou and Mary Anne, along with Cindy H. will help with hosting of the party.
- The party will be potluck appetizers/snacks and dessert.
- The party will go from 6:30 to 9:00pm.
- Steve and Michele will work on getting an e-invitation out.
- Family members are invited.
- A "brown bag" auction will be held during the party. The brown bag will be required for admission. Joan expressed that this could be an actual auction rather than a silent auction.
Joan stated that she and Mary Anne were working on "show-how" which will help guide show managers and helpers with to-dos and preparations related to showing.
There was discussion about the 2005 awards. Susan suggested that the 2005 president and board work on this for the next show year. Joan brought up that there was not much difference between a local series award and end of the year award and everyone agreed with the hopes that we could work on this in the future.
Angela Littlefield "S" has been asked to judge the April 2005 show.
Louise Koch "S" has been asked to judge the July 2005 show.
Carol Plow "S" has been asked to judge Dressage in the Sierra. Bobby Keville will be the TD again.
The September judge is pending.
Susan suggested having a clinic test ride on the second day of the show if the show doesn't fill. It was suggested we try to get an idea how many members would be interested in this idea. It was also suggested that there might be a freestyle "free ride" at Dressage in the Sierra Saturday night. There will be further discussion about this. A freestyle clinic is still being considered and planned.
Michele brought up that she and Steve had received several emails wondering why classifieds where $10. There was much discussion about this. It was decided that the $10/ad helped to offset the web page fees that the club pays on a monthly basis. It was decided that there would no longer be a fee for transitions subscriptions provided the newsletter stay on the web site.
Mary Anne stated that she would buy a coffee pot for the club. She stated she was getting many donations for the tack sale but could always use more. Western tack is great too. She also requested that all clothes be cleaned and covered.
Cindy will get 3 clocks for the coordination of show times between everyone during shows. Susan brought up that Seana and Christiana had been invited to the Lars Petersen symposium in Santa Rosa. Steve and Michele took the information for the newsletter.
The glassware idea for awards was agreeable to everyone. We will try to get a quote by the next meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45pm.
December 2004 Meeting Minutes
The December meeting was held in conjunction with the chapter's Christmas party and brown bag silent auction on December 13th at 6:30pm at Susan Ward's house. There were approximately 15 chapter members in attendance. The following 2004 board members were present: Susan Ward, Cindy Hoonhout, Michele Ting, Lou and Mary Anne Christensen.
There was a hand vote for board members for 2005. The following 2005 board of directors was voted in unanimously and is as follows:
2005 Board of Directors
The 2005 Board was voted in unanimously by show of hands.
Chairperson | Susan Ward |
Director of Treasurer | Cindy Hoonhout |
Director of Shows | Lou Christensen |
Director of Education | Jennifer Smith |
Directors of Communication | Steve and Michele Ting |
Directors of Junior Membership | Lou and Mary Anne Christensen |
Dressage in the Sierra | Wendy Hayes, Jennifer Smith, and Carolyn Graebener |
Cindy gave a brief Treasurers report with the following:
2004 April Show & Clinic | + $ 541.26 |
2004 July 11 Show | + $ 599.58 |
2004 DITS | - $1598.67 |
2004 September Show | + $ 318.36 |
Susan gave a brief overview of our show lineup for 2005.
The meeting was adjourned and the festivities started at 7pm.
2003 MinutesDo you have news of interest to the group? Please send an e-mail to and we will post it on the site.
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